Zhejiang University DCD-Lab


AI & ML interests

None defined yet.

Welcome to DCD Lab of Zhejiang University!

Who are we?

  • We are PhD and Master students of Zhejiang University. 🏢
  • We are devoting ourselves to the new era of AI, studying data-driven and knowledge-driven of AI technology. 🚀

What are we doing?

  • We are trying to build competitive generative language models with efficient training strategies, following works such as LLaMA, Alpaca, LoRA, GLM, ZeRO, etc. 🏃
  • We are trying to apply generative language models to specific domains to make them suitable for solving industrial tasks. 👀
  • We are trying to aggregate the abilities of multiple existing pre-trained models and knowledge graphs to improve the performance of solving complex tasks. 📈


None public yet


None public yet