"""Server that will listen for GET and POST requests from the client.""" import time from pathlib import Path from typing import List from fastapi import FastAPI, File, Form, UploadFile from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse, Response from concrete.ml.deployment import FHEModelServer # Initialize an instance of FastAPI app = FastAPI() current_dir = Path(__file__).parent # Load the model fhe_model = FHEModelServer(Path.joinpath(current_dir, "./client_folder")) # Define the default route @app.get("/") def root(): return {"message": "Welcome to Your disease prediction with fhe !"} @app.post("/send_input") def send_input( user_id: str = Form(), filter: str = Form(), files: List[UploadFile] = File(), ): """Send the inputs to the server.""" # Retrieve the encrypted input image and the evaluation key paths encrypted_image_path = 0 # Tcurrent_dir("encrypted_image", user_id, filter) evaluation_key_path = current_dir / ".fhe_keys/{user_id}" # Write the files using the above paths with encrypted_image_path.open("wb") as encrypted_image, evaluation_key_path.open( "wb" ) as evaluation_key: encrypted_image.write(files[0].file.read()) evaluation_key.write(files[1].file.read()) @app.post("/run_fhe") def run_fhe( user_id: str = Form(), filter: str = Form(), ): """Execute the filter on the encrypted input image using FHE.""" # Retrieve the encrypted input image and the evaluation key paths encrypted_image_path = get_server_file_path("encrypted_image", user_id, filter) evaluation_key_path = get_server_file_path("evaluation_key", user_id, filter) # Read the files using the above paths with encrypted_image_path.open("rb") as encrypted_image_file, evaluation_key_path.open( "rb" ) as evaluation_key_file: encrypted_image = encrypted_image_file.read() evaluation_key = evaluation_key_file.read() # Load the FHE server fhe_server = FHEServer(FILTERS_PATH / f"{filter}/deployment") # Run the FHE execution start = time.time() encrypted_output_image = fhe_server.run(encrypted_image, evaluation_key) fhe_execution_time = round(time.time() - start, 2) # Retrieve the encrypted output image path encrypted_output_path = get_server_file_path("encrypted_output", user_id, filter) # Write the file using the above path with encrypted_output_path.open("wb") as encrypted_output: encrypted_output.write(encrypted_output_image) return JSONResponse(content=fhe_execution_time) @app.post("/get_output") def get_output( user_id: str = Form(), filter: str = Form(), ): """Retrieve the encrypted output image.""" # Retrieve the encrypted output image path encrypted_output_path = get_server_file_path("encrypted_output", user_id, filter) # Read the file using the above path with encrypted_output_path.open("rb") as encrypted_output_file: encrypted_output = encrypted_output_file.read() return Response(encrypted_output)