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The dataset generation failed because of a cast error
Error code:   DatasetGenerationCastError
Exception:    DatasetGenerationCastError
Message:      An error occurred while generating the dataset

All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 5 new columns ({'perplexity', 'loss', 'len', 'data_source', 'encoded_text'})

This happened while the json dataset builder was generating data using

hf://datasets/AdalAbilbekov/transfer_solo_validation/adalabilbekov/val_kk_ocr_700.json (at revision e93a6469c36ca3756b66444f8e97baafce06e3d7)

Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2013, in _prepare_split_single
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 585, in write_table
                  pa_table = table_cast(pa_table, self._schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2302, in table_cast
                  return cast_table_to_schema(table, schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2256, in cast_table_to_schema
                  raise CastError(
              datasets.table.CastError: Couldn't cast
              encoded_text: list<item: int64>
                child 0, item: int64
              loss: double
              perplexity: double
              data_source: string
              len: int64
              text: string
              {'text': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}
              because column names don't match
              During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1396, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations = convert_to_parquet(builder)
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1045, in convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1029, in download_and_prepare
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1124, in _download_and_prepare
                  self._prepare_split(split_generator, **prepare_split_kwargs)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1884, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2015, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationCastError.from_cast_error(
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationCastError: An error occurred while generating the dataset
              All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 5 new columns ({'perplexity', 'loss', 'len', 'data_source', 'encoded_text'})
              This happened while the json dataset builder was generating data using
              hf://datasets/AdalAbilbekov/transfer_solo_validation/adalabilbekov/val_kk_ocr_700.json (at revision e93a6469c36ca3756b66444f8e97baafce06e3d7)
              Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at

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COLLECTION OF MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE CONTEXT OF MODERNIZATION OF SOCIAL PROCESSES: DIALOGUE AND LEGAL ASPECTS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ADDRESS OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN DATED SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 ISBN 978-601-337-920-3 Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference «Constitution and legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of modernization of social processes: dialogue and progressive development», dedicated to the constitutional and legal aspects of the implementation of the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 1, 2023 «Economic course of Fair Kazakhstan». – Astana: L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2023. – 363 p. The collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference considered issues related to the current aspects of constitutional and judicial law reform, carried out within the framework of the national idea of building a just Kazakhstan. ISBN 978-601-337-920-3 2 3. Ravi M. A Critical Analysis of The Surrogacy Regulation Bill 2016 // Feminism in India. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF ADMINISTRATIVE JUSTICE IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN AND POLAND. PhD student of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, master of law Astana c., Republic of Kazakhstan L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian national university. Institute of legislation and legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan Abstract. The article discusses the system of administrative justice in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Poland. Thus, the article examines the competence of the prosecutor in the administrative proceedings of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the system of administrative courts in Poland. The main attention is paid to the identification of the main competence of the prosecutor, the system of administrative courts in Poland. This article considers the prosecutor as a subject of administrative proceedings. The main forms of his participation in administrative proceedings are investigated. Key words: administrative justice, courts, justice, administrative proceedings, procedure, administrative body. 204 On July 1-st 2021, a new the Code of Administrative Procedure and Proceedings (thereinafter - CAPP) entered into force. The СAPP aims to regulate the public law relations between an administrative body and a person in respect of whom the public functions of that administrative body are used as prescribed by law. After acquiring independence, post-Soviet states began the process of building democratic nations, whose supreme values were declared to be individuals, their rights, and freedoms. This process included such processes, as relationship building between the state and the individual, conflict resolution among citizens and their unions as related to actions (inactions) and decisions of public authorities. The establishment and development of administrative justice period is beginning, and its essence lies in the system of decision making by administrative agencies, boards, committees and specialized courts. The meaning of administrative justice is accurately given in the following thesis: far more citizens have their rights defined by these agencies than by courts of In the cоurse of study, gеnеral scientific theoretical methods were applied. The method of cognitional understanding of scientific and theoretical materials was the main method for all the work. Some other methods were used in examining and analyzing the basic principles of the administrative procedures. For example, the method of literature analysis was used; the generalization method – was used when highlighting the basic principles; and the logical method – was used when analyzing problematic issues. One of the topical issues of improving legislation is the determination of the status, competence, and activities of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan in administrative proceedings. It should be stated that the control and supervisory forms of activity inherent in the prosecutor's office give the dynamics of the transformations taking place in society. Becoming at the same time one of the factors of democratization, building the rule of law in Kazakhstan [2, p.370-373] In this respect, the main essence of the supervisory activity of the prosecutor's office, as is known, is aimed at suppressing offenses, ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens. It is based on principles such as transparency and legality. In addition to this, according to paragraph 1 of Article 83 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Prosecutor's Office on behalf of the State carries out, within the limits and forms established by law, supreme supervision over the observance of legality on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, represents the interests of the State in court and carries out criminal prosecution on behalf of the State145. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On the Prosecutor №. 155-VII on November 5, 2022, the Prosecutor's office oversees the activities of state, local representative and executive bodies, local self-government bodies, institutions, their officials, other organizations, regardless of the forms of ownership, as well as the acts and solutions146 According to paragraph 2 of article 6 of the Law, the prosecutor represents the interests of the state in court147 According to paragraph 6 of Article 27 of the CAPP, the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of a minor under the age of fourteen, as well as a person recognized as incapacitated, are protected in court by their legal representatives, the prosecutor148. 145. Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan 146. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On the Prosecutor's Office» on November 5, 2022 No. 155-VII ZRK 147.The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On the Prosecutor's Office» on November 5, 2022 No. 155-VII ZRK 148. Administrative Procedural Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 29, 2020 No. 350-VI 205 Due to paragraph 6 of Article 27 of the CAPP, the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of a minor under the age of fourteen, as well as a person recognized as incapacitated, are protected in court by their legal representatives, the prosecutor149. Due to paragraph 2 of Article 31 of the CAPP, the prosecutor enters into the process to give an opinion on administrative cases arising from tax, customs, budgetary relations, relations in the field of protection, restoration and preservation of the environment, use and reproduction of natural resources in the implementation of economic and other activities150 Due to the article 31, paragraph 3, of the CAPP, the prosecutor has the right to apply to the courts for redress and protection of the interests of: 1) persons who, because of physical, mental or other circumstances, are unable to protect them on their own; 2) persons, societies and the State, if necessary to prevent irreversible consequences for the life, health or security of the Republic of Kazakhstan151. According to paragraph 6 of Article 31 of the Administrative Procedural and Procedural Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the prosecutor who filed the claim enjoys all procedural rights. The prosecutor bears all the procedural duties of the plaintiff, except for the right to conclude a reconciliation agreement152 Considering that one party is always a state body and its official, endowed with public authority, who cannot be considered equal with the capabilities of an individual and a legal entity. The role of the court, expressed in its active participation in administrative proceedings, is important for providing them with equal opportunities. In our opinion, the role of the prosecutor is very important. Since he also protects the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of persons who, due to physical, mental and other circumstances, cannot independently exercise. Thus, we are of the opinion that the work on improving administrative legislation should be It is necessary to consider the foreign experience of administrative proceedings. In particular, those countries in which administrative courts operate. In our opinion, one of such States is the Republic of Poland. The system of Polish administrative courts is regulated by the following laws: 1) The Constitution of the Republic of Poland153; 2) The law «Оn the arrangement of common courts» 2001.154; 3) «On the administrative judicial system» 2002.155, 4) «On proceedings in Administrative Courts 2002 and other regulatory acts. According to the article 1 of the Law «On the administrative judicial system» administrative courts administer justice by monitoring the activities of public administration, as well as resolving disputes on competence and jurisdiction between local territorial self-government bodies, local collegial bodies, these bodies and government administration bodies156. The system of Administrative courts in Poland consists of two links: the Supreme Administrative court of the Republic (hereinafter referred to as the Supreme Administrative Court) and the Voivod Administrative Courts157. 149. Administrative Procedural Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 29, 2020 No. 350-VI 150. Administrative Procedural Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 29, 2020 No. 350-VI. 151. Administrative Procedural Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 29, 2020 No. 350-VI 152. Administrative Procedural Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 29, 2020 No. 350-VI. ilsServlet?id=WDU20010981070 206 It should be noted that cases falling within the competence of Administrative Courts are considered by the Voivodsky Administrative Courts at the first instance. A Voivodsky Administrative Court is created for one or several voivodeships on the basis of an order of the President of the Republic on the proposal of the Chairman of the Supreme Administrative Court. The President also establishes their location and scope of competence. He has the right to create nonresident departments (outside the main location) of the court and liquidate them. The Chairman of the Supreme Administrative Court determines the number of judges and vice-chairmen of the court in the Voivodsky Administrative Court. He also establishes the structure of the court. The bodies of the Voivod court are: - chairman of the court; - general meeting of the judges of the Voivodsky Court (hereinafter referred to as the - as well as the collegium of the court [3. pp. 124-152]. The Chairman of the Voivodsky court in the field of management is subordinate to the Chairman of the Supreme Administrative Court. The President of the Republic of Poland, by his decree, determines the detailed procedure for supervising the administrative activities of the voivodeship courts. The Polish Supreme Administrative Court oversees the activities of the Voivodsky Administrative court in the field of justice, in particular, considers appeals against decisions of the Voivodsky Administrative court and adopts resolutions explaining legal issues, as well as considers other cases in the first and second instances that fall within the competence of the Supreme Administrative Court on the basis of other laws158. In general, Polish Administrative courts use two methods when considering cases: 1) forcing public authorities to make administrative decisions; 2) or their cancellation.It should be noted that the main task of administrative courts is to protect a person from unlawful interference and from the inaction of the authority. The Supreme Administrative Court consists of: 3) judges. The bodies of the Supreme Administrative Court are: 2) General Meeting of Judges; On the proposal of the General Meeting of Judges, the President of the Republic of Poland by his order establishes the number of judicial positions of the Supreme Court. The Chairman of the Supreme Administrative Court directs its activities and represents it in external relations. He has the right to inspect the activities of the Supreme Administrative Court, attend closed court sessions, and may demand explanations and elimination of violations. The Chairman of the Supreme Administrative Court publishes a collection of decisions of Administrative Courts. There are three chambers in the Supreme Administrative Court: 2) economic; The activities of each of them are led by a vice-chairman. The financial Chamber oversees the practice of tax cases, as well as cases of compulsory collection of monetary collateral. 158. URL: 159. On the administrative judicial system of Poland 2002//Polish Law on the System of Administrative Courts — Constitutions of States (Countries) of the World ( ) 160. On the administrative judicial system of Poland 2002//Polish Law on the System of Administrative Courts — Constitutions of States (Countries) of the World ( ) 207 The Chamber of commerce oversees judicial practice on issues of economic activity, protection of industrial property, budget, currency, banking regulation, securities turnover, insurance, duties, prices, tariff rates, as well as payments. The General Administrative Chamber oversees cases that are not within the competence of the Financial and economic Chambers. The President of the Republic appoints the Chairman of the Supreme Administrative Court for a 6-year term of office from two candidates submitted by the General Meeting of Judges. General Meeting of Judges of the Supreme Administrative Court: a) considers the Chairman's information on the annual activities of the Supreme Administrative Court; b) submits candidates for judicial positions to the Council of Judges; c) selects candidates for the position of Chairman; d) establishes the quantitative composition of the Board, as well as selects its members161. The Collegium of the Supreme Administrative Court: a) distributes activities in the Supreme Administrative Court; b) submits to the General Meeting of Judges an opinion on candidates for judicial positions; c) expresses an opinion on other issues submitted by the Chairman. A person may be appointed to the posts of a judge of the Voivodsky Administrative court: 1) having Polish citizenship and enjoying all civil and political rights; 2) having an impeccable reputation; 3) graduated from a higher educational legal institution in Poland and received a master's degree or a foreign education recognized in Poland; 4) capable of exercising the duties of a judge, taking into account the state of health; 5) over 35 years old; 6) having a high level of knowledge in the field of public administration, as well as in the field of administrative law and other areas of law related to the action of public administration 7) or who has at least 8 years of experience in the position of a judge or prosecutor, or who has been practicing law for at least 8 years, held the position of legal adviser or notary, or for 10 years held positions in state institutions related to the application or administrative law-making, or worked as a judicial assistant in voivodeship administrative court for at least two years. The requirements referred to in paragraph 7 do not apply to persons in the position of professor or with a scientific degree of Doctor of Law162. Also, a separate judicial authority was restored, referred to as the Chief Administrative Court, operating as a court of appeal with general material jurisdiction covering administrative decisions and cases of the inaction of administrative authorities despite their duty to issue such decisions. The scope of cognition of the Chief Administrative Court was gradually extending, and in 2004 a two-level model of the administrative judicial system was established, operating on an appeal basis. This model sparks off many controversies as to its practical application. The lengthiness of its proceedings is another problem of the Polish administrative judicial system [4]. To be appointed as a judge of the Supreme Administrative Court, it is necessary to have an age of 40 years, work experience of at least 10 years as a judge or prosecutor, to practice law for 10 years, to be a legal adviser or notary. The requirement to reach the age of 40 does not apply to a judge who has held the position of a judge of the Voivodeship Administrative Court for at least three years. The Chairman of the Supreme Administrative Court may temporarily delegate a judge of the Voivodeship Court with his consent to perform the duties of a judge in the Supreme Administrative Court. On the proposal of 161. On the administrative judicial system of Poland 2002//Polish Law on the System of Administrative Courts — Constitutions of States (Countries) of the World ( ) 162. On the administrative judicial system of Poland 2002//Polish Law on the System of Administrative Courts — Constitutions of States (Countries) of the World ( ) 208 the Chairman of the Supreme Administrative Court, the Minister of Justice has the right to temporarily delegate a judge of general jurisdiction from the Appellate District Court of General Jurisdiction to perform the duties of a judge in the Administrative Court. It should be noted that the Chairman of the Supreme Administrative Court, the Chairman of the Voivodsky Administrative court, as well as other persons leading and supervising administrative activities, have the right to inspect the activities of the relevant Voivodsky Administrative court, attend a court session held in closed mode, may require explanations, as well as the elimination of violations committed. The President of the Republic of Poland, by his order, determines the positions and qualifications of judicial officials, as well as the detailed grounds for presenting remuneration and a summary table of the basic salary, the amount of additional payments for the position held. Thus, Poland has a developed system of administrative proceedings. Some aspects of its functioning may also be of interest to the Republic of Kazakhstan. Literature 1. Sossin, Lorne, Future of Administrative Justice (2008). Canadian Journal of Administrative Law & Practice, Vol. 21, pp. 192-222, 2008. 3. Jarosław Turłukowski On the administrative judicial system of Poland. BRICS Law Journal 3(2).2016. pp.124-152 4. Bogusław Banaszak, Krzysztof Wygoda Functioning of the administrative judiciary in Poland facing the problems of the contemporary society – selected problems // Studia Iuridica THE APPLICATION OF THE GENERAL CRIMINAL LAW STANDARDS TO THE THE ELI STANDARDS FOR JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE Prof. Dr. hab. Dr. h.c. (Ternopil) Abstract: This article reviews the possibility of applying the rules of criminal proceedings to judiciary disciplinary proceedings. Especially the question of need of nullum crimen sine lege and non-retroactivity principles in the disciplinary procedures is being answered. According this principles applicability, the distinction between the minor and fundamental offenses is outlined. The problem is envisaged in the context of constitutional and judicial crisis taking place in the European countries. As the point of reference serve the draft European Law Institute (ELI) Standards for Keywords: judicial independece, disciplinary proceedings, criminal law standards, European Law Institute, Mount Scopus International Standards of Judicial Independence 1. The proposal on the ELI Standards for the Judicial Independence and its concept of the disciplinary procedure In the recent time a problem of the judicial independence and preserving its culture has emerged to the central political challenge. The independent position of judiciary, being a 209
I і I I I I ISBN 978-601-353-072-7 ISBN 978-601-353-072-7 4 6 R -----SQ3H II О 7 1. 8 (1), V 2. " 9 р V . . = V- ■ -------------- 2/3 .1/3 2/3 '/' 12 \ vJ), 13 14 15 1. —N=0 0 ; 1. М М М’ 16 I . -tV U l ------- 17 1 7 j CH. CCi. < 1IJ і j : U 18 М --------- *- М N5' ------- -- if , - R* ' I: !! ' і I ■ I CNi CN CN _ _ * 'I I О I 20 і ^ A (U i I 1 - * s . Г 4 < <* M 4? 9* 7S tot <52 64 122. U 7i 542 \22 t S lA f i 15* 02 H i 1 11 lit 2? i I , ^ : 1 ^ О— 1 — * 11,1. <( — N— '4 14 O i — f ------- Cf O r c‘ . . __„ K } < )i> J- 1 \ svm .i 1 ) (, Q - . J --------------J > — Q w L . ' :<4 I j j V f ....... .................................. 21 }JJ g ’ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ш А= % (9), с0 34 m (9)) 35 36 (6), 37 38 39 2Г * 2‘ 3 40 41 ( 1), 42 / 43 44 45 46 47 -1 I 48 -1 49 1,2 I. 50 - 1 51 -1 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 7 . 60 1) 1 61 2 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 (100%) 1:0,04 72 73 I. II. 75 76 77 78 . 79 80 81 82 83 3) S4 1 2 D m c \ 30 (Ж — so ,h Wofatit KS k < .......... Duoiiic C-IO 85 O f? 0 *1 1 r і 5 0 — ! R K V J 2 | 1 2 0 - 2 C p r* K Z S 1 0 0 - <>3 — - r 1 V n ( -’ — l — < 11,— ' U — - 2 " ' f j < 1 1 ---------- I I I . - ------ r ( (I-— t H — ■ u 1 14111)11. 1 I I - 2 ! ! ! — 1 i J 1 Ambcrfitc iRC - SO Pcm iutit H - 70 ‘ I D ow cx А ! W ofatit CM 50 / I CH.- I ! Г I >OV.v' \ ! -CH — CH.— C lt— CH. 1>sl ion AT J : L v\v.i;:t M >00 ‘ I Dowex 2 i I VVoSatUM 60(1 I bit II.1 I < ll - l It fU l Icmac A - 580 OliI I -noil L. V : ' I fn. ! c,rai I I V I ‘'V * I —cn—<H:— i . ! ! і in . I ' 1 ‘ < 1і<h i <Hun 1 1 til. tn . 1 ' \ " — N— ! I I 1 i j W ofatit M — -CH-r— \ H — / О Ml 1 NM 1 *>h 1 ' Viu 1 * Oil V —Si'— : — V A)!l!OIII!i - l- — Ml — , ! 1! ' 1 МО 1 — I ‘ 1 In R I’O . H , lift 89 i | . <M 13. Joseph l.Goldstein, Harvey Yakowitz. Practical Scanning Electron Microscopy: Electron and Ion Microprobe Analysis. - PlenumPress, 1975. NewYork. - 5 7 3 p. 90 3 6 8 8 9 10 10 12 12 13 14 14 15 16 22 90 91
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 А А 4. О М А 5. А А 6. А П А 7. А О П 8. А А М 9. А 1. М 2. т , т с р т с 26 і ш т р у с с Ж 27 р т Is the character who wanted to hunt down Mowgli present here? 28 р т с 29 р і т с 2 1 a ə 30 4 3 5 т ғ ш р 31 , с ? р с 32
PROCEEDINGS of the XVIII International Scientific Conference for students and young scholars 2023 G99 Scientific Conference for students and young scholars «ǴYLYM JÁNE ISBN 978-601-337-871-8 The proceedings are the papers of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young researchers on topical issues of natural and technical sciences and humanities. ISBN 978-601-337-871-8 6. 4360 4361 4362 24.03.2023) 2006. №3(7) 10. 4363
Lexico thematic minimum of the knowledge А2 Pre-Intermediate level. The general level ISBN ISBN ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 5 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 7 INTODUCTION In the system of language means lexis is the main component of learning and teaching content; it is an initial and necessary constructional material of speech activity: listening and speaking, reading and writing. The assessment of language knowledge is as necessary as to conduct teaching in order to achieve the positive results. The mechanism of the Kazakh language knowledge assessment in the Republic of Kazakhstan is represented by the KAZTEST system. The system KAZTEST supposes the assessment of a test-taker’s communicative competences, which is based on the wide known, tested and approved language assessment systems in the world practice. KAZTEST is a rather multifaceted assessment system of the Kazakh language knowledge of the native citizens as well as the foreigners engaged in various activities in Kazakhstan. The methodological basis of the domestic system is grounded on the state standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which define the requirements to communicative competences of the Kazakh language knowledge*. The correct choice of lexical minimum for the initial stages of learning a language leads to results. Successful selection of the minimum is based on classification. It is known that any science begins with classification. We offer a three-stage classification of Kazakh words for Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate and Advanced levels of Kazakh language teaching. This approach is applied for all world languages.The theoretical, methodological basis of systematic vocabulary acquisition that was studied by well-known scholars of foreign languages such as V.V Morkovkin, W. Mackey, N.P Andreyshina were taken into consideration. The lexical minimum is compliant with the principles of the world and European standards of studying foreign languages, as well as the social peculiarities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Using a semantic macro structure of words, we create only two options: group name and block name. The words in a block are collected according to a common concept. While classifying the thematic units in the dictionary, both the internal linguistic links and the non-linguistic factors such as the communicative - functional aspects of the language, the subject area, and the medium of communication have been taken into account.The thematic, lexical and semantic relationships of words are important in the design of dictionaries. While a functional – semantic aspect of language teaching was carried out, the focus was shifted from the meaning to the individual learner, linguistic and didactic principles were taken into account in the selection of linguistic units, the semantic sequence of linguistic units and the words that make up the dictionary. The gradual system of construction of a lexical minimum was taken as a reference point. In particular, the selection of lexical units was systematized by the following criteria: 1) stylistic properties of the word; 2) combinations of the word; 3) semantic value of the word; 4) word formation value of the word; 5) frequency (“thematic” frequency) of the word; 6) thematic attitude / situational thematic viewpoint; _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Communi cative competence of the Kazakh language knowledge. Elementary level. The general knowledge). (Communicative competence of the Kazakh language knowledge. Pre-intermediate level level. The general knowledge). (Communicative competence of the Kazakh language knowledge. Intermediate level. The general knowledge). (Communicative competence of the Kazakh language knowledge. Upper-intermediate level The general knowledge). (Communicative competence of the Kazakh language knowledge. Advanced level. The general knowledge). 8 7) the word’s possibility of semantic contact with other words; 8) multi-dimensional (multiple) meanings 9) structural ability of words 10) practical need. Thematic group classification was developed according to the generally accepted traditions of describing ideographical vocabulary. Topic titles are of the diverse range, therefore the thematic continuity is maintained at all levels of the Kazakh language acquisition. Thus, as the level gets higher, the previous levels are elevated by the gradual system, which shows that the vocabulary and grammar presentation in teaching the language is also taken into account in the minimum. The minimum also includes words related to the topics that are covered in the textbooks prepared by KAZTEST. The lexical minimum was considered in the context of the mutual integrative interaction of the two systems – testing system and system of teaching Kazakh as a second or foreign language. The lexical minimum for learning Kazakh language as second or foreign language at elementary level is a part of gradual series of lexical minimums, which is also one of the key components of the KAZTEST system. The complexity of the lexical minimum is identified with its inclusive features of thematic, phraseological, spelling, grammatical, accentological, translatable, terminological dictionaries. The lexical minimums include information, reference, guiding, and teaching functions. The lexical minimums of all levels are designed for learners of Kazakh as a second or foreign language; for preparation to the KAZTEST examination; for university lecturers, schoolteachers, authors of textbooks, researchers, scientists and students as well as for wide range of readers. Authors 9 LEXICAL MINIMUM ON KAZAKH, RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES, GROUPED BY TOPICS AND CONTENTS FAMILY Hello! 10 Hello! greeting You are welcome! Good morning! Good evening! Good night! How are you? very good good bad thank you news there is no yes and Lets introduce (ourselves) I you we you he, she who? what? where? how? which one? whose? name surname surname, first name russian german happiness meeting, to meet before allow me 11 excuse me tell me please 12 excuse me Miss, mrs. girl dear (caressing the boy girl colleagues heartily request goodbye Bye! See you! Good luck! Have a good trip! be in touch ring family ancestors grandfather / grandad grandmother /grandma father mother parents elder brother brothers little brother little sister little sister boy son daughter man husband wife friend friend roost relative relatives native family sisters siblings father - in - law motherinlaw Brother-in -law sister –in-law brother’s wives daughter-in-law (young sister’s wife) husband) 13 14 younger relatives of the wife phraseology: the youngest son who keeps the hearth of his father at home son-in-law (elder sister’s husband) daughter-in-law (elder brother’s the wife) nephew (sister’s child) maternal relative grandson cousin (brother’s children) Parents’ house, father’s house phraseology: the eldest son who created his family hearth older teenagers age old man old lady veteran neighbour married married small happy interesting love mood laughter to be happy be surprised live give birth character clever grasping active smart naive rude good merry humble calm sad trustful polite attentive chatterbox 15 educated 16 equitable touchy witty eloquent humane kind cruel greedy solid strict sneaking decisive numeral one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven fourteen twelve thirteen fifteen sixteen seventeen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety thousand the first one two three four five six seven number half нow many/much small/little 17 many/ a lot of which one in order? little some/few the size volume level proportion BUILDING capital microdistrict 18 city area bank outer side edge center avenue street payment for travel crossroad traffic jam yard transport traffic lighter stop monument building park society akimat hospital polyclinic ambulance dining-hall restaurant workshop bathhouse hotel post office score trading house shopping and entertainment center plant production 19 newsstand hairdressing saloon around ahead of behind near right side left side slow close far straight move come out go through stop live go fast HOBBIES 20 sing go to the mall to watch movie to walk to read listen to music go to the museum walk take a foto go to the mountains song-poetic contest of akyn-improvisator, who participates in aitys 21 be called 22 winner best difference competition start off developed start off vote level special feature next at the present valuable made quick only similar score sample example to buy ticket to reach find leave to miss the train to fly to catch the train beach route, direction communication social network internet search video material download black out copy save change squeeze send out print out TIME season autumn spring summer winter season months 23 January April 24 February March May June July August September October November December Week days Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday second Sunday time minute hour day year century smooth half past twelve half-year millennium periods of the time in the morning at lunch in the evening at night today tomorrow day after tomorrow day before yesterday last year this year at first, at the beginning at the end before 25 after closer to five together such as about ten before long ago in future day to day soon early late usually sometimes сonstantly, regularly often seldom everyday now now later IMPRESSION NAMES holidays birthday 26 the feast in honor of the newborn housewarming phraseology: let the top of your house be high and light religious festival of Muslims wedding New year Victory Day Independence Day day of state symbols visitor/guest hospitable surprise respect organize hold 27 wish call 28 celebrate censure by name phraseology: the name of a person as a manifestation of his to name in honor of (someone) hope meet one’s hopes hero, brave lately increase wise strong value luck remember customs and traditions let him live a hundred years let the wishes come true reap the rewards unlimited A PERSON’S APPEARANCE parts of the body eye head face eyebrow eyelashes thick bang ear mouth lip chin throat tooth tongue nose neck 29 chest 30 shoulder arm belly/ stomack back small of the back leg bone muscles a person’s appearance appearance low growth lean full chubby the weight dark light curly cute face twin eyes like currants (black) arched eyebrows straight nose mole mustache beard beautiful HOUSE. APARTMENT house a private house floor multi-storey apartment to rent lease wall floor window corner key room 31 bathroom 32 wash living room go to bed bedroom sleep wide warm comfortable narrow pillow take cover eat wash paint dry dress dress assist see, watch laugh wash things boil boil put fry wake wipe clean do drink break down to throw out the trash bucket box bag нousehold aplliances subject washing machine lamp furniture table bed cradle carpet 33 mirror air conditioning picture/painting a shelf glass wallpaper MY MOTHERLAND state feat 34 motherland warrior country embassy government symbol banner coat of arms anthem language elections people congress vote fund wealth border defend law steal article judge nature tree leaves root grass moon island sky cloud flowers scent seeds the еarth 35 36 star lake ocean river water mountain sea north south west east space planet weather cloudy hailstones rain wind steppe warm snow cool ice hot coast beach coast top plain bog hill pit depth valley cave canyon clay limestone stone chalk sand jewel diamond pearl coral water flows sourse well flow natural elements storm earthquake flood fire pollution 37 PLANTS wheat corn 38 rice peas buckwheat rose flower chamomile bell bouquet of flowers oak birch spruce pine apple tree poplar branch animals wild hare fox monkey bear boar elephant saigas giraffe leopard dwell freedom eat smell birds golden eagle sparrow dove magpie 39 sparrow wings 40 crow nest insects bee fly wasp butterfly ant spider mosquito pike reptiles frog turtle mouse snail worm snake tail crocodile domestic animals livestock horse camel cow sheep cat goat dog chicken cock goose duck foal camel calf lamb SPHERE OF RENDERING SERVICES center of service of the population center of maintenance shoe repair shop workshop on repair of hours copy center gas station in shop food breakfast 41 menu 42 supper appetite dish bread flat cake dough pie butter sour cream cheese porridge meat fish plov rice broth soup onion garlic carrot cucumber tomoto melon berry an apple pear cherry peach grapes ripe sour solid 43 soft honey 44 tasty sugar ice cream drink tea juice national dishes kefir koumiss (national drink permented from mare’s shubat (national drink from female camel’s milk) pepper salt useful harmful cheap expensive fried boiled steamed dishes tablecloth napkin spoon tea spoon fork sieve serving spoon rolling pin cup dish, plate drinking bowl sale percent trade money price to pay debt hospital health to catch cold cold temperature has increased cough the sleep was interrupted wound to call a doctor to cure 45 to breathe 46 heart liver stomach stomach sergery operating room to see doctors colic to recover to swallow in sport center competition training winning to run struggle to play to jump to sink ball fan boat national team to shout a toy education education circle knowledge learn, to read to learn рupil follower subjects drawing history 47 physical training lesson 48 form couple silence timetable theme task to solve a problem text to put to increase height width length triangle quadrangle circle square line point comma part letter sound word sentence text-book blackboard book history literature page dictionary glue offset examination close write do 49 answer consider 50 take pride in think speak ask respect to choose study to offer announcement dream purpose ability at an exhibition talented kinds of art popular piece of art work painting master color needlework sculpture at cinema hero main role in theatre figure content feeling award scene curtain story literature fairy tale king 51 events writer 52 edition page reader kritic dreamer thinker founder in the concert hall program composer folk instrument) kuy folk instrument) group composition melody in shopping center clothes national clothes ornament women’s waistcoat sew tradional boots sewed from leather needle thread shoes yeadgear/headdress shoelaces high boots summer shirt blouse cotton textiles skin dress dress jacket hat pocket gloves winter headscarf fashion small bag purse 53 fur coat underclothes 54 trousers socks button sleeve scarf handkerchief jewerly ring earrings necklace a bracelet jewelry white snow-white very black green light-blue blue black brown red yellow grey quality golden silver easy fat high low thin round clean natural at the railway station to see off to meet reference schedule of the directions identification conductor fast to release lower upper at the airport passport check-in plane тake off steward 55 AUTOBIOGRAPHY work 56 time lunch break rest work work leave department meeting apply meeting oral description calendar report short application organization agency private information order leader madam report need have to, must maybe in my opinion in my opinion first of all also however but only therefore or Speak/say take open give 57 know saying in brief 58 cook develop generally speaking аs my father said аs our ancestors said сomparing with сomparing with the past along with the in conclusion рrofession businessman specialist specialty scientist doctor architect artist accountant cook letter secretary translate teacher translator to study teacher shop assistant workman driver autobiography summary polyglot analyst expert intellectually developed competence world view world, universe brain memory mind horizon inference mind cognition self-evaluation 59 existence doubt 60 result reason comparison memories impression views forecast guessing concept project routine, order, ceremonial argument faith version objection fiction false joke interest true concept priority direction the basis justification way the analysis to analyze confidence to carry out expertize laboratory true assessment of authority difficulty DOCUMENTATION to get to work the higher education 61 marital status experience 62 to work additional during letter of thanks signature military affiliation free-form personal leaf work pocketbook qualification research work duty regulations to be accepted to be dismissed another labor holiday date of issue contract period of execution document flow award at own will business trip extraordinary holiday to solve a problem care of the child reason board deputy authorized body remark trial period labor discipline employment contract to issue the order to provide to cancel to remain to hold copy plan responsible list to take the credit to certify the document 63 positive 64 to make out/ draw up again, anew exact Besides/apart from independently main uniform fine legal entity Individual/person secret special circulation of money profit expenses extrabudgetary expenditures PROVERBS Human being and human nature An Englishman’s home is his castle. In life, a man is a guest. A good face is a letter of recommendation. What a bad friend is better than a worthy enemy. A bargain is a bargain. The belly has no ears: hungry bellies have no ears. Coward dies many times. Many countries so many customs. A fool and his money are soon parted. The wish is father to the thought. work, labour, profession. Life is the biggest school. 65 66 Strive to learn the language of the seven peoples and seven Everything must have a beginning In doing we learn. Too many cooks spoil the broth. the hammer It’s no use crying over spoilt milk. Life. Death. Fate. Better late than never. Bad news travels fast. Ill news flies fast. Christmas comes but once a year. Forewarned, forearmed. New lords, new laws. while another may not look over a hedge. Poverty is no crime. What’s gone is gone. Difficulties. Hope. Advice. Cut the coat according to the cloth. A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day. Jeerers must be content to taste of their own broth. It is not every couple that is a pair. Marry in haste and repent at leisure. Health, happiness, Good health is above wealth; health is better than wealth. Everything passes. Every cloud has a silver lining. Patience is a plaster for all Early bird catches the worm. Language and speech. Speech is silver but silence is gold; no wisdom like silence. Keep your mouth shut and your ears open. 67 Time cures all things; time is the best healer. 68 There is no fire without motherland At home the air is The people are wise. The wealth of the jigit is labor. Where the land is rich, there people are rich. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 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2. Leksell Gamma Knife: Indications Treated 1991-2010. 3. International Atomic Energy Agency. Radiation Biology: A Handbook for Teachers and Junichi Ono, Yasuo Iwadate, and Naokatsu Saeki, Gamma Knife surgery for metastatic brain tumors. osurg (Suppl) 109:000–000, 2008 280 [1] [2] 281 Оs Mns Mn 4,02 1,07 2,41 -0,54 0,59 -2,36 Os -1,13 1,85 -0,62 -0,71 1,65 -0,48 -1,16 ---0,32 Mn O 2,20 S 3,61 S --T O(1) О(2) Mns M O2 1,13 1,36 -0,13 1,78 3,12 D 0,89 1,42 1,85 -0,30 -0,30 1,77 3,05 S 1,90 1. J. Fleig, K.D. Kreuer, and J. Maier, In: Handbook of Advanced Ceramics, Elsevier, 2003, p.57. 2. R. Merkle and J. Maier, Topics in Catalysis, 2006, p.38,141. 282 3. J. Fleig, R. Merkle, and J. Maier, Phys Chem Chem Phys №9, 2007, p.271. 4. Y. Choi, D.S. Mebane, M.C. Lin, and M. Liu, Chem. Mater., 19, 1690 (2007) ; Y. Choi, M.C. [email protected] 283
BULLETIN of the L.N. Gumilyov PHILOLOGY Series №1 (122) / 2018 Founded in 1995 Published 4 times a year 1 E-mail: [email protected] 2 E-mail: [email protected] 3 Doctor of philology, Рrof. (Kazakhstan) Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zharkynbekova Sholpan Doctor of philology, Рrof. (Kazakhstan) Asker ogly Ramiz Khisamitdinova Firdaus Nurgali Kadisha Rakhmanov Nasimhon Rivers William Patrick Editorial board Doctor of philology, Рrof. (Azerbaidzhan) Doctor of philology, Рrof. (Kyrgyzstan) Doctor of philology, Рrof (Russia) Doctor of philology, Рrof (Romania) Doctor of philology, Рrof. (Russia) PhD, assos. Prof (Turkey) Doctor of philology, Prof. (Кazakhstan PhD, Prof. (Poland) Doctor of philology, Prof (Кazakhstan) Doctor of philology, Prof. (RF, Bashkortostan) Doctor of philology, Prof. (Кazakhstan) Doctor of philology, Prof. (Кazakhstan) Doctor of philology, Prof. (RF, Tatarstan) Doctor of philology, Prof. (Germany) Doctor of philology, Prof. (Uzbekistan) PhD, Prof. (USA) Doctor of philology, Prof (Kazakhstan) Doctor of philology, Prof. (Russia) Doctor of philology, Prof (Kazakhstan) Can. of philology, assos. Prof. (Kazakhstan) Doctor of philology, Prof. (Kazakhstan) Doctor of philology, Prof. (Кazakhstan) PhD, Prof. (China) Doctor of philology, Prof. (Кazakhstan) Editorial address: 2, Satpayev str., of.408, Astana, Kazakhstan, 010008 E-mail: [email protected] Bulletin of the L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University PHILOLOGY Series Owner: Republican State Enterprise in the capacity of economic conduct «L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University» Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Registered by Ministry of information and communication of Republic of Kazakhstan. Registration certificate No 16996-Ж from 27.03.2018 Periodicity: 4 times a year Circulation: 40 copies Address of printing house: 12/1 Kazhimukan str., Astana, Kazakhstan 010008; tel.: (7172) 709-500 (ext.31413) 4 8 50 5 132 138 143 147 151 162 8 14 20 32 37 46 50 58 6 81 88 95 105 112 119 125 132 138 143 147 151 162 Contents Abdyhanova B.A., Nergiz Biraj Іnterrelation of precedent texts and intertexuality ................................................................................................................................. 8 Aimoldina A.A. Interconnection of Social and Cognitive Aspects in Business Discourse Studying .................................................................................................................... 14 Alefirenko N.F., Nurtazina M.B. Modern trends in the science of language: vectors of scientific research ....................................................................................................... 20 Gauriyeva G.M., Kadyrova Ye.B. Use of brainstorming for the formation of lexical competence in English class ...................................................................................................... 32 Japanova M.E. Artistic features of the memory of the smell in the novel «Blood and Zhumsakbayev A.T. Genre’s phenomenon of John Tolkien’s trilogy «The Lord of the Zhumataev E. Analysis of the translation into the Kazakh language interjections in the piece .............................................................................................................................................. 50 Zilinka M.N. The peculiarities of phraseological units translation in book’s of Chingiz Aitmatov ....................................................................................................................... 58 Kadyskyzy A., Khassenova R. T., Kulakhmetova Zh.T. Oralmans in Kazakhstan and their Socio-Cultural Adaptation ............................................................................................... 64 Kasymova A.A. Linguistic and Cultural Analysis of Linguistic Units Associated with Ethics of Farewell to Kazakh and Turkish Languages ........................................................... 71 Latanova R.U., Zarkesheva A.E., Khamitova A.G. The ways of planning action research in teaching english for students in higher schools of Kazakhstan ........................ 76 monosyllabic verbs in the vocalism system of the languages of the Kipchak group .......... 81 Matbek N.K., Sadykova R.K. Formation of Nogai literary language ................................. 88 in professional Linguistic for education ................................................................................... 105 Orazbayeva E.S. Analysis and translation of cancer terms .................................................. 112 and foreign languages ................................................................................................................ 119 Sadykova A.T., Kabdyrasheva B.N. The image of historical personalities in the creative work of I.Esenberlin ..................................................................................................................... 125 Seiitova Sh. B. Informational motives of some etnonyms ................................................... 132 Saduakasuly Zh., Makhambetova A. The study of exclamatory sentences of the kazakh language ........................................................................................................................................ 138 Simbaeva S.O. Kaiypbayeba M. M. Phonetic interpretation of the language without translation ................................................................................................................................... 143 Sharipova G.A. Islamic Universum of Culture ...................................................................... 147 Sharip A.Zh. Hussain Jawid and Kazakh poetry of early 20th century: spiritual quest and artistic features ..................................................................................................................... 151 Shokabayeva S. Connection of word-formation with phones .............................................. 162 7 5 Gharsa M. Argeg. The Problems of Translating Medical Terms from English into Arabic. -Durham 2001. P. 159). [in Russian] 7 Francisco Contreras, Daniel E. Kennedy. 20 Natural, Spiritual, & Medical Remedies that can 8 Komissarov V.N. Teoriya perevoda [Тheory of translation] (CHeRo, Moskva , 1999. P. 89). 9 Komissarov V.N. Teoriya perevoda (lingvisticheskie aspekty). [Theory of translation (linguistic aspect)] (Vyssh. shk., Moskva, 1990. P. 211). [in Russian] Orazbayeva E.S. - JSC KazGUU University, 2-nd year master student. 119 120 Yahya, 121 ve 1 2 123 10 11 L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan languages Abstract. The article is devoted to the history of the emergence of the Kazakh word «kempirqosaq», that is, the rainbow. The author considers, collates, compares the meanings of the word in German, English, French and Turkic languages. References 1 2 v slovoobrazovatel’noj sisteme bashkirskogo yazyka [Truncation of the producing base as a regular 124 morphological phenomenon in the word-formation system of the Bashkir language] // (Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Philology 2014, № 2 (28). S. 515). [in Russian] 6 of the Kazakh language / (T. Zhanuzakov, who headed the general edition)] (Dajk-Press, Almaty, 2008. S. 10 11 15 Әbіshev H. Aspan syry. [The secret of heaven] (Kazakhstan, Almaty, 1966. S. 258). [in Kazakh] Otelbay G.T. - Candidate of Philology, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, associate professor of the practical Kazakh language department of philology. 125 171 TSES KZ KA 172 173 BTB 0000003104 TSES KZ KA 174 Provision on articles submitted to the journal “Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. PHilogy Series” 1. Publication of carefully selected original scientific works in the fields of literary studies, linguistics, reflecting the actual problems of philology, teaching language methods and literature, the most significant materials of scientific conferences, bibliographic summaries and reviews. 2. An author who wishes to publish an article in a journal must submit the article in hard copy (printed version) in one copy, signed by the author to the scientific publication office (at the address: 010008, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Satpayev St., 2. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Main Building, room 408) and by e-mail [email protected] in Word format. At the same time, the correspondence between Word-version and the hard copy must be strictly maintained. Language of publications: Kazakh, Russian, English. 3. Submission of articles to the scientific publication office means the authors’ consent to the right of the Publisher, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, to publish articles in the journal and the re-publication of it in any foreign language. Submitting the text of the work for publication in the journal, the author guarantees the correctness of all information about himself, the lack of plagiarism and other forms of improper borrowing in the article, the proper formulation of all borrowings of text, tables, diagrams, illustrations. 4. The volume of the article should not exceed 18 pages (from 6 pages). 5. Structure of the article (page – A4 format, portrait orientation, page margins on all sides - 20 mm. Font: type - Times New Roman, font size - 14) Initials and Surname of the author (s) - center alignment, italics Full name of the organization, city, country (if the authors work in different organizations, you need to put the same icon next to the name of the author and the corresponding organization) - center alignment, italics Author’s e-mail (s)- in brackets, italics Article title - center alignment,bold Abstract (100-200 words, it should not contain a formula, the article title should not repeat in the content, it should not contain bibliographic references, it should reflect the summary of the article, preserving the structure of the article - introduction, problem statement, goals, history, research methods, results /discussion, conclusion). Key words (6-8 words/word combination. Keywords should reflect the main content of the article, use terms from the article, as well as terms that define the subject area and include other important concepts that make it easier and more convenient to find the article using the information retrieval system). The main text of the article should contain an introduction, problem statement, goals, history, research methods, results / discussion, conclusion - line spacing - 1, indent of the «red line» -1.25 cm, alignment in width. Tables, figures should be placed after the mention. Each illustration should be followed by an inscription. Figures should be clear, clean, not scanned. In the article, only those formulas are numbered, to which the text has references. All abbreviations, with the exception of those known to be generally known, must be deciphered when first used in the text. Information on the financial support of the article is indicated on the first page in the form of a footnote. 175 References In the text references are indicated in square brackets. References should be numbered strictly in the order of the mention in the text. The first reference in the text to the literature should have the number [1], the second - [2], etc. The reference to the book in the main text of the article should be accompanied by an indication of the pages used (for example, [1, 45 p.]). References to unpublished works are not allowed. Unreasonable references to unreviewed publications (examples of the description of the list of literature, descriptions of the list of literature in English, see below in the sample of article design). At the end of the article, after the list of references, it is necessary to indicate bibliographic data in Russian and English (if the article is in Kazakh), in Kazakh and English (if the article is in Russian) and in Russian and Kazakh languages (if the article is English language). Information about authors: surname, name, patronymic, scientific degree, position, place of work, full work address, telephone, e-mail - in Kazakh, Russian and English. 6. The article must be carefully verified. Articles that do not meet technical requirements will be returned for revision. Returning for revision does not mean that the article has been accepted for publication. 7. Work with electronic proofreading. Articles received by the Department of Scientific Publications (editorial office) are sent to anonymous review. All reviews of the article are sent to the author. The authors must send the proof of the article within three days. Articles that receive a negative review for a second review are not accepted. Corrected versions of articles and the author’s response to the reviewer are sent to the editorial office. Articles that have positive reviews are submitted to the editorial boards of the journal for discussion and approval for publication. Periodicity of the journal: 4 times a year. 8. Payment. Authors who have received a positive conclusion for publication should make payment on the following requisites (for ENU employees - 4,500 tenge, for outside organizations - 5,500 tenge): Requisites: BTB 0000003104 TSES KZ KA 176 1,2 3 \ 3 1 1,2 177 GRNTI 27. 25. 19 A.Zh. Zhubanysheva1, N. Temirgaliyev2, A.B. Utesov3 1,2 Institute of theoretical mathematics and scientific computations of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan 3 Numerical differentiation of functions in the context of Computational (numerical) diameter Abstract. The Сomputational (numerical) diameter is used to completely solve the problem of approximate differentiation of a function given inexact information in the form of an arbitrary finite set of trigonometric Fourier-Lebesgue coefficients ... [100-200 words] Key words: approximate differentiation, recovery from inexact information, limiting References chislennom analize [Computational (numerical) diameter as a synthesis of the known and the new [Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University], 4(101), 16–33 (2014). [in Russian] 2 Lokucievskij O.M., Gavrikov M.B. Nachala chislennogo analiza [Elements of numerical analysis] (Yanus, Moscow, 1995). the norms of the derivatives of functions with zero values of a given set of linear functionals and their application to the width problems]. Tezisy dokladov Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii, Approximation Theory dedicated to the 110th anniversary of S. M. Nikol’skii]. Moscow, 2015, pp. 141-142. 178 Zhubanysheva A.Zh. – Senoir researcher of the Institute of theoretical mathematics and scientific computations, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Satpayev str., Astana, Kazakhstan. Temirgaliyev N. – Head of the Institute of theoretical mathematics and scientific computations, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Satpayev str., Astana, Kazakhstan. Tel.: +7 (7172)709500 (33-325). E-mail: [email protected]. Utesov A.B. - candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics, K.Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University, A.Moldagulova 179 180
11. Korunic, Z. Diatomaceous earths, a group of natural insecticides.J. Stored Prod.Res.1998, 34, 87–97. 12. Osweiler, G.D.; Carson, T.L. Evaluation of DTMas an Adjunct to Sheep Parasite Control in Organic Farming; Leopold Center Completed Grant Reports; Iowa State University: Ames, IA, USA, 1997 13. Bernard, G.; Worku, M.; Ahmedna, M. The Effects of DTMon Parasite Infected Goats. Bull. Completed Grant Reports; Energy and Sustainable Agriculture Program—Minnesota Department of Agriculture: Saint Paul, MN, USA, 1993 15. Baltran, M.A.; Martins, R. Original article DTMinhibited the. Philipp. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 2015,41, 135–140. 16. Fernandez, M.I.; Woodward, B.W.; Stromberg, B.E. Effect of DTMas an anthelmintic treatment on internal parasites and feedlot performance of beef steers. Anim. Sci. 1998, 66, 635– 641. Maniyellappa, H.K.; Sridhar, N. Effect of DTMon Performance, Internal Organs and Biochemical Alterations in T-2 Toxicosis of Broiler Chickens. J. Cell Tissue Res. 2015, 15, 4983–4988. Efficacy of diatomacious earth in amelioration of aflatoxin induced toxicity in broiler chicken. Indian J. Anim. Res. 2016, 50, 529–536. 19. Seaborn, C.D.; Nielsen, F.H. Boron and silicon: Effects on growth, plasma lipids, urinary cyclic amp and bone and brain mineral composition of male rats. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 1994, 13, 941–947. 20. Martin, K.R. Silicon: The health benefits of a metalloid. Met. Ions Life Sci. 2013, 13, 451– 471. 21. Chen, Y.; Liu, K. Preparation of granulated N-doped TiO2/diatomites and its application of visible light degradation and disinfection. Powder Technol. 2016, 303, 176–191. 1148 1149 3. Eliot M. Herman, Ricki M. Helm, Rudolf Jung, and Anthony J. Kinney. Genetic Modification American Society of Plant Biologists, 2003.— Vol. 132. — P. 36—43 [email protected] 1150
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN L.N. GUMILYOV EURASIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY PROCEEDINGS of the international scientific conference of young scholars «NEW INDUSTRIALIZATION AS A DRIVER OF ECONOMIC in the framework of the ІХ Astana Economic Forum PART I 25 may 2016 1 Proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scholars «New industrialization as a driver of economic growth in Kazakhstanin in condition of ISBN 978-9965-31-762-0 ISBN 978-9965-31-762-0 The collection of materials in the international scientific conference considersimportant issues of the new industrialization and economic growth in globalization. ISBN 978-9965-31-762-0 ISBN 978-9965-31-762-0 2 100 7,3 7,5 5,0 6,0 4,3 1,2 2,1 101 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 26,5 18,5 2007 19,8 2008 19,1 2009 19,1 2010 24 20,9 2011 2012 2013 21,1 16,8 45,9 51,4 24,4 11,4 8,6 20,3 100,0 100,0 102 $77 $107 $50 11,3% 10,3% 11,2% 103 104 105 106 107 2013_rus1.pdf. 7. E-mail: [email protected] 108
PROCEEDINGS of the XVIII International Scientific Conference for students and young scholars 2023 G99 Scientific Conference for students and young scholars «ǴYLYM JÁNE ISBN 978-601-337-871-8 The proceedings are the papers of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young researchers on topical issues of natural and technical sciences and humanities. ISBN 978-601-337-871-8 References 2. Akhilendra P S. 2020. Simulations and Optical Diagnostics for Internal Combustion Engines: Current Status and Way Forward (Energy, Environment, and Sustainability) 1st ed. 2020 Edition 6506 6507 6508 6509 6510
Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University № 3 (124)/2018 ISSN 2616-6887 BULLETIN of the L.N. GUMILYOV EURASIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY POLITICAL SCIENCE. REGIONAL STUDIES. ORIENTAL STUDIES. TURKOLOGY Series Founded in 1995 Published 4 times a year 1 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University № 3 (124)/2018 E-mail: [email protected] 434) 2 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University № 3 (124)/2018 Editor-in-Chief Deputy Editor-in-Chief Deputy Editor-in-Chief Yelena Nechayeva, Can. of Political Sciences, Prof. (Kazakhstan) Madina Abisheva, Can. of Historical Sciences, Assoc.Prof. (Kazakhstan) Editorial board Doctor of Philology, Prof. (Kazakhstan) Saule Aliyeva Bagysh Gabdulina Gregory Glisson Kadyraly Konkobayev Danagul Kopezhanova Punit Gaur Seyit Ali Avcu Alua Zholdybalina Doctor of Historical Sciences (Kazakhstan) Can. of Historical Sciences (Kazakhstan) Can. of Philology, Assoc.Prof. (Kazakhstan) Can. of Historical Sciences, Prof (Kazakhstan) Assoc.Prof. (Turkey) Doctor of Political Sciences, Prof.(Russia) Candidate of Historical Sciences (Kazakhstan) Doctor of Political Sciences, Prof.(Bulgaria) Can. of Political Sciences, Assoc.Prof.(Kazakhstan) Can. of Historical Sciences, Assoc.Prof. (Kazakhstan) PhD, Prof. (Germany) PhD, Prof. (Turkey) PhD (Pakistan) Doctor of Philology, Prof. (Kazakhstan) Doctor of Historical Sciences, Prof. (Kazakhstan) Can. of Philology, Prof. (Kyrgyzstan) Doctor of Political Sciences, Prof. (Kazakhstan) PhD, Prof. (Netherlands) PhD in International Studies (Iran) PhD (Germany) Candidate of Historical Sciences (Kazakhstan), Doctor of Political Sciences, Prof. (Kazakhstan) PhD, Prof. (Turkey) PhD, Prof. (India) PhD, Prof. (Argentina) PhD (Turkey) Can. of Historical Sciences, Assoc.Prof.(Kazakhstan) Doctor of Historical Sciences, Prof. (Kazakhstan) Doctor of Philology, Prof. (Kazakhstan) Can. of Political Sciences, Prof. (Kazakhstan) Doctor of Historical Sciences, Prof. (Russia) Editorial address:2, Satpayev str., of.408, Astana, Kazakhstan, 010008 E-mail: [email protected] Bulletin of the L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University POLITICAL SCIENCE. REGIONAL STUDIES. ORIENTAL STUDIES. TURKOLOGY Series Owner: Republican State Enterprise in the capacity of economic conduct «L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University» Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Registered by Ministry of information and communication of Republic of Kazakhstan. Registration certificate No. 17125-Ж from 25.05.2018 Periodicity: 4 times a year Circulation: 25 copies Address of printing house: 12/1 Kazhimukan str., Astana, Kazakhstan 010008; tel.: (7172) 709-500 (ext.31434) 3 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University № 3 (124)/2018 E-mail: [email protected] 4 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University № 3 (124)/2018 8 18 24 33 41 47 53 60 67 81 90 5 99 106 115 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University № 3 (124)/2018 CONTENTS POLITICAL SCIENCE Karibek D. Transport policy of the CIS countries........................................................................ 8 18 24 Kenchinbayeva D.R., Elmurzaeva R.S. CICA-OSCE: implementation of international experience in the legal regulation of international relations in security matters.......................... 33 Changes......................................................................................................................................... 41 Nogayeva A., Aizhanova A. Gender aspect in the development of the diplomatic service of the Republic of Kazakhstan: retrospective and perspectives............................................................ 47 Onuchko M.Yu., Gabdulina B.A. Liberty of conscience in the context of the state religious relations.......................................................................................................................................... 53 Aitmagambetov D.R., Azmukhanova A.M. Kazakh-Pakistani relations at the present stage..... Askhat G., Zhabina Zh.R. The influence of diasporas on international relations........................ REGIONAL STUDIES Movkebayeva G.A., Bimagambetova Z.T., Ongdash A.O., Sailybayev A.M. Interests of the EAEU countries in the energy sphere: points of contact and problems........................................ Youngmin Chu, Kozhirova C.B. The Issue on Social Integration of Korea and Kazakhstan: 60 67 81 ORIENTAL STUDIES Abzhapparova B.Zh., Tleubayeva A.A. Japan’s policy towards North Korea............................... 90 TURKOLOGY Alashbayeva J.N. The social and cultural characteristics of proverbs in the works of Zhusup Zhalmyrza А.А. Turkestan literature and its representatives....................................................... Shaymerdinova N.G., Balabekova N.R., Adambayeva G.M.Research and conceptual category function ....................................................................................................................................... 6 99 106 115 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University № 3 (124)/2018 8 18 24 33 41 47 53 60 67 81 90 7 99 106 115 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University № 3 (124)/2018; E-mail: [email protected] DOI: 10.32523/2616-6887-2018-124-3-115-121 115 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University № 3 (124)/2018 116 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University № 3 (124)/2018 117 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University № 3 (124)/2018 118 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University № 3 (124)/2018 1985. –145 c. 119 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University № 3 (124)/2018 ³Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering named after Sh.Esenov, Aktau, Research and conceptual category function Abstract. Оne of the topical problems is the study of language in a functional aspect. The conceptual category which is the basis of functional-semantic research now attracts the attention of all who are interested in human thinking. For lately linguistics is one of the basic sciences of thinking and concepts. The purpose of the article is to define and study conceptual categories, as well as their role and functions in linguistics. Objectives: to expose the conceptual category as a basis for functional-semantic research. The term “conceptual category” was first introduced into linguistics by O. Espersen, then I.I. Meshchaninov developed a system of “conceptual categories”. Also, such scientists as S.D. Katznelson, V.N. Yartseva, M.M. Gukhman, A.V. Bondarko dealt with this problem and carried out research work. Conceptual category is the reflection of being in human consciousness. Since the concept and views of people to life are similar, the conceptual category is one and the same. However, it does not depend on language, on the contrary language is based on conceptual categories. If in the semasiological aspect the grammatical category is referred to as the category of a person, the category of belonging, the category of case and the category of comparative degree, then in the onomasiological aspect the above categories are called temporal, personal, obsessive, comporative, etc. It can be noted that in the latter case the researcher pays attention to semantics and the content side of linguistic units. Key words: conceptual category, functional-semantic research, semantics, grammatical categories, semasiology, onomasiology. References 1. Bondarko A.V. Principy funkcional’noj grammatiki i voprosy aspektologii [Principles of functional grammar and questions of aspectology] (Science, Leningrad, 1983). Encyclopedia, Moscow, 1990). 3. Espersen O. Filosofija grammatiki [Philosophy of grammar] (Inostr. lit., Moscow, 1958). [Conceptual categories of Otto Espersen in the history of linguistic science] Available at: http:// 5. Meshchaninov I.I. Chleny predlozhenija i chasti rechi [Members of the sentence and parts of of language at the present stage of development], Russkij jazyk v shkole [Russian language at categories, linguistic universals and typology]. Voprosy jazykoznanija [Questions of linguistics], 3, 3-11 (1985). and thinking. From the scientific heritage]. (Languages of ​​ Slavic Culture, Moscow, 2001). 9. Levitsky Yu. A., Boronnikova N.V. Istorija lingvisticheskih uchenij [History of linguistic teachings]. (Direct-Media, Moscow, 2013). [On some aspects of functional analysis of grammatical phenomena]. Funkcional’nyj analiz grammaticheskih kategorij [Functional analysis of grammatical categories]. (Science, Len.Det., Leningrad, 1985). 11. Bondarko A.V. Teorija morfologicheskih kategorij [Theory of morphological categories]. 120 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University № 3 (124)/2018 and their implementation in the language]. Ponjatijnye kategorii i ih jazykovaja realizacija [Conceptual categories and their language implementation]. Mezhvuzovskij sb. nauchnyh trudov [Intercollegiate collection scientific works]. Leningrad, 1989, pp. 40-49. (funkcional’nyj aspekt) [Means of expressing time in Russian and Kazakh languages ​​(functional Shaymerdinova N.G. – Doctor of Philology,Professor of Turkology Department,L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National Balabekova N.R. – doctorate student of the chair of Turkology, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University,Satbaev Adambaeva G.M. - Associate Professor of the Department of Language Objects, Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering named after Sh. Esenov, Aktau, Kazakhstan. 121 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University № 3 (124)/2018 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 122 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University № 3 (124)/2018 6. 7. 8. TSES KZ KA IBAN KZ91998BTB0000003104 123 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University № 3 (124)/2018 Provision on Articles submitted to the Journal “Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional studies. Oriental studies. Turkology Series” 1. Purpose of the journal. Publication of carefully selected original scientific works and book reviews in the fields of political science, regional studies, oriental studies, turkology. 2. An author who wishes to publish an article in a journal must submit the article in hard copy (printed version) in one copy, signed by the author to the scientific publication office (at the address: 010008, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Satpayev St., 2. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Main Building, room 408) and by e-mail [email protected] in Word format. At the same time, the correspondence between Word-version and the hard copy must be strictly maintained. Language of publications: Kazakh, Russian, English, Turkish, Arabic. 3. Submission of articles to the scientific publication office means the authors’ consent to the right of the Publisher, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, to publish articles in the journal and the re-publication of it in any foreign language. 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4401 4402 4403 4404 1. 2. 3. 4. 4405
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[6]. . . , , . , . , , , , , , , , [5]. , , – . , . , 5 , . , - . - 1031 4 Powered by TCPDF ( 1– ( 8310 96,5 234 51,2 421 30 6000 89 4580 3630 4400 740 0,724 0,958 116 0,726 21,8 3,12 0,902 1,51 1,33 8310 96,5 629 48,2 2930 34,9 1310 62,5 7360 3790 5630 552 229 184 4,37 0,941 218 0,651 6,27 5,62 1,46 1,32 0,843 1,19 , , , . / ) 8310 96,5 511 22,8 697 10 872 45,1 3340 3310 3020 978 51,3 93,2 1,04 0,479 32,7 0,358 2,57 2,87 0,564 0,782 0,0843 0,829 , 8310 96,5 492 35,4 2590 25,3 241 38 2290 5370 24300 933 173 121 4,41 0,754 54,1 0,531 2,09 3,9 0,922 1,08 0,499 1,09 , , , , . 2001 . , . 1. Frontasyeva M.V., E. Steinnes (1995) Epithermal Neutron Activation Analysis of Mosses Used to Monitor Heavy Metal Deposition Around an Iron Smelter Complex, Analyst, May 1995, Vol. 120, p. 1437-1440. 2. Frontasyeva M.V., Pavlov S.S. Analytical Investigations at the IBR-2 reactor in Dubna. Preprint of JINR, E14-2000-177, Dubna, 2000 (submitted to the Proc. VIII Int. 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For citation: Duisen N.B, Itegulova E.G The problem of the connection between falsafa and religion in the teachings of al-Farabi// Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov ENU. Historical sciences. Philosophy. ISSN: 2616-7255, eISSN: 2663-2489 2018: 179-180). BULLETIN of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Historical Sciences. Philosophy. Religion Series 185 ISSN: 2616-7255, eISSN: 2663-2489 BULLETIN of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Historical Sciences. Philosophy. Religion Series 187 ISSN: 2616-7255, eISSN: 2663-2489 (Philosophy of Science, 2002: 17). BULLETIN of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Historical Sciences. Philosophy. Religion Series 189 ISSN: 2616-7255, eISSN: 2663-2489 2008, 65-81). BULLETIN of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Historical Sciences. Philosophy. Religion Series 191 ISSN: 2616-7255, eISSN: 2663-2489 BULLETIN of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Historical Sciences. Philosophy. Religion Series 193 L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan The problem of the connection between falsafa and religion in al-Farabi teachings Abstract. This article discusses the relationship between religion and falsafa in the worldview of Abu Nasr al-Farabi, a prominent representative of the Arab-Muslim culture of the Middle Ages, the founder of Falsafa. The fundamental searches of the thinker were also outlined, which led to the approximation of Islam to nature ISSN: 2616-7255, eISSN: 2663-2489 based on the Muslim worldview, to the works of the philosophers of antiquity Plato, Aristotle about the creation of the world. The question of the thinker’s vision and opinion in relation to religion still remains an unfinished topic. During the writing of the article, evidence was presented describing the unity of Al-Farabi with religion and Falsafa. Farabi himself, being a representative of Falsafa, gave a rationalistic assessment of religion. He identified religion with philosophical categories, not with religious traits. Among his treatises and scientific books by Al-Farabi, the problem of combining falsafa and religion is one of the most ambitious and diverse. Farabi also defines religion and falsafa, starting from their origin. Religion is, according to the thinker who arose after falsafa in time. In addition to understanding the necessity of religion, Al-Farabi argued that existence is possible without it. That is, he meant that even through philosophy, a person can achieve truth and wealth. This article examines in detail the nature and essence of Farabi’s theological teaching.Also the subject of the research of the article was the problem of the thinker of prophecy, the origin of the world, the theory of creation, God (Allah). The article systematically analyzed the works of foreign and domestic scientists-researchers of the teachings of Farabi. Keywords: Falsafa; being; substance; religion; God; Prophet; peace; reason; ayan; power imagination. References Philosophical Heritage». Twenty volumes. Volume 4. «Philosophy of al-Farabi and Ibn Sina»]. (Almaty,Zhazushy, Ali Bulach Islam dushunjesinde din-felsefe wahiy-akyl ilishkisi. – Yeni Academy of yayynlary [Religiousphilosophical connection between revelation and reason in Islamic thought. - Publications of the New Academy] Altaev Zh. Al-Farabi – Shygystyn uly oishyly. Al-Farabi – veliki myslitel Vostoka [Al-Farabi is a great thinker of the East. Al-Farabi is a great thinker of the East]. (Almaty, «Sardar» baspa uii, 2020. 400 p.) [in Kazakh, in Russian]. Quest in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: A Narrative of God]. (Almaty,Ulttyk audarma byurosy. Kogamdyk [in English] (accessed: 21.02.2023). Al-Farabi Abu Naser. The Attainment of Happiness (trans.Mushin Mahdi). Medival Political Philosophy. Ed. Ralph Lerner and Mushin Mahdi [Al-Farabi Abu Nasser. 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Philosophy. Religion Series 195 [Civil politics / Translated from Arabic and commented by Ph.D. J. Sandybaev]. (Almaty, Kazak universiteti, Seitakhmetova N.L. Al-Farabi on the relationship of philosophy and religion. Modernity: the world of opinions [Al-Farabi on the relationship between philosophy and religion. Modernity: a world of opinions] (Philosophical Almanac, 1998. No. 2, 46 p.) [in Kazakh]. Duysen Nursultan Baktiyaruly – 1st-year doctoral student in the specialty «Philosophy and Ethics», L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan. Itegulova Elmira Ganibekovna – lecturer of the Department of Philosophy, Master of Humanities, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan. ISSN: 2616-7255, eISSN: 2663-2489
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Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology Series, № 3 (128)/2019 ISSN (Print) 2616-6895 ISSN (Online) 2663-2497 BULLETIN of L.N. GUMILYOV EURASIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY PEDAGOGY. PSYCHOLOGY. SOCIOLOGY Series Founded in 1995 Published 4 times a year Nur-Sultan, 2019 1 E-mail: [email protected] 2 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology Series, № 3 (128)/2019 Editor-in-Chief Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Deputy Editor-in-Chief (pedagogy) Deputy Editor-in-Chief (sociology) G.Zh.Menlibekova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, А.R. Yermentayeva, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Editorial board Can. of Pedagogical Sciences, Assoc.Prof. (Kazakhstan) Ivanova G.P. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (Russia) Islamova Z.M. Shaikhislamov R.B. Can. of Pedagogical Sciences, Assoc.Prof. (Russia) Dr. (Bulgaria) Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Prof.(Kazakhstan) Doctor of Sociology, Prof. (Russia) Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Prof.(Kazakhstan) Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Assoc.Prof. (Kazakhstan) Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Prof.(Kazakhstan) Doctor of Sociology, Prof. (Turkey) Doctor of Sociology, Prof. (Russia) Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Prof.(Kazakhstan) Editorial address:2, Satpayev str., of.408, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, 010008 L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University E-mail: [email protected] Bulletin of L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University PEDAGOGY. PSYCHOLOGY. SOCIOLOGY Series Owner: Republican State Enterprise in the capacity of economic conduct «L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University» Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Registered by Ministry of information and communication of Republic of Kazakhstan. Registration certificate No. 17001-Ж from 27.03.18 Periodicity: 4 times a year Circulation: 35 copies Address of printing house: 13/1 Kazhimukan str., Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan 010008; tel.: +7(7172) 709-500 (ext.31432) 3 E-mail: [email protected] 4 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology Series, № 3 (128)/2019 8 15 49 70 76 84 90 100 105 25 32 42 55 64 118 125 133 5 140 148 155 164 CONTENTS PEDAGOGY Abishev N.А., Kabylova М.S. Psychological and pedagogical training in higher educational institution of teachers of language specialties for communication in teaching and educational process ......................................................................................................................................... Assylbekova М. P., Abibulayeva А.B., Aimagambetova R.H. Prevention of social orphanhood: Berezhnova E.V., Abdirkenova A.K. The conditions of formation of content of media education ..................................................................................................................................................... Zhantasova Zh.Z., Tlebaldinova A.S., Nugumanova A.B., Zhurtpayeva A.A., Kaydarova M.A. Correction software development different sides of speech and writing in children ......... Zhiyentayeva B. Sh. Features of Adult Education ...................................................................... 8 15 25 32 42 Zholdasbekova S.A., Parmankulova P. Zh. Problems of training teachers for work in conditions of inclusive education .................................................................................................................. Kudarova N.A., Tulekova G.M. Ways and means of leadership development among students of higher educational institutions on the basis of national character ........................................... Kuntubaeva D.K. The role of educational technology in innovative education .......................... 49 Orazalieva R.B. Modern educational trends in the conditions of independent Kazakhstan ........ 70 Rakhymberdiyeva A.V. Scientific and methodological support of training managers of the education system ......................................................................................................................... Slambekova T.S., Zhumykbayeva A.K. Compliance of independent assessment in the system of professional development of teachers with international standards ........................................ Uaikhanova M. A. The culturological model of the school text-book content ............................ 76 Chunkenova S.S. Teacher’s personality in the new education system ........................................ 100 Tuyakova U. Z., Shalgynbayeva К.К. Psychological theory of emotion is the basis of emotional 105 55 64 84 90 PSYCHOLOGY Adilzhanova K.S. The concept of emotional intelligence and directions in its research .............. Yermentayeva А. R., Aubakirova Zh. K., Mailybayeva Zh. C. Development of personality in the student age .............................................................................................................................. Оryngalieva Sh.О. Theoretical problems of research of phenomenology of psychological competence .................................................................................................................................. Karibayeva G.M, Konysova A.Zh. Features of the psychological adaptation of young specialists in military service to professional activity .................................................................................... Karіbaevа G. M.,Toktarbai G. A. Psychological characteristics of aggressive behavior in 118 125 133 140 148 SOCIOLOGY Beissembayev S.N. Public policy aspects of prevention of extremism in Kazakhstan ................... 155 Karimova G.K, Seidumanov S.T. Identity of Kazakh woman: social status and national headwear ...................................................................................................................................... 164 6 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology Series, № 3 (128)/2019 8 15 25 32 42 49 55 64 70 76 84 100 105 90 7 118 125 133 140 148 155 164 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology Series, № 3 (128)/2019 SOCIOLOGY 155 [4]. 156 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology Series, № 3 (128)/2019 157 158 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology Series, № 3 (128)/2019 159 11.03.2019). 160 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology Series, № 3 (128)/2019 S.N.Beissembayev L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan Public policy aspects of prevention of extremism in Kazakhstan Abstract. The problem of extremism is considered one of the key threats to the security of modern Kazakhstan. The reason for this is the spread of cases of radicalization of citizens on the basis of jihadist ideology, which led to illegal actions both inside and outside the country. Since 2011, as a result of violent acts around the 161 country, about 100 people were killed and more than 500 Kazakhstanis, according to official data, went to the territory of Syria and Iraq. These problems have stimulated the mobilization by the state of its administrative, information and financial resources. A number of legislative innovations have been adopted, which have laid a new political and legal basis for At the same time, the policy of preventing extremism in Kazakhstan requires further improvement. First of all, there is a need to rethink the conceptual framework of this policy. When working with groups at risk, it is necessary to ensure compliance with the constitutional rights of citizens to freedom of religion. Thus, it is important to separate prevention of violent extremism from religious policy. Keywords: violent extremism, terrorism, prevention of radicalization, deradicalization, jihadist ideology, rehabilitation of convicts. References prisons in Syria and Iraq?] - Available at: (accessed: 10.03.2019). report_27-1-2012/. [in Russian]. (accessed 10.03.2019). i Kyrgyzstana [Terrorism and extremism in Central Asia: the cases of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan] ( КISS under the President of the RK Astana, 2016, 86 р.). 4. Ileuova G.T.. Vosprijatie naseleniem Kazakhstana ugrozy terrorizma. [Perception of the threat of terrorism by the population of Kazakhstan]. – 2017. - Available at: A%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B4.pdf (accessed: 11.03.2019). izmenenijami i dopolnenijami po sostojaniju na 28.12.2016 g.).[Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 31-III of 18 February 2005 on countering extremism]. Available at: (accessed11.03.2019). i dopolnenijami po sostojaniju na 28.12.2016 g.). [Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 416-I of 13 July 1999 on countering terrorism]. Available at:;-217 (accessed11.03.2019). zakonodatel’nye akty RK po voprosam protivodejstvija jekstremizmu i terrorizmu». [Preliminary conclusion on the Draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on combating extremism and terrorism]- Varshava, Bjuro OBSE po demokraticheskim institutam 11.03.2019). terrorizmu v Respublike Kazakhstan na 2013 – 2017 gody. 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