yolov10_CTC / ultralytics /nn /autobackend.py
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# Ultralytics YOLO πŸš€, AGPL-3.0 license
import ast
import contextlib
import json
import platform
import zipfile
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from pathlib import Path
import cv2
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from PIL import Image
from ultralytics.utils import ARM64, LINUX, LOGGER, ROOT, yaml_load
from ultralytics.utils.checks import check_requirements, check_suffix, check_version, check_yaml
from ultralytics.utils.downloads import attempt_download_asset, is_url
def check_class_names(names):
Check class names.
Map imagenet class codes to human-readable names if required. Convert lists to dicts.
if isinstance(names, list): # names is a list
names = dict(enumerate(names)) # convert to dict
if isinstance(names, dict):
# Convert 1) string keys to int, i.e. '0' to 0, and non-string values to strings, i.e. True to 'True'
names = {int(k): str(v) for k, v in names.items()}
n = len(names)
if max(names.keys()) >= n:
raise KeyError(
f"{n}-class dataset requires class indices 0-{n - 1}, but you have invalid class indices "
f"{min(names.keys())}-{max(names.keys())} defined in your dataset YAML."
if isinstance(names[0], str) and names[0].startswith("n0"): # imagenet class codes, i.e. 'n01440764'
names_map = yaml_load(ROOT / "cfg/datasets/ImageNet.yaml")["map"] # human-readable names
names = {k: names_map[v] for k, v in names.items()}
return names
def default_class_names(data=None):
"""Applies default class names to an input YAML file or returns numerical class names."""
if data:
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
return yaml_load(check_yaml(data))["names"]
return {i: f"class{i}" for i in range(999)} # return default if above errors
class AutoBackend(nn.Module):
Handles dynamic backend selection for running inference using Ultralytics YOLO models.
The AutoBackend class is designed to provide an abstraction layer for various inference engines. It supports a wide
range of formats, each with specific naming conventions as outlined below:
Supported Formats and Naming Conventions:
| Format | File Suffix |
| PyTorch | *.pt |
| TorchScript | *.torchscript |
| ONNX Runtime | *.onnx |
| ONNX OpenCV DNN | *.onnx (dnn=True)|
| OpenVINO | *openvino_model/ |
| CoreML | *.mlpackage |
| TensorRT | *.engine |
| TensorFlow SavedModel | *_saved_model |
| TensorFlow GraphDef | *.pb |
| TensorFlow Lite | *.tflite |
| TensorFlow Edge TPU | *_edgetpu.tflite |
| PaddlePaddle | *_paddle_model |
| NCNN | *_ncnn_model |
This class offers dynamic backend switching capabilities based on the input model format, making it easier to deploy
models across various platforms.
def __init__(
Initialize the AutoBackend for inference.
weights (str): Path to the model weights file. Defaults to 'yolov8n.pt'.
device (torch.device): Device to run the model on. Defaults to CPU.
dnn (bool): Use OpenCV DNN module for ONNX inference. Defaults to False.
data (str | Path | optional): Path to the additional data.yaml file containing class names. Optional.
fp16 (bool): Enable half-precision inference. Supported only on specific backends. Defaults to False.
batch (int): Batch-size to assume for inference.
fuse (bool): Fuse Conv2D + BatchNorm layers for optimization. Defaults to True.
verbose (bool): Enable verbose logging. Defaults to True.
w = str(weights[0] if isinstance(weights, list) else weights)
nn_module = isinstance(weights, torch.nn.Module)
) = self._model_type(w)
fp16 &= pt or jit or onnx or xml or engine or nn_module or triton # FP16
nhwc = coreml or saved_model or pb or tflite or edgetpu # BHWC formats (vs torch BCWH)
stride = 32 # default stride
model, metadata = None, None
# Set device
cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() and device.type != "cpu" # use CUDA
if cuda and not any([nn_module, pt, jit, engine, onnx]): # GPU dataloader formats
device = torch.device("cpu")
cuda = False
# Download if not local
if not (pt or triton or nn_module):
w = attempt_download_asset(w)
# In-memory PyTorch model
if nn_module:
model = weights.to(device)
model = model.fuse(verbose=verbose) if fuse else model
if hasattr(model, "kpt_shape"):
kpt_shape = model.kpt_shape # pose-only
stride = max(int(model.stride.max()), 32) # model stride
names = model.module.names if hasattr(model, "module") else model.names # get class names
model.half() if fp16 else model.float()
self.model = model # explicitly assign for to(), cpu(), cuda(), half()
pt = True
# PyTorch
elif pt:
from ultralytics.nn.tasks import attempt_load_weights
model = attempt_load_weights(
weights if isinstance(weights, list) else w, device=device, inplace=True, fuse=fuse
if hasattr(model, "kpt_shape"):
kpt_shape = model.kpt_shape # pose-only
stride = max(int(model.stride.max()), 32) # model stride
names = model.module.names if hasattr(model, "module") else model.names # get class names
model.half() if fp16 else model.float()
self.model = model # explicitly assign for to(), cpu(), cuda(), half()
# TorchScript
elif jit:
LOGGER.info(f"Loading {w} for TorchScript inference...")
extra_files = {"config.txt": ""} # model metadata
model = torch.jit.load(w, _extra_files=extra_files, map_location=device)
model.half() if fp16 else model.float()
if extra_files["config.txt"]: # load metadata dict
metadata = json.loads(extra_files["config.txt"], object_hook=lambda x: dict(x.items()))
elif dnn:
LOGGER.info(f"Loading {w} for ONNX OpenCV DNN inference...")
net = cv2.dnn.readNetFromONNX(w)
# ONNX Runtime
elif onnx:
LOGGER.info(f"Loading {w} for ONNX Runtime inference...")
check_requirements(("onnx", "onnxruntime-gpu" if cuda else "onnxruntime"))
import onnxruntime
providers = ["CUDAExecutionProvider", "CPUExecutionProvider"] if cuda else ["CPUExecutionProvider"]
session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(w, providers=providers)
output_names = [x.name for x in session.get_outputs()]
metadata = session.get_modelmeta().custom_metadata_map
# OpenVINO
elif xml:
LOGGER.info(f"Loading {w} for OpenVINO inference...")
import openvino as ov
core = ov.Core()
w = Path(w)
if not w.is_file(): # if not *.xml
w = next(w.glob("*.xml")) # get *.xml file from *_openvino_model dir
ov_model = core.read_model(model=str(w), weights=w.with_suffix(".bin"))
if ov_model.get_parameters()[0].get_layout().empty:
# OpenVINO inference modes are 'LATENCY', 'THROUGHPUT' (not recommended), or 'CUMULATIVE_THROUGHPUT'
inference_mode = "CUMULATIVE_THROUGHPUT" if batch > 1 else "LATENCY"
LOGGER.info(f"Using OpenVINO {inference_mode} mode for batch={batch} inference...")
ov_compiled_model = core.compile_model(
device_name="AUTO", # AUTO selects best available device, do not modify
config={"PERFORMANCE_HINT": inference_mode},
input_name = ov_compiled_model.input().get_any_name()
metadata = w.parent / "metadata.yaml"
# TensorRT
elif engine:
LOGGER.info(f"Loading {w} for TensorRT inference...")
import tensorrt as trt # noqa https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-tensorrt-download
except ImportError:
check_requirements("nvidia-tensorrt", cmds="-U --index-url https://pypi.ngc.nvidia.com")
import tensorrt as trt # noqa
check_version(trt.__version__, "7.0.0", hard=True) # require tensorrt>=7.0.0
if device.type == "cpu":
device = torch.device("cuda:0")
Binding = namedtuple("Binding", ("name", "dtype", "shape", "data", "ptr"))
logger = trt.Logger(trt.Logger.INFO)
# Read file
with open(w, "rb") as f, trt.Runtime(logger) as runtime:
meta_len = int.from_bytes(f.read(4), byteorder="little") # read metadata length
metadata = json.loads(f.read(meta_len).decode("utf-8")) # read metadata
model = runtime.deserialize_cuda_engine(f.read()) # read engine
context = model.create_execution_context()
bindings = OrderedDict()
output_names = []
fp16 = False # default updated below
dynamic = False
for i in range(model.num_bindings):
name = model.get_binding_name(i)
dtype = trt.nptype(model.get_binding_dtype(i))
if model.binding_is_input(i):
if -1 in tuple(model.get_binding_shape(i)): # dynamic
dynamic = True
context.set_binding_shape(i, tuple(model.get_profile_shape(0, i)[2]))
if dtype == np.float16:
fp16 = True
else: # output
shape = tuple(context.get_binding_shape(i))
im = torch.from_numpy(np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype)).to(device)
bindings[name] = Binding(name, dtype, shape, im, int(im.data_ptr()))
binding_addrs = OrderedDict((n, d.ptr) for n, d in bindings.items())
batch_size = bindings["images"].shape[0] # if dynamic, this is instead max batch size
# CoreML
elif coreml:
LOGGER.info(f"Loading {w} for CoreML inference...")
import coremltools as ct
model = ct.models.MLModel(w)
metadata = dict(model.user_defined_metadata)
# TF SavedModel
elif saved_model:
LOGGER.info(f"Loading {w} for TensorFlow SavedModel inference...")
import tensorflow as tf
keras = False # assume TF1 saved_model
model = tf.keras.models.load_model(w) if keras else tf.saved_model.load(w)
metadata = Path(w) / "metadata.yaml"
# TF GraphDef
elif pb: # https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/migrate#a_graphpb_or_graphpbtxt
LOGGER.info(f"Loading {w} for TensorFlow GraphDef inference...")
import tensorflow as tf
from ultralytics.engine.exporter import gd_outputs
def wrap_frozen_graph(gd, inputs, outputs):
"""Wrap frozen graphs for deployment."""
x = tf.compat.v1.wrap_function(lambda: tf.compat.v1.import_graph_def(gd, name=""), []) # wrapped
ge = x.graph.as_graph_element
return x.prune(tf.nest.map_structure(ge, inputs), tf.nest.map_structure(ge, outputs))
gd = tf.Graph().as_graph_def() # TF GraphDef
with open(w, "rb") as f:
frozen_func = wrap_frozen_graph(gd, inputs="x:0", outputs=gd_outputs(gd))
# TFLite or TFLite Edge TPU
elif tflite or edgetpu: # https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/guide/python#install_tensorflow_lite_for_python
try: # https://coral.ai/docs/edgetpu/tflite-python/#update-existing-tf-lite-code-for-the-edge-tpu
from tflite_runtime.interpreter import Interpreter, load_delegate
except ImportError:
import tensorflow as tf
Interpreter, load_delegate = tf.lite.Interpreter, tf.lite.experimental.load_delegate
if edgetpu: # TF Edge TPU https://coral.ai/software/#edgetpu-runtime
LOGGER.info(f"Loading {w} for TensorFlow Lite Edge TPU inference...")
delegate = {"Linux": "libedgetpu.so.1", "Darwin": "libedgetpu.1.dylib", "Windows": "edgetpu.dll"}[
interpreter = Interpreter(model_path=w, experimental_delegates=[load_delegate(delegate)])
else: # TFLite
LOGGER.info(f"Loading {w} for TensorFlow Lite inference...")
interpreter = Interpreter(model_path=w) # load TFLite model
interpreter.allocate_tensors() # allocate
input_details = interpreter.get_input_details() # inputs
output_details = interpreter.get_output_details() # outputs
# Load metadata
with contextlib.suppress(zipfile.BadZipFile):
with zipfile.ZipFile(w, "r") as model:
meta_file = model.namelist()[0]
metadata = ast.literal_eval(model.read(meta_file).decode("utf-8"))
# TF.js
elif tfjs:
raise NotImplementedError("YOLOv8 TF.js inference is not currently supported.")
# PaddlePaddle
elif paddle:
LOGGER.info(f"Loading {w} for PaddlePaddle inference...")
check_requirements("paddlepaddle-gpu" if cuda else "paddlepaddle")
import paddle.inference as pdi # noqa
w = Path(w)
if not w.is_file(): # if not *.pdmodel
w = next(w.rglob("*.pdmodel")) # get *.pdmodel file from *_paddle_model dir
config = pdi.Config(str(w), str(w.with_suffix(".pdiparams")))
if cuda:
config.enable_use_gpu(memory_pool_init_size_mb=2048, device_id=0)
predictor = pdi.create_predictor(config)
input_handle = predictor.get_input_handle(predictor.get_input_names()[0])
output_names = predictor.get_output_names()
metadata = w.parents[1] / "metadata.yaml"
elif ncnn:
LOGGER.info(f"Loading {w} for NCNN inference...")
check_requirements("git+https://github.com/Tencent/ncnn.git" if ARM64 else "ncnn") # requires NCNN
import ncnn as pyncnn
net = pyncnn.Net()
net.opt.use_vulkan_compute = cuda
w = Path(w)
if not w.is_file(): # if not *.param
w = next(w.glob("*.param")) # get *.param file from *_ncnn_model dir
metadata = w.parent / "metadata.yaml"
# NVIDIA Triton Inference Server
elif triton:
from ultralytics.utils.triton import TritonRemoteModel
model = TritonRemoteModel(w)
# Any other format (unsupported)
from ultralytics.engine.exporter import export_formats
raise TypeError(
f"model='{w}' is not a supported model format. "
f"See https://docs.ultralytics.com/modes/predict for help.\n\n{export_formats()}"
# Load external metadata YAML
if isinstance(metadata, (str, Path)) and Path(metadata).exists():
metadata = yaml_load(metadata)
if metadata:
for k, v in metadata.items():
if k in ("stride", "batch"):
metadata[k] = int(v)
elif k in ("imgsz", "names", "kpt_shape") and isinstance(v, str):
metadata[k] = eval(v)
stride = metadata["stride"]
task = metadata["task"]
batch = metadata["batch"]
imgsz = metadata["imgsz"]
names = metadata["names"]
kpt_shape = metadata.get("kpt_shape")
elif not (pt or triton or nn_module):
LOGGER.warning(f"WARNING ⚠️ Metadata not found for 'model={weights}'")
# Check names
if "names" not in locals(): # names missing
names = default_class_names(data)
names = check_class_names(names)
# Disable gradients
if pt:
for p in model.parameters():
p.requires_grad = False
self.__dict__.update(locals()) # assign all variables to self
def forward(self, im, augment=False, visualize=False, embed=None):
Runs inference on the YOLOv8 MultiBackend model.
im (torch.Tensor): The image tensor to perform inference on.
augment (bool): whether to perform data augmentation during inference, defaults to False
visualize (bool): whether to visualize the output predictions, defaults to False
embed (list, optional): A list of feature vectors/embeddings to return.
(tuple): Tuple containing the raw output tensor, and processed output for visualization (if visualize=True)
b, ch, h, w = im.shape # batch, channel, height, width
if self.fp16 and im.dtype != torch.float16:
im = im.half() # to FP16
if self.nhwc:
im = im.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) # torch BCHW to numpy BHWC shape(1,320,192,3)
# PyTorch
if self.pt or self.nn_module:
y = self.model(im, augment=augment, visualize=visualize, embed=embed)
# TorchScript
elif self.jit:
y = self.model(im)
elif self.dnn:
im = im.cpu().numpy() # torch to numpy
y = self.net.forward()
# ONNX Runtime
elif self.onnx:
im = im.cpu().numpy() # torch to numpy
y = self.session.run(self.output_names, {self.session.get_inputs()[0].name: im})
# OpenVINO
elif self.xml:
im = im.cpu().numpy() # FP32
if self.inference_mode in {"THROUGHPUT", "CUMULATIVE_THROUGHPUT"}: # optimized for larger batch-sizes
n = im.shape[0] # number of images in batch
results = [None] * n # preallocate list with None to match the number of images
def callback(request, userdata):
"""Places result in preallocated list using userdata index."""
results[userdata] = request.results
# Create AsyncInferQueue, set the callback and start asynchronous inference for each input image
async_queue = self.ov.runtime.AsyncInferQueue(self.ov_compiled_model)
for i in range(n):
# Start async inference with userdata=i to specify the position in results list
async_queue.start_async(inputs={self.input_name: im[i : i + 1]}, userdata=i) # keep image as BCHW
async_queue.wait_all() # wait for all inference requests to complete
y = np.concatenate([list(r.values())[0] for r in results])
else: # inference_mode = "LATENCY", optimized for fastest first result at batch-size 1
y = list(self.ov_compiled_model(im).values())
# TensorRT
elif self.engine:
if self.dynamic and im.shape != self.bindings["images"].shape:
i = self.model.get_binding_index("images")
self.context.set_binding_shape(i, im.shape) # reshape if dynamic
self.bindings["images"] = self.bindings["images"]._replace(shape=im.shape)
for name in self.output_names:
i = self.model.get_binding_index(name)
s = self.bindings["images"].shape
assert im.shape == s, f"input size {im.shape} {'>' if self.dynamic else 'not equal to'} max model size {s}"
self.binding_addrs["images"] = int(im.data_ptr())
y = [self.bindings[x].data for x in sorted(self.output_names)]
# CoreML
elif self.coreml:
im = im[0].cpu().numpy()
im_pil = Image.fromarray((im * 255).astype("uint8"))
# im = im.resize((192, 320), Image.BILINEAR)
y = self.model.predict({"image": im_pil}) # coordinates are xywh normalized
if "confidence" in y:
raise TypeError(
"Ultralytics only supports inference of non-pipelined CoreML models exported with "
f"'nms=False', but 'model={w}' has an NMS pipeline created by an 'nms=True' export."
# TODO: CoreML NMS inference handling
# from ultralytics.utils.ops import xywh2xyxy
# box = xywh2xyxy(y['coordinates'] * [[w, h, w, h]]) # xyxy pixels
# conf, cls = y['confidence'].max(1), y['confidence'].argmax(1).astype(np.float32)
# y = np.concatenate((box, conf.reshape(-1, 1), cls.reshape(-1, 1)), 1)
elif len(y) == 1: # classification model
y = list(y.values())
elif len(y) == 2: # segmentation model
y = list(reversed(y.values())) # reversed for segmentation models (pred, proto)
# PaddlePaddle
elif self.paddle:
im = im.cpu().numpy().astype(np.float32)
y = [self.predictor.get_output_handle(x).copy_to_cpu() for x in self.output_names]
elif self.ncnn:
mat_in = self.pyncnn.Mat(im[0].cpu().numpy())
with self.net.create_extractor() as ex:
ex.input(self.net.input_names()[0], mat_in)
y = [np.array(ex.extract(x)[1])[None] for x in self.net.output_names()]
# NVIDIA Triton Inference Server
elif self.triton:
im = im.cpu().numpy() # torch to numpy
y = self.model(im)
# TensorFlow (SavedModel, GraphDef, Lite, Edge TPU)
im = im.cpu().numpy()
if self.saved_model: # SavedModel
y = self.model(im, training=False) if self.keras else self.model(im)
if not isinstance(y, list):
y = [y]
elif self.pb: # GraphDef
y = self.frozen_func(x=self.tf.constant(im))
if len(y) == 2 and len(self.names) == 999: # segments and names not defined
ip, ib = (0, 1) if len(y[0].shape) == 4 else (1, 0) # index of protos, boxes
nc = y[ib].shape[1] - y[ip].shape[3] - 4 # y = (1, 160, 160, 32), (1, 116, 8400)
self.names = {i: f"class{i}" for i in range(nc)}
else: # Lite or Edge TPU
details = self.input_details[0]
integer = details["dtype"] in (np.int8, np.int16) # is TFLite quantized int8 or int16 model
if integer:
scale, zero_point = details["quantization"]
im = (im / scale + zero_point).astype(details["dtype"]) # de-scale
self.interpreter.set_tensor(details["index"], im)
y = []
for output in self.output_details:
x = self.interpreter.get_tensor(output["index"])
if integer:
scale, zero_point = output["quantization"]
x = (x.astype(np.float32) - zero_point) * scale # re-scale
if x.ndim > 2: # if task is not classification
# Denormalize xywh by image size. See https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/pull/1695
# xywh are normalized in TFLite/EdgeTPU to mitigate quantization error of integer models
x[:, [0, 2]] *= w
x[:, [1, 3]] *= h
# TF segment fixes: export is reversed vs ONNX export and protos are transposed
if len(y) == 2: # segment with (det, proto) output order reversed
if len(y[1].shape) != 4:
y = list(reversed(y)) # should be y = (1, 116, 8400), (1, 160, 160, 32)
y[1] = np.transpose(y[1], (0, 3, 1, 2)) # should be y = (1, 116, 8400), (1, 32, 160, 160)
y = [x if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) else x.numpy() for x in y]
# for x in y:
# print(type(x), len(x)) if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)) else print(type(x), x.shape) # debug shapes
if isinstance(y, (list, tuple)):
return self.from_numpy(y[0]) if len(y) == 1 else [self.from_numpy(x) for x in y]
return self.from_numpy(y)
def from_numpy(self, x):
Convert a numpy array to a tensor.
x (np.ndarray): The array to be converted.
(torch.Tensor): The converted tensor
return torch.tensor(x).to(self.device) if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) else x
def warmup(self, imgsz=(1, 3, 640, 640)):
Warm up the model by running one forward pass with a dummy input.
imgsz (tuple): The shape of the dummy input tensor in the format (batch_size, channels, height, width)
warmup_types = self.pt, self.jit, self.onnx, self.engine, self.saved_model, self.pb, self.triton, self.nn_module
if any(warmup_types) and (self.device.type != "cpu" or self.triton):
im = torch.empty(*imgsz, dtype=torch.half if self.fp16 else torch.float, device=self.device) # input
for _ in range(2 if self.jit else 1):
self.forward(im) # warmup
def _model_type(p="path/to/model.pt"):
This function takes a path to a model file and returns the model type. Possibles types are pt, jit, onnx, xml,
engine, coreml, saved_model, pb, tflite, edgetpu, tfjs, ncnn or paddle.
p: path to the model file. Defaults to path/to/model.pt
>>> model = AutoBackend(weights="path/to/model.onnx")
>>> model_type = model._model_type() # returns "onnx"
from ultralytics.engine.exporter import export_formats
sf = list(export_formats().Suffix) # export suffixes
if not is_url(p) and not isinstance(p, str):
check_suffix(p, sf) # checks
name = Path(p).name
types = [s in name for s in sf]
types[5] |= name.endswith(".mlmodel") # retain support for older Apple CoreML *.mlmodel formats
types[8] &= not types[9] # tflite &= not edgetpu
if any(types):
triton = False
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
url = urlsplit(p)
triton = bool(url.netloc) and bool(url.path) and url.scheme in {"http", "grpc"}
return types + [triton]