import networkx as nx from streamlit.components.v1 import html import streamlit as st import helpers import logging # Setup Basic Configuration st.set_page_config(layout='wide', page_title='STriP: Semantic Similarity of Scientific Papers!', page_icon='💡' ) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') logger = logging.getLogger('main') def main(): st.title('STriP (S3P): Semantic Similarity of Scientific Papers!') st.header('📂 Load Data') uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a CSV file", help='Upload a CSV file with the following columns: Title, Abstract') ########## # Load data ##########'========== Step1: Loading data ==========') if uploaded_file is not None: df = helpers.load_data(uploaded_file) else: df = helpers.load_data('data.csv') data = df.copy() selected_cols = st.multiselect('Select columns to analyse', options=data.columns, default=[col for col in data.columns if col.lower() in ['title', 'abstract']]) data = data[selected_cols] data = data.dropna() data = data.reset_index(drop=True) st.write(f'Number of papers: {len(data)}') st.write('First 5 rows of loaded data:') st.write(data[selected_cols].head()) if (data is not None) and selected_cols: # For 'allenai-specter' data['Text'] = data[data.columns[0]] for column in data.columns[1:]: data['Text'] = data['Text'] + '[SEP]' + data[column].astype(str) ########## # Topic modeling ##########'========== Step2: Topic modeling ==========') st.header('🔥 Topic Modeling') cols = st.columns(3) with cols[0]: min_topic_size = st.slider('Minimum topic size', key='min_topic_size', min_value=2, max_value=round(len(data)*0.25), step=1, value=min(round(len(data)/25), 10), help='The minimum size of the topic. Increasing this value will lead to a lower number of clusters/topics.') with cols[1]: n_gram_range = st.slider('N-gram range', key='n_gram_range', min_value=1, max_value=3, step=1, value=(1, 2), help='N-gram range for the topic model') with cols[2]: st.text('') st.text('') st.button('Reset Defaults', on_click=helpers.reset_default_topic_sliders, key='reset_topic_sliders', kwargs={'min_topic_size': min(round(len(data)/25), 10), 'n_gram_range': (1, 2)}) with st.spinner('Topic Modeling'): topic_data, topic_model, topics = helpers.topic_modeling( data, min_topic_size=min_topic_size, n_gram_range=n_gram_range) mapping = { 'Topic Keywords': topic_model.visualize_barchart, 'Topic Similarities': topic_model.visualize_heatmap, 'Topic Hierarchies': topic_model.visualize_hierarchy, 'Intertopic Distance': topic_model.visualize_topics } cols = st.columns(3) with cols[0]: topic_model_vis_option = st.selectbox( 'Select Topic Modeling Visualization', mapping.keys()) try: fig = mapping[topic_model_vis_option](top_n_topics=10) fig.update_layout(title='') st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) except: st.warning( 'No visualization available. Try a lower Minimum topic size!') ########## # STriP Network ##########'========== Step3: STriP Network ==========') st.header('🚀 STriP Network') with st.spinner('Cosine Similarity Calculation'): cosine_sim_matrix = helpers.cosine_sim(data) value, min_value = helpers.calc_optimal_threshold( cosine_sim_matrix, # 25% is a good value for the number of papers max_connections=min( helpers.calc_max_connections(len(data), 0.25), 5_000 ) ) cols = st.columns(3) with cols[0]: threshold = st.slider('Cosine Similarity Threshold', key='threshold', min_value=min_value, max_value=1.0, step=0.01, value=value, help='The minimum cosine similarity between papers to draw a connection. Increasing this value will lead to a lesser connections.') neighbors, num_connections = helpers.calc_neighbors( cosine_sim_matrix, threshold) st.write(f'Number of connections: {num_connections}') with cols[1]: st.text('') st.text('') st.button('Reset Defaults', on_click=helpers.reset_default_threshold_slider, key='reset_threshold', kwargs={'threshold': value}) with st.spinner('Network Generation'): nx_net, pyvis_net = helpers.network_plot( topic_data, topics, neighbors) # Save and read graph as HTML file (on Streamlit Sharing) try: path = '/tmp' pyvis_net.save_graph(f'{path}/pyvis_graph.html') HtmlFile = open(f'{path}/pyvis_graph.html', 'r', encoding='utf-8') # Save and read graph as HTML file (locally) except: path = '/html_files' pyvis_net.save_graph(f'{path}/pyvis_graph.html') HtmlFile = open(f'{path}/pyvis_graph.html', 'r', encoding='utf-8') # Load HTML file in HTML component for display on Streamlit page html(, height=800) ########## # Centrality ##########'========== Step4: Network Centrality ==========') st.header('🏅 Most Important Papers') centrality_mapping = { 'Closeness Centrality': nx.closeness_centrality, 'Degree Centrality': nx.degree_centrality, 'Eigenvector Centrality': nx.eigenvector_centrality, 'Betweenness Centrality': nx.betweenness_centrality, } cols = st.columns(3) with cols[0]: centrality_option = st.selectbox( 'Select Centrality Measure', centrality_mapping.keys()) # Calculate centrality centrality = centrality_mapping[centrality_option](nx_net) cols = st.columns([1, 10, 1]) with cols[1]: with st.spinner('Network Centrality Calculation'): fig = helpers.network_centrality( topic_data, centrality, centrality_option) st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) st.markdown( """ 💡🔥🚀 STriP v1.0 🚀🔥💡 👨‍🔬 Author: Marie Stephen Leo 👔 Linkedin: [Marie Stephen Leo]( 📝 Medium: [@stephen-leo]( 💻 Github: [stephenleo]( """ ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()