What is difference in UNET And normal LoRA

by roktimsardar123 - opened
ByteDance org

The difference mainly lies on the number of parameters fine-tuned.
For the UNet fully fine-tuning, our model would get learned better.
While for the LoRA training, only the injected sparse matrix would be updated and fine-tuned.
To clarify, our 1-Step SDXL UNet is NOT merged directly from SDXL-Base and 1-Step LoRA.
Instead, it's fully fine-tuned and re-trained from SDXL-Base. Thanks for your attention❤️!

so its just like sdxl checkpoint
? and not a lora?

ByteDance org

We have both 1-Step UNet and LoRA on SDXL.
You can pick as you want.

i mean the unet is a checkpoint?
(sorry im new into this)

Do you mean the "checkpoint" in ComfyUI?
In ComfyUI, only the weights with all UNet, VAE and text encoder are called "checkpoint" and should be placed under models/checkpoints folder.
But during training, saved model weights can all be called checkpoints in practical.
The Hyper-SDXL-1step-Unet.safetensors we provide is a raw UNet checkpoint without VAE and text encoder. It can't be used as a "checkpoint" in ComfyUI. It can be loaded by diffusers integration like pipelines.
While the Hyper-SDXL-1step-Unet-Comfyui.fp16.safetensors we provide is a "checkpoint" in ComfyUI which contains all UNet, VAE and text encoder.

renyuxi changed discussion status to closed

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