# # Copyright (C) 2023, Inria # GRAPHDECO research group, https://team.inria.fr/graphdeco # All rights reserved. # # This software is free for non-commercial, research and evaluation use # under the terms of the LICENSE.md file. # # For inquiries contact george.drettakis@inria.fr # from pathlib import Path import os from PIL import Image import torch import torchvision.transforms.functional as tf from utils.loss_utils import ssim from lpipsPyTorch import lpips import json from tqdm import tqdm from utils.image_utils import psnr from argparse import ArgumentParser def readImages(renders_dir, gt_dir): renders = [] gts = [] image_names = [] for fname in os.listdir(renders_dir): render = Image.open(renders_dir / fname) gt = Image.open(gt_dir / fname) renders.append(tf.to_tensor(render).unsqueeze(0)[:, :3, :, :].cuda()) gts.append(tf.to_tensor(gt).unsqueeze(0)[:, :3, :, :].cuda()) image_names.append(fname) return renders, gts, image_names def evaluate(model_paths): full_dict = {} per_view_dict = {} full_dict_polytopeonly = {} per_view_dict_polytopeonly = {} print("") for scene_dir in model_paths: try: print("Scene:", scene_dir) full_dict[scene_dir] = {} per_view_dict[scene_dir] = {} full_dict_polytopeonly[scene_dir] = {} per_view_dict_polytopeonly[scene_dir] = {} test_dir = Path(scene_dir) / "test" for method in os.listdir(test_dir): print("Method:", method) full_dict[scene_dir][method] = {} per_view_dict[scene_dir][method] = {} full_dict_polytopeonly[scene_dir][method] = {} per_view_dict_polytopeonly[scene_dir][method] = {} method_dir = test_dir / method gt_dir = method_dir/ "gt" renders_dir = method_dir / "renders" renders, gts, image_names = readImages(renders_dir, gt_dir) ssims = [] psnrs = [] lpipss = [] for idx in tqdm(range(len(renders)), desc="Metric evaluation progress"): ssims.append(ssim(renders[idx], gts[idx])) psnrs.append(psnr(renders[idx], gts[idx])) lpipss.append(lpips(renders[idx], gts[idx], net_type='vgg')) print(" SSIM : {:>12.7f}".format(torch.tensor(ssims).mean(), ".5")) print(" PSNR : {:>12.7f}".format(torch.tensor(psnrs).mean(), ".5")) print(" LPIPS: {:>12.7f}".format(torch.tensor(lpipss).mean(), ".5")) print("") full_dict[scene_dir][method].update({"SSIM": torch.tensor(ssims).mean().item(), "PSNR": torch.tensor(psnrs).mean().item(), "LPIPS": torch.tensor(lpipss).mean().item()}) per_view_dict[scene_dir][method].update({"SSIM": {name: ssim for ssim, name in zip(torch.tensor(ssims).tolist(), image_names)}, "PSNR": {name: psnr for psnr, name in zip(torch.tensor(psnrs).tolist(), image_names)}, "LPIPS": {name: lp for lp, name in zip(torch.tensor(lpipss).tolist(), image_names)}}) with open(scene_dir + "/results.json", 'w') as fp: json.dump(full_dict[scene_dir], fp, indent=True) with open(scene_dir + "/per_view.json", 'w') as fp: json.dump(per_view_dict[scene_dir], fp, indent=True) except: print("Unable to compute metrics for model", scene_dir) if __name__ == "__main__": device = torch.device("cuda:0") torch.cuda.set_device(device) # Set up command line argument parser parser = ArgumentParser(description="Training script parameters") parser.add_argument('--model_paths', '-m', required=True, nargs="+", type=str, default=[]) args = parser.parse_args() evaluate(args.model_paths)