Ritesh Khanna
link to blog
history blame
No virus
6.61 kB
import gradio as gr
import transformers
import os
import re
import json
import random
device = "cpu"
model = None
tokenizer = None
def init_model():
global model, tokenizer
model_id = os.environ.get("MODEL_ID") or "treadon/prompt-fungineer-355M"
auth_token = os.environ.get("HUB_TOKEN") or True
print(f"Using model {model_id}.")
if auth_token != True:
print("Using auth token.")
model = transformers.AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id, low_cpu_mem_usage=True,use_auth_token=auth_token)
tokenizer = transformers.AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("gpt2")
def format_prompt(prompt, enhancers=True, inspiration=False, negative_prompt=False):
pattern = r"(BRF:|POS:|ENH:|INS:|NEG:) (.*?)(?= (BRF:|POS:|ENH:|INS:|NEG:)|$)"
matches = re.findall(pattern, prompt)
vals = {key: value.strip() for key, value,ex in matches}
result = vals["POS:"]
if enhancers:
result += " " + vals["ENH:"]
if inspiration:
result += " " + vals["INS:"]
if negative_prompt:
result += "\n\n--no " + vals["NEG:"]
return result
except Exception as e:
return "Failed to generate prompt."
def generate_text(prompt, extra=False, top_k=100, top_p=0.95, temperature=0.85, enhancers = True, inpspiration = False , negative_prompt = False):
global model, tokenizer
if model is None:
except Exception as e:
return ["Try Again"] * 4
if model is None:
return ["Try Again"] * 4
prompt = prompt.strip()
if not prompt.startswith("BRF:"):
prompt = "BRF: " + prompt
if not extra:
prompt = prompt + " POS:"
inputs = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt").to(device)
samples = []
for i in range(1):
print(f"Generating sample for prompt: {prompt}")
outputs = model.generate(**inputs, max_length=256, do_sample=True, top_k=top_k, top_p=top_p, temperature=temperature, num_return_sequences=4, pad_token_id=tokenizer.eos_token_id)
print(f"Generated {len(outputs)} samples.")
for output in outputs:
sample = tokenizer.decode(output, skip_special_tokens=True)
sample = format_prompt(sample, enhancers, inpspiration, negative_prompt)
print(f"Sample: {sample}")
except Exception as e:
return samples
if __name__ == "__main__":
with gr.Blocks() as fungineer:
with gr.Row():
gr.Markdown("""# Midjourney / Dalle 2 / Stable Diffusion Prompt Generator
This is the 355M parameter model. There is also a 7B parameter model that is much better but far slower (access coming soon).
Just enter a basic prompt and the fungineering model will use its wildest imagination to expand the prompt in detail. You can then use this prompt to generate images with Midjourney, Dalle 2, Stable Diffusion, Bing Image Creator, or any other image generation model. Read more about this project [on my blog post](https://riteshkhanna.com/2023/04/12/image-prompt-generator/).
## TIP: Keep the base prompt short and simple. The model will do the rest.
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
base_prompt = gr.Textbox(lines=1, label="Base Prompt (Shorter is Better)", placeholder="An astronaut in space.", info="Enter a very simple prompt that will be fungineered into something exciting!")
extra = gr.Checkbox(value=True, label="Extra Fungineer Imagination", info="If checked, the model will be allowed to go wild with its imagination.")
with gr.Accordion("Advanced Generation Settings", open=False):
top_k = gr.Slider( minimum=10, maximum=1000, value=100, label="Top K", info="Top K sampling")
top_p = gr.Slider( minimum=0.1, maximum=1, value=0.95, step=0.01, label="Top P", info="Top P sampling")
temperature = gr.Slider( minimum=0.1, maximum=1.2, value=0.85, step=0.01, label="Temperature", info="Temperature sampling. Higher values will make the model more creative")
with gr.Accordion("Advanced Output Settings", open=False):
enh = gr.Checkbox(value=True, label="Enhancers", info="Add image meta information such as lens type, shuffter speed, camera model, etc.")
insp = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Inpsiration", info="Include inspirational photographers that are known for this type of photography. Sometimes random people will appear here, needs more training.")
neg = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Negative Prompt", info="Include a negative prompt, more often used in Stable Diffusion. If you're a Stable Diffusion user, chances are you already have a better negative prompt you like to use.")
submit = gr.Button(label="Fungineer",variant="primary")
with gr.Column():
outputs = [
gr.Textbox(lines=2, label="Fungineered Text 1"),
gr.Textbox(lines=2, label="Fungineered Text 2"),
gr.Textbox(lines=2, label="Fungineered Text 3"),
gr.Textbox(lines=2, label="Fungineered Text 4"),
inputs = [base_prompt, extra, top_k, top_p, temperature, enh, insp, neg]
submit.click(generate_text, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
examples = []
with open("examples.json") as f:
examples = json.load(f)
for i, example in enumerate(examples):
with gr.Tab(f"Example {i+1}", id=i):
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
gr.Markdown(f"### Base Prompt")
with gr.Column():
gr.Markdown(f"### 355M Prompt Fungineered")
with gr.Column():
gr.Markdown(f"### 7B Prompt Fungineered")
fungineer.launch(enable_queue=True, show_api=False, debug=True)