Changing gated access wording. Can't preview when I'm not gated, so I hope it's ok.

by meg HF staff - opened
No description provided.

the last line looks less indented than the others so it might not be valid YAML (not 100% sure about this)

Hmm, I didn't change the last line.
I ran what I wrote through the yaml checker, and it did throw an error for Line 17, but suggested I use a ":" at the end, so I did and then it wasn't broken anymore.
But now that you mention it, it could be indented more.

Also happy to merge and adapt after quickly after if it is indeed broken

i meant the last line of your diff ie. the one starting with By clicking on "Access repository" below

but yeah we'll see when merging =)

patrickvonplaten changed pull request status to merged

haha i committed my fix but too late =)

Sorry πŸ˜… But it seems to be fine (wanted to see as well)

no because you're missing the last line:

By clicking on "Access repository" below, you accept that your contact information (email address and username) can be shared with the model authors as well

Sorry you're right - fixed it

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