Ad-Corre /
history blame
12.1 kB
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from config import DatasetName, ExpressionCodesRafdb, ExpressionCodesAffectnet
from keras import backend as K
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
import time
from config import LearningConfig
class CustomLosses:
def embedding_loss_distance(self, embeddings):
for each item in batch: calculate the correlation between all the embeddings
:param embeddings:
emb_len = len(embeddings)
''' emb_num, bs, emb_size: '''
embeddings = tf.cast(embeddings, dtype=tf.dtypes.float32)
loss = tf.cast([np.corrcoef(embeddings[:, i, :]) for i in range(LearningConfig.batch_size)],
embedding_similarity_loss = tf.reduce_mean((1 - tf.eye(emb_len)) * # ignore the affect of the diagonal
(1 + np.array(loss))) # the loss -> more correlation, the better
return embedding_similarity_loss
def mean_embedding_loss_distance(self, embeddings, exp_gt_vec, exp_pr_vec, num_of_classes):
calculate the mean distribution for each class, and force the mean_embedding to be the same
:param embedding: bs * embedding_size
:param exp_gt_vec: bs
:param exp_pr_vec: bs * num_of_classes
:param num_of_classes:
# bs_size = tf.shape(exp_pr_vec, out_type=tf.dtypes.int64)[0]
# 7 * bs: for each class - which we have 7 class, not the embeddings -, is the sample belongs to it we put 1
# else we put 0 . THE SAME FOR ALL embeddings
c_map = np.array([tf.cast(tf.where(exp_gt_vec == i, 1.0, K.epsilon()), dtype=tf.dtypes.float32)
for i in range(num_of_classes)]) # 7 * bs
# calculate class-related mean embedding: num_of_classes * embedding_size
# 7 embedding, and 7 classes and each class has an embedding mean of 256 -> 7,7,256
mean_embeddings = np.array([[np.average(embeddings[k], axis=0, weights=c_map[i, :])
for i in range(num_of_classes)]
for k in range(len(embeddings))]) # 7:embedding,7:class, 256:size
# the correlation between each mean_embedding should be low:
mean_emb_correlation_loss = tf.reduce_mean([(1 - tf.eye(num_of_classes)) * # zero the diagonal
(1 + tf.cast(np.corrcoef(mean_embeddings[k, :, :]),
for k in range(len(embeddings))])
# the correlation between each mean_embedding should be low:
return mean_emb_correlation_loss
def mean_embedding_loss(self, embedding, exp_gt_vec, exp_pr_vec, num_of_classes):
calculate the mean distribution for each class, and force the mean_embedding to be the same
:param embedding: bs * embedding_size
:param exp_gt_vec: bs
:param exp_pr_vec: bs * num_of_classes
:param num_of_classes:
kl = tf.keras.losses.KLDivergence()
bs_size = tf.shape(exp_pr_vec, out_type=tf.dtypes.int64)[0]
# calculate class maps: num_of_classes * bs
c_map = np.array([tf.cast(tf.where(exp_gt_vec == i, 1, 0), dtype=tf.dtypes.int8)
for i in range(num_of_classes)]) # 7 * bs
# calculate class-related mean embedding: num_of_classes * embedding_size
mean_embeddings = np.array([np.average(embedding, axis=0, weights=c_map[i, :])
if np.sum(c_map[i, :]) > 0 else np.zeros(LearningConfig.embedding_size)
for i in range(num_of_classes)]) + \
K.epsilon() # added as a bias to get ride of zeros
# calculate loss:
# 1 -> the correlation between each mean_embedding should be low:
mean_emb_correlation_loss = tf.reduce_mean((1 - tf.eye(num_of_classes)) *
(1 + tf.cast(np.corrcoef(mean_embeddings), dtype=tf.dtypes.float32)))
# 2 -> the KL-divergence between the mean distribution of each class and the related
# embeddings should be low. Accordingly, we lead the network towards learning the mean distribution
mean_emb_batch = tf.cast([np.array(mean_embeddings)[i] for i in np.argmax(c_map.T, axis=1)],
emb_kl_loss = kl(y_true=mean_emb_batch, y_pred=embedding)
return mean_emb_correlation_loss, emb_kl_loss
def variance_embedding_loss(self, embedding, exp_gt_vec, exp_pr_vec, num_of_classes):
calculate the variance of the distribution for each class, and force the mean_embedding to be the same
:param embedding:
:param exp_gt_vec:
:param exp_pr_vec:
:param num_of_classes:
kl = tf.keras.losses.KLDivergence()
bs_size = tf.shape(exp_pr_vec, out_type=tf.dtypes.int64)[0]
c_map = np.array([tf.cast(tf.where(exp_gt_vec == i, 1, 0), dtype=tf.dtypes.int8)
for i in range(num_of_classes)]) # 7 * bs
# calculate class-related var embedding: num_of_classes * embedding_size
var_embeddings = np.array([tf.math.reduce_std(tf.math.multiply(embedding,
tf.cast(c_map[i, :],
dtype=tf.dtypes.float32), -1),
LearningConfig.embedding_size, axis=-1, )),
for i in range(num_of_classes)]) \
+ K.epsilon() # added as a bias to get ride of zeros
# calculate loss:
# 1 -> the correlation between each mean_embedding should be low:
var_emb_correlation_loss = tf.reduce_mean((1.0 - tf.eye(num_of_classes)) *
(1.0 + tf.cast(np.cov(var_embeddings), dtype=tf.dtypes.float32)))
# embeddings should be low. Accordingly, we lead the network towards learning the mean distribution
var_emb_batch = tf.cast([np.array(var_embeddings)[i] for i in np.argmax(c_map.T, axis=1)],
emb_kl_loss = abs(kl(y_true=var_emb_batch, y_pred=embedding))
return var_emb_correlation_loss, emb_kl_loss
def correlation_loss(self, embedding, exp_gt_vec, exp_pr_vec, tr_conf_matrix):
bs_size = tf.shape(exp_pr_vec, out_type=tf.dtypes.int64)[0]
# convert from sigmoid to labels to real classes:
exp_pr = tf.constant([np.argmax(exp_pr_vec[i]) for i in range(bs_size)], dtype=tf.dtypes.int64)
# Cov matrix
phi_correlation_matrix = tf.cast(np.corrcoef(embedding), dtype=tf.dtypes.float32) # bs * bs
elems_col = tf.repeat(tf.expand_dims(exp_gt_vec, 0), repeats=[bs_size], axis=0)
elems_row = tf.repeat(tf.expand_dims(exp_gt_vec, -1), repeats=[bs_size], axis=-1)
delta = elems_row - elems_col
omega_matrix = tf.cast(tf.where(delta == 0, 1, -1), dtype=tf.dtypes.float32)
# creating the adaptive weights
adaptive_weight = self._create_adaptive_correlation_weights(bs_size=bs_size,
exp_gt_vec=exp_gt_vec, # real labels
exp_pr=exp_pr, # real labels
# calculate correlation loss
cor_loss = tf.reduce_mean(adaptive_weight * tf.abs(omega_matrix - phi_correlation_matrix))
return cor_loss
def correlation_loss_multi(self, embeddings, exp_gt_vec, exp_pr_vec, tr_conf_matrix):
here, we consider only one embedding and so want to make the embeddings of the same classes be similar
while the ones from different classes are different.
:param embeddings:
:param exp_gt_vec:
:param exp_pr_vec:
:param tr_conf_matrix:
bs_size = tf.shape(exp_pr_vec, out_type=tf.dtypes.int64)[0]
exp_pr = tf.constant([np.argmax(exp_pr_vec[i]) for i in range(bs_size)], dtype=tf.dtypes.int64)
phi_correlation_matrices = [tf.cast(np.corrcoef(embeddings[i]), dtype=tf.dtypes.float32)
for i in range(len(embeddings))] # cls * bs * bs
elems_col = tf.repeat(tf.expand_dims(exp_gt_vec, 0), repeats=[bs_size], axis=0)
elems_row = tf.repeat(tf.expand_dims(exp_gt_vec, -1), repeats=[bs_size], axis=-1)
delta = elems_row - elems_col
omega_matrix = tf.repeat(tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(tf.where(delta == 0, 1, -1),
dtype=tf.dtypes.float32), axis=0),
repeats=len(embeddings), axis=0)
cor_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(omega_matrix - phi_correlation_matrices))
return cor_loss
def _create_adaptive_correlation_weights(self, bs_size, exp_gt_vec, exp_pr, conf_mat):
creating the weights
:param exp_gt_vec: real int labels
:param exp_pr_vec: one_hot labels
:param conf_mat: confusion matrix which is normalized over the rows(
ground-truths with respect to the number of corresponding classes)
:return: a bath_size * bath_size matrix containing weights. The diameter of the matrix is zero
tf_identity = tf.eye(bs_size)
# weight based on the correct section of the conf_matrix
1 : - conf_mat[exp_gt_vec[i], exp_gt_vec[i]] : sum of all the missed values=> the better the performance of
the model on a label, the smaller the weight
correct_row_base_weight = tf.repeat(tf.expand_dims(
tf.map_fn(fn=lambda i: 1 - conf_mat[i, i], elems=exp_gt_vec) # map
, 0), # expand_dims
repeats=[bs_size], axis=0) # repeat
correct_col_base_weight = tf.einsum('ab->ba', correct_row_base_weight)
correct_weight = correct_row_base_weight + correct_col_base_weight
adaptive_weight = tf.cast((correct_weight), dtype=tf.dtypes.float32)
adaptive_weight = 1 + adaptive_weight # we don't want the weights to be zero (correct prediction)
adaptive_weight = (1 - tf_identity) * adaptive_weight # remove the main diagon
return adaptive_weight
def update_confusion_matrix(self, exp_gt_vec, exp_pr,
all_gt_exp, all_pr_exp):
# adding to the previous predicted items:
all_pr_exp += np.array(exp_pr).tolist()
all_gt_exp += np.array(exp_gt_vec).tolist()
# calculate confusion matrix:
conf_mat = confusion_matrix(y_true=all_gt_exp, y_pred=all_pr_exp, normalize='true',
labels=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
return conf_mat, all_gt_exp, all_pr_exp
def cross_entropy_loss(self, y_gt, y_pr, num_classes, ds_name):
y_gt_oh = tf.one_hot(y_gt, depth=num_classes)
''' manual weighted CE'''
y_pred = y_pr
y_pred /= tf.reduce_sum(y_pred, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
y_pred = K.clip(y_pred, K.epsilon(), 1)
loss = -tf.reduce_mean(y_gt_oh * tf.math.log(y_pred))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.keras.metrics.categorical_accuracy(y_pr, y_gt_oh))
return loss, accuracy