We need actual clarification on the License, as there's conflicting terms.

by posdcs - opened


Doesn't answer the question. The license states:

“Derivative” means any (i) modified version of the FLUX.1 [dev] Model (including but not limited to any customized or fine-tuned version thereof), (ii) work based on the FLUX.1 [dev] Model, or (iii) any other derivative work thereof. For the avoidance of doubt, Outputs are not considered Derivatives under this License.

But then:

“Non-Commercial Purpose” means any of the following uses, but only so far as you do not receive any direct or indirect payment arising from the use of the model or its output: (i) personal use for research, experiment, and testing for the benefit of public knowledge, personal study, private entertainment, hobby projects, or otherwise not directly or indirectly connected to any commercial activities, business operations, or employment responsibilities; (ii) use by commercial or for-profit entities for testing, evaluation, or non-commercial research and development in a non-production environment, (iii) use by any charitable organization for charitable purposes, or for testing or evaluation. For clarity, use for revenue-generating activity or direct interactions with or impacts on end users, or use to train, fine tune or distill other models for commercial use is not a Non-Commercial purpose.

Are image generation outputs from the model noncommercial or not?

Yeah I was just reading the license and I also don't know how to interpret these two conflicting clauses.

Same question, can FLUX model image outputs be used for commercial purposes?

Yes, I believe you can use image outputs for commercial purposes.

Yes, I believe you can use image outputs for commercial purposes.

@timudk Is this true?

Outputs (images) are not derivatives of the Flux Model. That's it. It has nothing to do with Non-commercial... you have quoted two independent statements and left out the part that connects them.

Paragraph 2, item 4 is incredibly clear:
"Outputs. We claim no ownership rights in and to the Outputs. You are solely responsible for the Outputs you generate and their subsequent uses in accordance with this License. You may use Output for any purpose (including for commercial purposes), except as expressly prohibited herein. You may not use the Output to train, fine-tune or distill a model that is competitive with the FLUX.1 [dev] Model."


  1. You can't sell images you generate (outputs)
  2. You can't sell the model (or any derivative models, fine tunes, distillations)

Thank you for the clarification.

I think everyone is greatly confused by the 1.3 clause where "Non-Commercial Purpose" relates to how model outputs are used (for commercial or non-commercial purposes) and limits outputs to non-commercial uses.

“Non-Commercial Purpose” means any of the following uses, but only so far as you do not receive any direct or indirect payment arising from the use of the model or its output:

Section 2.4 is quite clear but conflicts with how Non-Commercial is defined and Section 2.2 clearly stating that its for Non-Commercial Use only.

Having read many licenses, I feel like these are pretty obviously connected given that Section 1 sets definitions and Section 2 sets limits around defined things. I'd personally probably revise Section 1.3 to drop reference to outputs or state explicitly that that it's referring to outputs of derived models.

Outputs (images) are not derivatives of the Flux Model. That's it. It has nothing to do with Non-commercial... you have quoted two independent statements and left out the part that connects them.

"use" and "output" is defined very clearly here, contradicting your own statement as well as the terms.

you do not receive any direct or indirect payment arising from the use of the model or its output

This clearly states that any "use" of the model or it's "Outputs" cannot be used for commercial purposes. I agree with @fozziethebeat , the license should be updated as it currently is written there is no room for commercial use or outputs, if that's not the intent of the devs.

Yes, agreed. There is definitely some conflict there. I retract my earlier analysis, and have edited the above response. Turns out I spelled my username wrong when I made this account. Cya!

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