import gradio as gr import torch from torch.nn import functional as F from gpt_class import GPTConfig, GPT import tiktoken # Setup device device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" # Load model state_dict = torch.load('', map_location=device) config = state_dict['config'] model = GPT(config) model.load_state_dict(state_dict['model']) model.eval() # Set seed for reproducibility torch.manual_seed(42) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(42) # Get tokenizer tokenizer = tiktoken.get_encoding("gpt2") def generate_text(example, num_return_sequences='4', max_length='64'): num_return_sequences = int(num_return_sequences) if num_return_sequences.isdigit() else 4 max_length = int(max_length) if max_length.isdigit() else 64 model.eval() tokens = tokenizer.encode(example) tokens = torch.tensor(tokens, dtype=torch.long).unsqueeze(0).repeat(num_return_sequences, 1) tokens = sample_rng = torch.Generator(device=device) xgen = tokens while xgen.size(1) < max_length: with torch.no_grad(): with torch.autocast(device_type=device): logits, _ = model(xgen) # Assumes model returns logits and optional loss logits = logits[:, -1, :] # Get last token logits probs = F.softmax(logits, dim=-1) topk_probs, topk_indices = torch.topk(probs, 50, dim=-1) ix = torch.multinomial(topk_probs, 1, generator=sample_rng) xcol = torch.gather(topk_indices, -1, ix) xgen =, xcol), dim=1) results = [] for i in range(num_return_sequences): tokens = xgen[i, :max_length].tolist() decoded = tokenizer.decode(tokens) results.append(decoded) return "\n\n".join(results) # Create Gradio interface iface = gr.Interface( fn=generate_text, inputs=[ gr.components.Textbox(label="Prompt"), gr.components.Textbox(label="Number of Sequences [1-4]"), gr.components.Textbox(label="Maximum Length [32-128]") ], outputs=gr.components.Textbox(label="Generated Text"), title="Text Generator", description="Enter a prompt to generate text using a GPT model. Adjust the number of sequences and the maximum length as needed.", examples=[ ["It is raining and my family", "2", "64"], ["We entered into the forest and", "2", "64"], ["I sat for doing my homework", "2", "64"] ] ) iface.launch(share=True)