ds_saliency_inference / convert_model.py
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# use this script to convert any of the models saved to be
# compatible with tf2: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GI7i6GpfI-FoklP3vCc6vxe3T9nk3V2n
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.saved_model import signature_constants, tag_constants
export_dir = "./app/"
# update the below line to point at the desired model downloaded
# from the above google drive link
graph_pb = "./app/model_salicon_cpu.pb"
with tf.io.gfile.GFile(graph_pb, "rb") as f:
graph_def = tf.compat.v1.GraphDef()
sig = {}
builder = tf.compat.v1.saved_model.Builder(export_dir)
with tf.compat.v1.Session(graph=tf.Graph()) as sess:
tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, name="")
g = tf.compat.v1.get_default_graph()
input = g.get_tensor_by_name("input:0")
output = g.get_tensor_by_name("output:0")
sig_key = signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY
sig[sig_key] = tf.compat.v1.saved_model.predict_signature_def({"input": input},
{"output": output})