Ad-Corre /
history blame
4.63 kB
class DatasetName:
affectnet = 'affectnet'
rafdb = 'rafdb'
fer2013 = 'fer2013'
class ExpressionCodesRafdb:
Surprise = 1
Fear = 2
Disgust = 3
Happiness = 4
Sadness = 5
Anger = 6
Neutral = 7
class ExpressionCodesAffectnet:
neutral = 0
happy = 1
sad = 2
surprise = 3
fear = 4
disgust = 5
anger = 6
contempt = 7
none = 8
uncertain = 9
noface = 10
class DatasetType:
train = 0
train_7 = 1
eval = 2
eval_7 = 3
test = 4
class LearningConfig:
# batch_size = 100
batch_size = 50
# batch_size = 1
# batch_size = 5
virtual_batch_size = 5* batch_size
epochs = 300
embedding_size = 256 # we have 360 filters at the end
# embedding_size = 128 # we have 360 filters at the end
labels_history_frame = 1000
num_classes = 7
# num_embeddings = 7
num_embeddings = 10
class InputDataSize:
image_input_size = 224
class FerPlusConf:
_prefix_path = './FER_plus' # --> zeue
orig_image_path_train = _prefix_path + '/orig/train/'
orig_image_path_test = _prefix_path + '/orig/test/'
'''only 7 labels'''
no_aug_train_img_path = _prefix_path + '/train_set/images/'
no_aug_train_annotation_path = _prefix_path + '/train_set/annotations/'
aug_train_img_path = _prefix_path + '/train_set_aug/images/'
aug_train_annotation_path = _prefix_path + '/train_set_aug/annotations/'
aug_train_masked_img_path = _prefix_path + '/train_set_aug/masked_images/'
weight_save_path = _prefix_path + '/weight_saving_path/'
'''both public&private test:'''
test_img_path = _prefix_path + '/test_set/images/'
test_annotation_path = _prefix_path + '/test_set/annotations/'
test_masked_img_path = _prefix_path + '/test_set/masked_images/'
'''private test:'''
private_test_img_path = _prefix_path + '/private_test_set/images/'
private_test_annotation_path = _prefix_path + '/private_test_set/annotations/'
'''public test-> Eval'''
public_test_img_path = _prefix_path + '/public_test_set/images/'
public_test_annotation_path = _prefix_path + '/public_test_set/annotations/'
class RafDBConf:
_prefix_path = './RAF-DB' #
orig_annotation_txt_path = _prefix_path + '/list_patition_label.txt'
orig_image_path = _prefix_path + '/original/'
orig_bounding_box = _prefix_path + '/boundingbox/'
'''only 7 labels'''
no_aug_train_img_path = _prefix_path + '/train_set/images/'
no_aug_train_annotation_path = _prefix_path + '/train_set/annotations/'
aug_train_img_path = _prefix_path + '/train_set_aug/images/'
aug_train_annotation_path = _prefix_path + '/train_set_aug/annotations/'
aug_train_masked_img_path = _prefix_path + '/train_set_aug/masked_images/'
test_img_path = _prefix_path + '/test_set/images/'
test_annotation_path = _prefix_path + '/test_set/annotations/'
test_masked_img_path = _prefix_path + '/test_set/masked_images/'
augmentation_factor = 5
weight_save_path = _prefix_path + '/weight_saving_path/'
class AffectnetConf:
_prefix_path = './affectnet' # --> Aq
orig_csv_train_path = _prefix_path + '/orig/training.csv'
orig_csv_evaluate_path = _prefix_path + '/orig/validation.csv'
'''8 labels'''
no_aug_train_img_path = _prefix_path + '/train_set/images/'
no_aug_train_annotation_path = _prefix_path + '/train_set/annotations/'
aug_train_img_path = _prefix_path + '/train_set_aug/images/'
aug_train_annotation_path = _prefix_path + '/train_set_aug/annotations/'
aug_train_masked_img_path = _prefix_path + '/train_set_aug/masked_images/'
eval_img_path = _prefix_path + '/eval_set/images/'
eval_annotation_path = _prefix_path + '/eval_set/annotations/'
eval_masked_img_path = _prefix_path + '/eval_set/masked_images/'
'''7 labels'''
no_aug_train_img_path_7 = _prefix_path + '/train_set_7/images/'
no_aug_train_annotation_path_7 = _prefix_path + '/train_set_7/annotations/'
aug_train_img_path_7 = _prefix_path + '/train_set_7_aug/images/'
aug_train_annotation_path_7 = _prefix_path + '/train_set_7_aug/annotations/'
aug_train_masked_img_path_7 = _prefix_path + '/train_set_7_aug/masked_images/'
eval_img_path_7 = _prefix_path + '/eval_set_7/images/'
eval_annotation_path_7 = _prefix_path + '/eval_set_7/annotations/'
eval_masked_img_path_7 = _prefix_path + '/eval_set_7/masked_images/'
weight_save_path = _prefix_path + '/weight_saving_path/'
num_of_samples_train = 2420940
num_of_samples_train_7 = 0
num_of_samples_eval = 3999