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  import gradio as gr
  dictionary = {
  "a playful man": "A young man in his mid-20s to early 30s, Has a playful and energetic demeanor, with a big smile always on his face, Has a lean and athletic build, Has messy, yet stylish hair that is always styled in a way that makes it look like he just got out of bed, Has a playful twinkle in his eye, and a hint of mischief in his expression, Wears casual, comfortable clothing that is both stylish and practical,Often seen with a bag or backpack, as if he's always ready for an adventure",
- "an easygoing man": "A man in his late 20s to early 40s, Has an easygoing and relaxed demeanor, with a friendly smile and a laid-back attitude, Has an average build, not overly muscular nor skinny, Has well-groomed hair, styled in a way that makes him look approachable and friendly, Has a calm and content expression, with a hint of serenity in his eyes, Wears clothing that is comfortable and practical, with a preference for casual styles and earthy colors, Often seen with a guitar or a backpack, as if he's always ready for an impromptu adventure or a jam session",
- "a boy who is bullied": "Young boy, around the age of 12, with a small frame, wearing worn and untidy clothes, with a slouching posture, sitting alone in a corner, with a sad and defeated expression on his face."
  def chatgpt(query):
  import gradio as gr
  dictionary = {
+ "a boy who is bullied": "Young boy, around the age of 12, with a small frame, wearing worn and untidy clothes, with a slouching posture, sitting alone in a corner, with a sad and defeated expression on his face.",
  "a playful man": "A young man in his mid-20s to early 30s, Has a playful and energetic demeanor, with a big smile always on his face, Has a lean and athletic build, Has messy, yet stylish hair that is always styled in a way that makes it look like he just got out of bed, Has a playful twinkle in his eye, and a hint of mischief in his expression, Wears casual, comfortable clothing that is both stylish and practical,Often seen with a bag or backpack, as if he's always ready for an adventure",
+ "an easygoing man": "A man in his late 20s to early 40s, Has an easygoing and relaxed demeanor, with a friendly smile and a laid-back attitude, Has an average build, not overly muscular nor skinny, Has well-groomed hair, styled in a way that makes him look approachable and friendly, Has a calm and content expression, with a hint of serenity in his eyes, Wears clothing that is comfortable and practical, with a preference for casual styles and earthy colors, Often seen with a guitar or a backpack, as if he's always ready for an impromptu adventure or a jam session"
  def chatgpt(query):