how do I use this can't load t5 gguf with clip l safetensor

by MANOFAi94 - opened

how do I use this can't load t5 gguf with clip l safetensor is there an gguf clip l?

same question, using the dual clip encoder (gguf)

edited Aug 25

What issue are you running into? (Make sure to set the mode to flux)

DUALClipLoader is just not showing the .gguf files, only the .safetensors . Maybe I'm doing something wrong, aren't they (t5-v1_1-xxl-encoder-Q3_K_S.gguf) supposed to be used there in the clip folder?

P.S.: My bad, was using the wrong DUALClipLoader. Is working as expected!

I am running into the same problem, what do you mean you were using the wrong DUALClipLoader? Maybe I'm making the same mistake?

I was selecting the one from bootleg in the menu and It was adding the plane one without (GGUF) in the name. Then I used the search by double clicking on a blank part of the workflow page and just searched for GGUF

Got it! I downloaded the safetensors file instead of the gguf and used it in the original DUALcliploader instead. Will try the GGUF at some other time, unfortunately.

I'm also a bit lost... I copied one of the models to the clip folder. all the others show up in the drop down menu on comfy but not the GGUF one. help?

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