[**中文**](./README_ZH.md) | [**English**](./README.md) |
<p align="center" width="100%"> |
<a href="https://github.com/daiyizheng/TCMChat" target="_blank"><img src="./logo.png" alt="TCMChat" style="width: 25%; min-width: 300px; display: block; margin: auto;"></a> |
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# TCMChat: A Generative Large Language Model for Traditional Chinese Medicine |
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## News |
[2024-5-17] Open source model weight on HuggingFace. |
## Application |
### Install |
``` |
git clone https://github.com/daiyizheng/TCMChat |
cd TCMChat |
``` |
First install the dependency package. python environment 3.10+ is recommended. |
``` |
pip install -r requirements.txt |
``` |
### Weights download |
- [TCMChat](https://huggingface.co/daiyizheng/TCMChat): QA and recommendation of TCM knowledge based on baichuan2-7B-Chat. |
### Inference |
#### Command line |
``` |
python cli_infer.py \ |
--model_name_or_path /your/model/path \ |
--model_type chat |
``` |
#### Web demo |
``` |
python gradio_demo.py |
``` |
We provide an online tool:[https://xomics.com.cn/tcmchat](https://xomics.com.cn/tcmchat) |
### Retrain |
#### Dataset Download |
- [Pretrain dataset](https://github.com/ZJUFanLab/TCMChat/tree/master/data/pretrain) |
- [SFT dataset](https://github.com/ZJUFanLab/TCMChat/tree/master/data/sft) |
- [Benchmark dataset](https://github.com/ZJUFanLab/TCMChat/tree/master/data/evaluate) |
> Note: Currently only sample data is provided. In the near future, we will fully open source the original data. |
#### Pre-training |
```shell |
train_type="pretrain" |
train_file="data/pretrain/train" |
validation_file="data/pretrain/test" |
block_size="1024" |
deepspeed_dir="data/resources/deepspeed_zero_stage2_config.yml" |
num_train_epochs="2" |
export WANDB_PROJECT="TCM-${train_type}" |
date_time=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") |
run_name="${date_time}_${block_size}" |
model_name_or_path="your/path/Baichuan2-7B-Chat" |
output_dir="output/${train_type}/${date_time}_${block_size}" |
accelerate launch --config_file ${deepspeed_dir} src/pretraining.py \ |
--model_name_or_path ${model_name_or_path} \ |
--train_file ${train_file} \ |
--validation_file ${validation_file} \ |
--preprocessing_num_workers 20 \ |
--cache_dir ./cache \ |
--block_size ${block_size} \ |
--seed 42 \ |
--do_train \ |
--do_eval \ |
--per_device_train_batch_size 32 \ |
--per_device_eval_batch_size 32 \ |
--num_train_epochs ${num_train_epochs} \ |
--low_cpu_mem_usage True \ |
--torch_dtype bfloat16 \ |
--bf16 \ |
--ddp_find_unused_parameters False \ |
--gradient_checkpointing True \ |
--learning_rate 2e-4 \ |
--warmup_ratio 0.05 \ |
--weight_decay 0.01 \ |
--report_to wandb \ |
--run_name ${run_name} \ |
--logging_dir logs \ |
--logging_strategy steps \ |
--logging_steps 10 \ |
--eval_steps 50 \ |
--evaluation_strategy steps \ |
--save_steps 100 \ |
--save_strategy steps \ |
--save_total_limit 13 \ |
--output_dir ${output_dir} \ |
--overwrite_output_dir |
``` |
#### Fine-tuning |
```shell |
train_type="SFT" |
model_max_length="1024" |
date_time=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") |
data_path="data/sft/sample_train_baichuan_data.json" |
model_name_or_path="your/path/pretrain" |
deepspeed_dir="data/resources/deepspeed_zero_stage2_confi_baichuan2.json" |
export WANDB_PROJECT="TCM-${train_type}" |
run_name="${train_type}_${date_time}" |
output_dir="output/${train_type}/${date_time}_${model_max_length}" |
deepspeed --hostfile="" src/fine-tune.py \ |
--report_to "wandb" \ |
--run_name ${run_name} \ |
--data_path ${data_path} \ |
--model_name_or_path ${model_name_or_path} \ |
--output_dir ${output_dir} \ |
--model_max_length ${model_max_length} \ |
--num_train_epochs 4 \ |
--per_device_train_batch_size 16 \ |
--gradient_accumulation_steps 1 \ |
--save_strategy epoch \ |
--learning_rate 2e-5 \ |
--lr_scheduler_type constant \ |
--adam_beta1 0.9 \ |
--adam_beta2 0.98 \ |
--adam_epsilon 1e-8 \ |
--max_grad_norm 1.0 \ |
--weight_decay 1e-4 \ |
--warmup_ratio 0.0 \ |
--logging_steps 1 \ |
--gradient_checkpointing True \ |
--deepspeed ${deepspeed_dir} \ |
--bf16 True \ |
--tf32 True |
``` |
### Training details |
Please refer to the experimental section of the paper for instructions. |