import subprocess import time from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union import gradio as gr import numpy as np import pandas as pd import requests from symptoms_categories import SYMPTOMS_LIST from utils import ( # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module CLIENT_DIR, CURRENT_DIR, DEPLOYMENT_DIR, INPUT_BROWSER_LIMIT, KEYS_DIR, SERVER_URL, TARGET_COLUMNS, TRAINING_FILENAME, clean_directory, get_disease_name, load_data, pretty_print, ) from import FHEModelClient subprocess.Popen(["uvicorn", "server:app"], cwd=CURRENT_DIR) time.sleep(3) # pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member def is_nan(inputs): return inputs is None or (inputs is not None and len(inputs) < 1) def get_user_symptoms_from_checkboxgroup(checkbox_symptoms) -> np.array: symptoms_vector = {key: 0 for key in valid_columns} for pretty_symptom in checkbox_symptoms: original_symptom = "_".join((pretty_symptom.lower().split(" "))) if original_symptom not in symptoms_vector.keys(): raise KeyError( f"The symptom '{original_symptom}' you provided is not recognized as a valid " f"symptom.\nHere is the list of valid symptoms: {symptoms_vector}" ) symptoms_vector[original_symptom] = 1 user_symptoms_vect = np.fromiter(symptoms_vector.values(), dtype=float)[np.newaxis, :] assert all(value == 0 or value == 1 for value in user_symptoms_vect.flatten()) return user_symptoms_vect def fill_in_fn(default_disease, *checkbox_symptoms): df = pd.read_csv(TRAINING_FILENAME) df_filtred = df[df[TARGET_COLUMNS[1]] == default_disease] symptoms = pretty_print(df_filtred.columns[df_filtred.eq(1).any()].to_list()) if any(lst for lst in checkbox_symptoms if lst): for sublist in checkbox_symptoms: symptoms.extend(sublist) return {box: symptoms for box in check_boxes} def get_features(*checked_symptoms): if not any(lst for lst in checked_symptoms if lst): return { error_box1: gr.update( visible=True, value="Enter a default disease or select your own symptoms" ), } return { error_box1: gr.update(visible=False), user_vect_box1: get_user_symptoms_from_checkboxgroup(pretty_print(checked_symptoms)), } def key_gen_fn(user_symptoms: List[str]) -> Dict: """ Generate keys for a given user. Args: user_symptoms (List[str]): The vector symptoms provided by the user. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the generated keys and related information. """ clean_directory() if is_nan(user_symptoms): print("Error: Please submit your symptoms or select a default disease.") return { error_box2: gr.update(visible=True, value="Please submit your symptoms first"), } # Generate a random user ID user_id = np.random.randint(0, 2**32) print(f"Your user ID is: {user_id}....") client = FHEModelClient(path_dir=DEPLOYMENT_DIR, key_dir=KEYS_DIR / f"{user_id}") client.load() # Creates the private and evaluation keys on the client side client.generate_private_and_evaluation_keys() # Get the serialized evaluation keys serialized_evaluation_keys = client.get_serialized_evaluation_keys() assert isinstance(serialized_evaluation_keys, bytes) # Save the evaluation key evaluation_key_path = KEYS_DIR / f"{user_id}/evaluation_key" with"wb") as f: f.write(serialized_evaluation_keys) serialized_evaluation_keys_shorten_hex = serialized_evaluation_keys.hex()[:INPUT_BROWSER_LIMIT] return { error_box2: gr.update(visible=False), key_box: serialized_evaluation_keys_shorten_hex, user_id_box: user_id, key_len_box: f"{len(serialized_evaluation_keys) / (10**6):.2f} MB", } def encrypt_fn(user_symptoms, user_id): if is_nan(user_id) or is_nan(user_symptoms): print("Error in encryption step: Provide your symptoms and generate the evaluation keys.") return { error_box3: gr.update( visible=True, value="Please provide your symptoms and generate the evaluation keys." ) } # Retrieve the client API client = FHEModelClient(path_dir=DEPLOYMENT_DIR, key_dir=KEYS_DIR / f"{user_id}") client.load() user_symptoms = np.fromstring(user_symptoms[2:-2], dtype=int, sep=".").reshape(1, -1) quant_user_symptoms = client.model.quantize_input(user_symptoms) encrypted_quantized_user_symptoms = client.quantize_encrypt_serialize(user_symptoms) assert isinstance(encrypted_quantized_user_symptoms, bytes) encrypted_input_path = KEYS_DIR / f"{user_id}/encrypted_symptoms" with"wb") as f: f.write(encrypted_quantized_user_symptoms) encrypted_quantized_user_symptoms_shorten_hex = encrypted_quantized_user_symptoms.hex()[ :INPUT_BROWSER_LIMIT ] return { error_box3: gr.update(visible=False), user_vect_box2: user_symptoms, quant_vect_box: quant_user_symptoms, enc_vect_box: encrypted_quantized_user_symptoms_shorten_hex, } def send_input_fn(user_id, user_symptoms): """Send the encrypted data and the evaluation key to the server. Args: user_id (int): The current user's ID user_symptoms (numpy.ndarray): The user symptoms """ if is_nan(user_id) or is_nan(user_symptoms): return { error_box4: gr.update( visible=True, value="Please ensure that the evaluation key has been generated " "and the symptoms have been submitted before sending the data to the server", ) } evaluation_key_path = KEYS_DIR / f"{user_id}/evaluation_key" encrypted_input_path = KEYS_DIR / f"{user_id}/encrypted_symptoms" if not evaluation_key_path.is_file(): print( "Error Encountered While Sending Data to the Server: " f"The key has been generated correctly - {evaluation_key_path.is_file()=}" ) return {error_box4: gr.update(visible=True, value="Please generate the private key first.")} if not encrypted_input_path.is_file(): print( "Error Encountered While Sending Data to the Server: The data has not been encrypted " f"correctly on the client side - {encrypted_input_path.is_file()=}" ) return { error_box4: gr.update( visible=True, value="Please encrypt the data with the private key first.", ), } # Define the data and files to post data = { "user_id": user_id, "filter": user_symptoms, } files = [ ("files", open(encrypted_input_path, "rb")), ("files", open(evaluation_key_path, "rb")), ] # Send the encrypted input image and evaluation key to the server url = SERVER_URL + "send_input" with url=url, data=data, files=files, ) as response: print(f"Sending Data: {response.ok=}") return {error_box4: gr.update(visible=False), srv_resp_send_data_box: "Data sent"} def run_fhe_fn(user_id): """Send the encrypted input image as well as the evaluation key to the server. Args: user_id (int): The current user's ID. filter_name (str): The current filter to consider. """ if is_nan(user_id): # or is_nan(user_symptoms): return { error_box5: gr.update( visible=True, value="Please ensure that the evaluation key has been generated " "and the symptoms have been submitted before sending the data to the server", ) } data = { "user_id": user_id, } # Trigger the FHE execution on the encrypted image previously sent url = SERVER_URL + "run_fhe" with url=url, data=data, ) as response: if not response.ok: return { error_box5: gr.update(visible=True, value="Please wait."), fhe_execution_time_box: gr.update(visible=True), } else: print(f"response.ok: {response.ok}, {response.json()} - Computed") return { error_box5: gr.update(visible=False), fhe_execution_time_box: gr.update(value=f"{response.json()} seconds"), } def get_output_fn(user_id, user_symptoms): if is_nan(user_id) or is_nan(user_symptoms): return { error_box6: gr.update( visible=True, value="Please ensure that the evaluation key has been generated " "and the symptoms have been submitted before sending the data to the server", ) } data = { "user_id": user_id, } # Retrieve the encrypted output image url = SERVER_URL + "get_output" with url=url, data=data, ) as response: if response.ok: print(f"Receive Data: {response.ok=}") encrypted_output = response.content # Save the encrypted output to bytes in a file as it is too large to pass through # regular Gradio buttons (see encrypted_output_path = CLIENT_DIR / f"{user_id}_encrypted_output" with"wb") as f: f.write(encrypted_output) return {error_box6: gr.update(visible=False), srv_resp_retrieve_data_box: "Data received"} def decrypt_fn(user_id, user_symptoms): if is_nan(user_id) or is_nan(user_symptoms): return { error_box7: gr.update( visible=True, value="Please ensure that the symptoms have been submitted and the evaluation " "key has been generated", ) } # Get the encrypted output path encrypted_output_path = CLIENT_DIR / f"{user_id}_encrypted_output" if not encrypted_output_path.is_file(): print("Error in decryption step: Please run the FHE execution, first.") return { error_box7: gr.update( visible=True, value="Please ensure that the symptoms have been submitted, the evaluation " "key has been generated and step 5 and 6 have been performed on the Server " "side before decrypting the prediction", ) } # Load the encrypted output as bytes with"rb") as f: encrypted_output = # Retrieve the client API client = FHEModelClient(path_dir=DEPLOYMENT_DIR, key_dir=KEYS_DIR / f"{user_id}") client.load() # Deserialize, decrypt and post-process the encrypted output output = client.deserialize_decrypt_dequantize(encrypted_output) return { error_box7: gr.update(visible=False), decrypt_target_box: get_disease_name(output.argmax()), } def clear_all_btn(): """Clear all the box outputs.""" clean_directory() return { disease_box: None, user_id_box: None, user_vect_box1: None, user_vect_box2: None, quant_vect_box: None, enc_vect_box: None, key_box: None, key_len_box: None, fhe_execution_time_box: None, decrypt_target_box: None, error_box7: gr.update(visible=False), error_box1: gr.update(visible=False), error_box2: gr.update(visible=False), error_box3: gr.update(visible=False), error_box4: gr.update(visible=False), error_box5: gr.update(visible=False), error_box6: gr.update(visible=False), srv_resp_send_data_box: None, srv_resp_retrieve_data_box: None, **{box: None for box in check_boxes}, } CSS = """ #them {color: orange} #them {font-size: 25px} #them {font-weight: bold} .gradio-container {background-color: white} .feedback {font-size: 3px !important} /* #them {text-align: center} */ """ if __name__ == "__main__": print("Starting demo ...") clean_directory() (_, X_train, X_test), (df_test, y_train, y_test) = load_data() valid_columns = X_train.columns.to_list() with gr.Blocks(css=CSS) as demo: # Link + images gr.Markdown( """

Health Prediction On Encrypted Data Using Fully Homomorphic Encryption.

Concrete-ML Documentation Community @zama_fhe

""" ) with gr.Tabs(elem_id="them"): with gr.TabItem("1. Symptoms Selection") as feature: gr.Markdown("Client Side") gr.Markdown("## Step 1: Provide your symptoms") gr.Markdown( "You can provide your health condition either by checking " "the symptoms available in the boxes or by selecting a known disease with " "its predefined set of symptoms." ) # Box symptoms check_boxes = [] for i, category in enumerate(SYMPTOMS_LIST): with gr.Accordion( pretty_print(category.keys()), open=True, elem_classes="feedback" ): check_box = gr.CheckboxGroup( pretty_print(category.values()), label=pretty_print(category.keys()), info=f"Symptoms related to `{pretty_print(category.values())}`", ) check_boxes.append(check_box) error_box1 = gr.Textbox(label="Error", visible=False) # Default disease, picked from the dataframe disease_box = gr.Dropdown(list(sorted(set(df_test["prognosis"]))), label="Disease:") disease_box.change( fn=fill_in_fn, inputs=[disease_box, *check_boxes], outputs=[*check_boxes], ) # User symptom vector with gr.Row(): user_vect_box1 = gr.Textbox(label="User Symptoms Vector:", interactive=False) with gr.Row(): # Submit botton submit_button = gr.Button("Submit") with gr.Row(): # Clear botton clear_button = gr.Button("Reset") fn=get_features, inputs=[*check_boxes], outputs=[user_vect_box1, error_box1], ) with gr.TabItem("2. Data Encryption") as encryption_tab: gr.Markdown("Client Side") gr.Markdown("## Step 2: Generate the keys") gen_key_btn = gr.Button("Generate the keys") error_box2 = gr.Textbox(label="Error", visible=False) with gr.Row(): # User ID with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=600): user_id_box = gr.Textbox(label="User ID:", interactive=False) # Evaluation key size with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=600): key_len_box = gr.Textbox(label="Evaluation Key Size:", interactive=False) with gr.Row(): # Evaluation key (truncated) with gr.Column(scale=2, min_width=600): key_box = gr.Textbox( label="Evaluation key (truncated):", max_lines=2, interactive=False, ) key_gen_fn, inputs=user_vect_box1, outputs=[ key_box, user_id_box, key_len_box, error_box2, ], ) gr.Markdown("## Step 3: Encrypt the symptoms") encrypt_btn = gr.Button("Encrypt the symptoms with the private key") error_box3 = gr.Textbox(label="Error", visible=False) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=600): user_vect_box2 = gr.Textbox( label="User Symptoms Vector:", interactive=False ) with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=600): quant_vect_box = gr.Textbox(label="Quantized Vector:", interactive=False) with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=600): enc_vect_box = gr.Textbox( label="Encrypted Vector:", max_lines=3, interactive=False ) encrypt_fn, inputs=[user_vect_box1, user_id_box], outputs=[ user_vect_box2, quant_vect_box, enc_vect_box, error_box3, ], ) gr.Markdown( "## Step 4: Send the encrypted data to the " "Server Side" ) error_box4 = gr.Textbox(label="Error", visible=False) with gr.Row().style(equal_height=False): with gr.Column(scale=4): send_input_btn = gr.Button("Send the encrypted data") with gr.Column(scale=1): srv_resp_send_data_box = gr.Checkbox( label="Data Sent", show_label=False, interactive=False ) send_input_fn, inputs=[user_id_box, user_vect_box1], outputs=[error_box4, srv_resp_send_data_box], ) with gr.TabItem("3. Processing Data") as fhe_tab: gr.Markdown("Client Side") gr.Markdown("## Step 5: Run the FHE evaluation") run_fhe_btn = gr.Button("Run the FHE evaluation") error_box5 = gr.Textbox(label="Error", visible=False) fhe_execution_time_box = gr.Textbox( label="Total FHE Execution Time:", interactive=False ) run_fhe_fn, inputs=[user_id_box], outputs=[fhe_execution_time_box, error_box5], ) gr.Markdown( "## Step 6: Get the data from the Server" ) error_box6 = gr.Textbox(label="Error", visible=False) with gr.Row().style(equal_height=True): with gr.Column(scale=4): get_output_btn = gr.Button("Get data") with gr.Column(scale=1): srv_resp_retrieve_data_box = gr.Checkbox( label="Data Received", show_label=False, interactive=False ) get_output_fn, inputs=[user_id_box, user_vect_box1], outputs=[srv_resp_retrieve_data_box, error_box6], ) with gr.TabItem("4. Data Decryption") as decryption_tab: gr.Markdown("Client Side") gr.Markdown("## Step 7: Decrypt the output") decrypt_target_btn = gr.Button("Decrypt the output") error_box7 = gr.Textbox(label="Error", visible=False) decrypt_target_box = gr.Textbox(abel="Decrypted Output:", interactive=False) decrypt_fn, inputs=[user_id_box, user_vect_box1], outputs=[decrypt_target_box, error_box7], ) clear_all_btn, outputs=[ user_vect_box1, user_vect_box2, disease_box, error_box1, error_box2, error_box3, error_box4, error_box5, error_box6, error_box7, user_id_box, key_len_box, key_box, quant_vect_box, enc_vect_box, srv_resp_send_data_box, srv_resp_retrieve_data_box, fhe_execution_time_box, decrypt_target_box, *check_boxes, ], ) demo.launch()