import torch import numpy as np from safetensors import safe_open def guidance_scale_embedding(w, embedding_dim=512, dtype=torch.float32): """ See Args: timesteps (`torch.Tensor`): generate embedding vectors at these timesteps embedding_dim (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 512): dimension of the embeddings to generate dtype: data type of the generated embeddings Returns: `torch.FloatTensor`: Embedding vectors with shape `(len(timesteps), embedding_dim)` """ assert len(w.shape) == 1 w = w * 1000.0 half_dim = embedding_dim // 2 emb = torch.log(torch.tensor(10000.0)) / (half_dim - 1) emb = torch.exp(torch.arange(half_dim, dtype=dtype) * -emb) emb =[:, None] * emb[None, :] emb =[torch.sin(emb), torch.cos(emb)], dim=1) if embedding_dim % 2 == 1: # zero pad emb = torch.nn.functional.pad(emb, (0, 1)) assert emb.shape == (w.shape[0], embedding_dim) return emb def append_dims(x, target_dims): """Appends dimensions to the end of a tensor until it has target_dims dimensions.""" dims_to_append = target_dims - x.ndim if dims_to_append < 0: raise ValueError( f"input has {x.ndim} dims but target_dims is {target_dims}, which is less") return x[(...,) + (None,) * dims_to_append] # From LCMScheduler.get_scalings_for_boundary_condition_discrete def scalings_for_boundary_conditions(timestep, sigma_data=0.5, timestep_scaling=10.0): c_skip = sigma_data**2 / ((timestep / 0.1) ** 2 + sigma_data**2) c_out = (timestep / 0.1) / ((timestep / 0.1) ** 2 + sigma_data**2) ** 0.5 return c_skip, c_out # Compare LCMScheduler.step, Step 4 def predicted_origin(model_output, timesteps, sample, prediction_type, alphas, sigmas): if prediction_type == "epsilon": sigmas = extract_into_tensor(sigmas, timesteps, sample.shape) alphas = extract_into_tensor(alphas, timesteps, sample.shape) pred_x_0 = (sample - sigmas * model_output) / alphas elif prediction_type == "v_prediction": sigmas = extract_into_tensor(sigmas, timesteps, sample.shape) alphas = extract_into_tensor(alphas, timesteps, sample.shape) pred_x_0 = alphas * sample - sigmas * model_output else: raise ValueError( f"Prediction type {prediction_type} currently not supported.") return pred_x_0 def scale_for_loss(timesteps, sample, prediction_type, alphas, sigmas): if prediction_type == "epsilon": sigmas = extract_into_tensor(sigmas, timesteps, sample.shape) alphas = extract_into_tensor(alphas, timesteps, sample.shape) sample = sample * alphas / sigmas else: raise ValueError( f"Prediction type {prediction_type} currently not supported.") return sample def extract_into_tensor(a, t, x_shape): b, *_ = t.shape out = a.gather(-1, t) return out.reshape(b, *((1,) * (len(x_shape) - 1))) class DDIMSolver: def __init__(self, alpha_cumprods, timesteps=1000, ddim_timesteps=50): # DDIM sampling parameters step_ratio = timesteps // ddim_timesteps self.ddim_timesteps = ( np.arange(1, ddim_timesteps + 1) * step_ratio).round().astype(np.int64) - 1 # self.ddim_timesteps = (torch.linspace(100**2,1000**2,30)**0.5).round().numpy().astype(np.int64) - 1 self.ddim_timesteps_prev = np.asarray( [0] + self.ddim_timesteps[:-1].tolist() ) self.ddim_alpha_cumprods = alpha_cumprods[self.ddim_timesteps] self.ddim_alpha_cumprods_prev = np.asarray( [alpha_cumprods[0]] + alpha_cumprods[self.ddim_timesteps[:-1]].tolist() ) self.ddim_alpha_cumprods = alpha_cumprods[self.ddim_timesteps] self.ddim_alpha_cumprods_prev = np.asarray( [alpha_cumprods[0]] + alpha_cumprods[self.ddim_timesteps[:-1]].tolist() ) # convert to torch tensors self.ddim_timesteps = torch.from_numpy(self.ddim_timesteps).long() self.ddim_timesteps_prev = torch.from_numpy( self.ddim_timesteps_prev).long() self.ddim_alpha_cumprods = torch.from_numpy(self.ddim_alpha_cumprods) self.ddim_alpha_cumprods_prev = torch.from_numpy( self.ddim_alpha_cumprods_prev) def to(self, device): self.ddim_timesteps = self.ddim_timesteps_prev = self.ddim_alpha_cumprods = self.ddim_alpha_cumprods_prev = device) return self def ddim_step(self, pred_x0, pred_noise, timestep_index): alpha_cumprod_prev = extract_into_tensor( self.ddim_alpha_cumprods_prev, timestep_index, pred_x0.shape) dir_xt = (1.0 - alpha_cumprod_prev).sqrt() * pred_noise x_prev = alpha_cumprod_prev.sqrt() * pred_x0 + dir_xt return x_prev @torch.no_grad() def update_ema(target_params, source_params, rate=0.99): """ Update target parameters to be closer to those of source parameters using an exponential moving average. :param target_params: the target parameter sequence. :param source_params: the source parameter sequence. :param rate: the EMA rate (closer to 1 means slower). """ for targ, src in zip(target_params, source_params): targ.detach().mul_(rate).add_(src, alpha=1 - rate) def convert_lcm_lora(unet, path, alpha=1.0): if path.endswith(("ckpt",)): state_dict = torch.load(path, map_location="cpu") else: state_dict = {} with safe_open(path, framework="pt", device="cpu") as f: for key in f.keys(): state_dict[key] = f.get_tensor(key) num_alpha = 0 for key in state_dict.keys(): if "alpha" in key: num_alpha += 1 lora_keys = [k for k in state_dict.keys( ) if k.endswith("lora_down.weight")] updated_state_dict = {} for key in lora_keys: lora_name = key.split(".")[0] if lora_name.startswith("lora_unet_"): diffusers_name = key.replace("lora_unet_", "").replace("_", ".") if "input.blocks" in diffusers_name: diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace( "input.blocks", "down_blocks") else: diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace( "down.blocks", "down_blocks") if "middle.block" in diffusers_name: diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace( "middle.block", "mid_block") else: diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace( "mid.block", "mid_block") if "output.blocks" in diffusers_name: diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace( "output.blocks", "up_blocks") else: diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace( "up.blocks", "up_blocks") diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace( "transformer.blocks", "transformer_blocks") diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("to.q.lora", "to_q_lora") diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("to.k.lora", "to_k_lora") diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("to.v.lora", "to_v_lora") diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace( "to.out.0.lora", "to_out_lora") diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("", "proj_in") diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("proj.out", "proj_out") diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace( "time.emb.proj", "time_emb_proj") diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace( "conv.shortcut", "conv_shortcut") updated_state_dict[diffusers_name] = state_dict[key] up_diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace(".down.", ".up.") up_key = key.replace("lora_down.weight", "lora_up.weight") updated_state_dict[up_diffusers_name] = state_dict[up_key] state_dict = updated_state_dict num_lora = 0 for key in state_dict: if "up." in key: continue up_key = key.replace(".down.", ".up.") model_key = key.replace("processor.", "").replace("_lora", "").replace( "down.", "").replace("up.", "").replace(".lora", "") model_key = model_key.replace("to_out.", "to_out.0.") layer_infos = model_key.split(".")[:-1] curr_layer = unet while len(layer_infos) > 0: temp_name = layer_infos.pop(0) curr_layer = curr_layer.__getattr__(temp_name) weight_down = state_dict[key].to(, weight_up = state_dict[up_key].to(, if weight_up.ndim == 2: += 1/8 * alpha * \, weight_down) else: assert weight_up.ndim == 4 += 1/8 * alpha * start_dim=1), weight_down.flatten(start_dim=1)).reshape( num_lora += 1 return unet