import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') from crewai import Agent, Task, Crew from crewai import Crew, Process from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI from crewai_tools import ScrapeWebsiteTool, SerperDevTool import gradio as gr import os os.environ["SERPER_API_KEY"] = os.getenv('SERPER_API_KEY') search_tool = SerperDevTool() scrape_tool = ScrapeWebsiteTool() llm=ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o-mini", openai_api_key =os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY'), temperature=0.7) data_analyst_agent = Agent( role="Data Analyst", goal="First step is to monitor markets in the given country to identify companies with " "highest investments or contribution to " "socially responsible causes like CSR (corporate social responsibility), " "ESG (environment, social and governance), chaity trust etc.,. " "Main goal is to monitor and analyze market data of only these stock trading codes " "identified in first step in real-time to identify trends and predict market movements.", backstory="Specializing in social responsible activities and financial markets, this agent " "uses statistical modeling and machine learning " "to provide crucial insights. With a knack for data, " "the Data Analyst Agent is the cornerstone for " "informing trading decisions.", verbose=True, allow_delegation=True, tools = [scrape_tool, search_tool], llm=llm ) trading_strategy_agent = Agent( role="Trading Strategy Developer", goal="Develop and test various trading strategies based " "on insights from the Data Analyst Agent.", backstory="Equipped with a deep understanding of financial " "markets, portfolio analysis and quantitative analysis, " "this agent devises and refines trading strategies. " "Given a set of stock code options (for example a set of 5 codes) along with " "the number of top stocks to be shortlisted from the same set of stock code options (for example 3 out of the given 5) " "and the total initial capital to be invested in the shortlisted stocks " "in order to decide on portfolio of stocks to invest-in. " "It evaluates the performance of different approaches to determine " "the most profitable and risk-averse options " "before recommending the portfolio of stocks, their quantities and investment amount allocation.", verbose=True, allow_delegation=True, tools = [scrape_tool, search_tool], llm=llm ) execution_agent = Agent( role="Trade Advisor", goal="Suggest optimal trade execution strategies " "based on approved trading strategies.", backstory="This agent specializes in analyzing the timing, price, " "and logistical details of potential trades. By evaluating " "these factors, it provides well-founded suggestions for " "when and how trades should be executed to maximize " "efficiency and adherence to strategy.", verbose=True, allow_delegation=True, tools = [scrape_tool, search_tool], llm=llm ) risk_management_agent = Agent( role="Risk Advisor", goal="Evaluate and provide insights on the risks " "associated with potential trading activities.", backstory="Armed with a deep understanding of risk assessment models " "and market dynamics, this agent scrutinizes the potential " "risks of proposed trades. It offers a detailed analysis of " "risk exposure and suggests safeguards to ensure that " "trading activities align with the firm’s risk tolerance.", verbose=True, allow_delegation=True, tools = [scrape_tool, search_tool], llm=llm ) # Task for Data Analyst Agent: Analyze Market Data data_analysis_task = Task( description=( "Must consider the country of interest ({country}). " "Continuously monitor and analyze market data for " "5 or more companies in the given country ({country}) with highest investments or contribution to " "socially responsible causes like CSR (corporate social responsibility), " "ESG (environment, social and governance), chaity trust etc.,. " "Obtain stock trading codes for at least 5 companies and " "assign them as the potential optional stocks list for investment " "to an input variable >>> 'stock_set', which will be used for further processing and " "generating the variable >>> 'stock_selecton'. " "Use market research, statistical modeling and machine learning to " "identify trends and predict market movements." ), expected_output=( "The identified list of company trading codes with highest investments " "in CSR activities >>> ({stock_set}) in the country of interest ({country}) " "with rationale why they were selected must appear in the report. " "Insights and alerts about significant market " "opportunities or threats for each of the stocks in {stock_set}." ), agent=data_analyst_agent, ) # Task for Trading Strategy Agent: Develop Trading Strategies strategy_development_task = Task( description=( "Develop and refine trading strategies based on " "the insights from the Data Analyst and " "user-defined risk tolerance ({risk_tolerance}). " "Must consider the country of interest ({country}) and total initial capital ({initial_capital}), " "trading preferences ({trading_strategy_preference}), " "and how many stock options to be selected ({n_stock_options}) " "from the given potential optional stocks list for investment ({stock_set}) identified by data_analyst_agent " "and arrive at a short list of selected stocks for investment." "Assign this shortlist as values to the input variable >>> 'stock_selection' for further processing." ), expected_output=( "The shortlist of selected stocks for investment >>> ({stock_selection}) must appear in the output. " "A brief on why the stocks in ({stock_selection}) were selected and why not others " "must appear in the output " "A set of potential trading strategies for ({stock_selection}) that align with the user's risk tolerance." "An estimation of quantities and investment amount for each of the selected stocks in ({stock_selection}) " "to appear in the output. " "Under each trading strategy, briefly explain why certain stocks from ({stock_selection}) are cosidered " "and why not others. This to appear in the output. " ), agent=trading_strategy_agent, ) # Task for Trade Advisor Agent: Plan Trade Execution execution_planning_task = Task( description=( "Analyze approved trading strategies to determine the " "best execution methods for {stock_selection} that was recommended by trading_strategy_agent, " "considering current market conditions and optimal pricing." ), expected_output=( "Detailed execution plans suggesting how and when to " "execute trades for {stock_selection} that was recommended by trading_strategy_agent." ), agent=execution_agent, ) # Task for Risk Advisor Agent: Assess Trading Risks risk_assessment_task = Task( description=( "Evaluate the risks associated with the proposed trading " "strategies and execution plans for {stock_selection} that was recommended by trading_strategy_agent. " "Provide a detailed analysis of potential risks " "and suggest mitigation strategies." ), expected_output=( "A comprehensive risk analysis report detailing potential " "risks and mitigation recommendations for {stock_selection} that was recommended by trading_strategy_agent." ), agent=risk_management_agent, ) # Define the crew with agents and tasks financial_trading_crew = Crew( agents=[data_analyst_agent, trading_strategy_agent, execution_agent, risk_management_agent], tasks=[data_analysis_task, strategy_development_task, execution_planning_task, risk_assessment_task], manager_llm=ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o-mini", openai_api_key =os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY'), temperature=0.7), full_output =True, process=Process.hierarchical, verbose=True ) # Function to handle the inputs and display the results def process_input(country, n_stocks, capital, risk_label, strategy_label, news_impact): financial_trading_inputs = { 'country' : country.strip().capitalize(), 'stock_set': [], 'stock_selection': [], 'n_stock_options': int(n_stocks), 'initial_capital': int(capital), 'risk_tolerance': risk_label.strip(), 'trading_strategy_preference': strategy_label.strip(), 'news_impact_consideration': news_impact } result = financial_trading_crew.kickoff(inputs=financial_trading_inputs) # global result output1 = result['tasks_outputs'][0].exported_output+'\n\n=================================\n=================================\n' output2 = result['tasks_outputs'][1].exported_output output3 = result['tasks_outputs'][2].exported_output+'\n\n=================================\n=================================\n' output4 = result['tasks_outputs'][3].exported_output return output1, output2, output3, output4 # Create the input fields country = gr.Textbox(label="Country Name", placeholder="Enter country name", value="USA") n_stocks = gr.Slider(label="How Many Different Stocks You Want to Invest-in?", minimum=1, maximum=10, step=1, value=5) initial_capital = gr.Number(label="How much capital you would like to invest", minimum=50000, maximum=100000000, step=10000,value=500000) risk_label = gr.Dropdown(label="Your Risk Appetite Level", choices=["high", "medium", "low"], value="medium") trading_strategy = gr.Dropdown( label="Select Trading Strategy", choices=["day time trading", "swing trading", "scalping", "position trading", "algorithmic trading", "arbitrage", "news-based trading"], value="swing trading" ) news_impact = gr.Radio(label="Select True or False", choices=[True, False], value=True) # Create markdown output fields output1 = gr.Markdown(label="Companies Identified with Significant Investments in Social, Charitable, Environmental Activities") output2 = gr.Markdown(label="Stocks Identified for Investment") output3 = gr.Markdown(label="Investment Execution Startegies") output4 = gr.Markdown(label="Risks & Mitigation strategies") # Create submit and clear buttons submit_button = gr.Button("Submit") clear_button = gr.Button("Clear") # Create the layout and interface with gr.Blocks() as app: gr.Markdown("""# A Platform for Investing in Socially Responsible Companies in Your Country of Choice ## After entering the details and hit Submit button, wait for few minutes for the results to appear. You will be pleasantly surprised with the results""") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): country.render() n_stocks.render() initial_capital.render() with gr.Column(): risk_label.render() trading_strategy.render() news_impact.render() with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): output1.render() output2.render() with gr.Column(): output3.render() output4.render() with gr.Row(): # Add the submit and clear buttons submit_button.render() clear_button.render() # Link inputs and outputs to the submit button fn=process_input, inputs=[country, n_stocks, initial_capital, risk_label, trading_strategy, news_impact], outputs=[output1, output2, output3, output4] ) # Link the clear button to reset inputs and outputs fn=lambda: ("", "", "", ""), # Clear all outputs inputs=[], outputs=[output1, output2, output3, output4] ) # Link inputs and outputs to function fn=process_input, inputs=[country, n_stocks, initial_capital, risk_label, trading_strategy, news_impact], outputs=[output1, output2, output3, output4] ) # Launch the app app.launch(debug=True)