code-millenials-13b /
dittops's picture
license: llama2
library_name: transformers
- code
- name: Code Millenials
- task:
type: text-generation
type: openai_humaneval
name: HumanEval
- name: pass@1
type: pass@1
value: 0.7621
verified: false
# Bud Code Millenials 13B
Welcome to our Code Model repository! Our model is specifically fine-tuned for code generation tasks. Bud Millenial Code Gen open-source models are currently the State of the Art (SOTA) for code generation, beating all the existing models of all sizes. We have achieved a HumanEval value of 80.48 @ Pass 1, beating proprietary models like Gemini Ultra, Claude, GPT-3.5 etc. by a large margin, and on par with GPT-4 (HumanEval ~ 82. Ref. WizardCoder). Our proprietary model (Bud Code Jr) beats GPT-4 as well with a HumanEval value of 88.2 & a context size of 168K, we will be releasing an API for Researchers, Enterprises, and potential Partners by January 2024 end. If interested, please reach out to [email protected]
### News πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
- [2024/01/09] We released **Code Millenials 3B** , which achieves the **56.09 pass@1** on the [HumanEval Benchmarks](
- [2024/01/09] We released **Code Millenials 1B** , which achieves the **51.82 pass@1** on the [HumanEval Benchmarks](
- [2024/01/03] We released **Code Millenials 34B** , which achieves the **80.48 pass@1** on the [HumanEval Benchmarks](
- [2024/01/02] We released **Code Millenials 13B** , which achieves the **76.21 pass@1** on the [HumanEval Benchmarks](
### HumanEval
<p align="center" width="100%">
<a ><img src="" alt="CodeMillenials" style="width: 100%; min-width: 300px; display: block; margin: auto;"></a>
For the millenial models, the eval script in the github repo is used for the above result.
Note: The humaneval values of other models are taken from the official repos of [WizardCoder](, [DeepseekCoder](, [Gemini]( etc.
### Models
| Model | Checkpoint | HumanEval (+) | MBPP (+) |
|Code Millenials 34B | <a href="" target="_blank">HF Link</a> | 80.48 (75) | 74.68 (62.9) |
|Code Millenials 13B | <a href="" target="_blank">HF Link</a> | 76.21 (69.5) | 70.17 (57.6) |
|Code Millenials 3B | <a href="" target="_blank">HF Link</a> | 56.09 (52.43) | 55.13 (47.11) |
|Code Millenials 1B | <a href="" target="_blank">HF Link</a> | 51.82 (48.17) | 53.13 (44.61) |
### πŸš€ Quick Start
Inference code using the pre-trained model from the Hugging Face model hub
import torch
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("budecosystem/code-millenials-13b")
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("budecosystem/code-millenials-13b")
template = """A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.
### Instruction: {instruction} ### Response:"""
instruction = <Your code instruction here>
prompt = template.format(instruction=instruction)
inputs = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt")
sample = model.generate(**inputs, max_length=128)
## Training details
The model is trained of 8 A100 80GB for approximately 15hrs.
| Hyperparameters | Value |
| :----------------------------| :-----: |
| per_device_train_batch_size | 2 |
| gradient_accumulation_steps | 1 |
| epoch | 3 |
| steps | 34503 |
| learning_rate | 2e-5 |
| lr schedular type | cosine |
| warmup ratio | 0.1 |
| optimizer | adamw |
| fp16 | True |
| GPU | 8 A100 80GB |
### Important Note
- **Bias, Risks, and Limitations:** Model may sometimes make errors, produce misleading contents, or struggle to manage tasks that are not related to coding.