import os SPACE_ID = os.getenv('SPACE_ID') # if SPACE_ID is not None: # # running on huggingface space # os.system(r'mkdir ckpt') # os.system( # r'python -m wget -o ckpt/sam_vit_b_01ec64.pth') # os.system( # r'python -m wget -o ckpt/sam_vit_l_0b3195.pth') # os.system( # r'python -m wget -o ckpt/sam_vit_h_4b8939.pth') # os.system( # r'python -m wget' # r'/r50_hybrid_branch_lambda1_group6_t1500_dp0_mqs_lft_deformable_detr_plus_iterative_bbox_refinement_plus_plus_two_stage_36eps.pth -o ckpt/r50_hdetr.pth') # os.system( # r'python -m wget' # r'/swin_tiny_hybrid_branch_lambda1_group6_t1500_dp0_mqs_lft_deformable_detr_plus_iterative_bbox_refinement_plus_plus_two_stage_36eps.pth -o ckpt/swin_t_hdetr.pth') # os.system( # r'python -m wget' # r'.5_swin_large_hybrid_branch_lambda1_group6_t1500_n900_dp0_mqs_lft_deformable_detr_plus_iterative_bbox_refinement_plus_plus_two_stage_36eps.pth -o ckpt/swin_l_hdetr.pth') # os.system(r'python -m wget' # r'/focalnet_large_fl4_o365_finetuned_on_coco.pth -o ckpt/focalnet_l_dino.pth') # os.system(r'python tools/ ckpt/r50_hdetr.pth ckpt/r50_hdetr.pth') # os.system(r'python tools/ ckpt/swin_t_hdetr.pth ckpt/swin_t_hdetr.pth') # os.system(r'python tools/ ckpt/swin_l_hdetr.pth ckpt/swin_l_hdetr.pth') # os.system(r'python tools/ ckpt/focalnet_l_dino.pth ckpt/focalnet_l_dino.pth') import warnings from collections import OrderedDict from pathlib import Path import gradio as gr import numpy as np import torch import mmcv from mmcv import Config from mmcv.ops import RoIPool from mmcv.parallel import collate, scatter from mmcv.runner import load_checkpoint from mmcv.utils import IS_CUDA_AVAILABLE, IS_MLU_AVAILABLE from mmdet.core import get_classes from mmdet.datasets import (CocoDataset, replace_ImageToTensor) from mmdet.datasets.pipelines import Compose from mmdet.models import build_detector from mmdet.utils import (compat_cfg, replace_cfg_vals, setup_multi_processes, update_data_root) config_dict = OrderedDict([('r50-hdetr_sam-vit-b', 'projects/configs/hdetr/'), ('r50-hdetr_sam-vit-l', 'projects/configs/hdetr/'), ('swin-t-hdetr_sam-vit-b', 'projects/configs/hdetr/'), ('swin-t-hdetr_sam-vit-l', 'projects/configs/hdetr/'), ('swin-l-hdetr_sam-vit-b', 'projects/configs/hdetr/'), ('swin-l-hdetr_sam-vit-l', 'projects/configs/hdetr/'), # ('swin-l-hdetr_sam-vit-h', 'projects/configs/hdetr/'), ('focalnet-l-dino_sam-vit-b', 'projects/configs/focalnet_dino/'), # ('focalnet-l-dino_sam-vit-l', 'projects/configs/focalnet_dino/'), # ('focalnet-l-dino_sam-vit-h', 'projects/configs/focalnet_dino/') ]) def init_demo_detector(config, checkpoint=None, device='cuda:0', cfg_options=None): """Initialize a detector from config file. Args: config (str, :obj:`Path`, or :obj:`mmcv.Config`): Config file path, :obj:`Path`, or the config object. checkpoint (str, optional): Checkpoint path. If left as None, the model will not load any weights. cfg_options (dict): Options to override some settings in the used config. Returns: nn.Module: The constructed detector. """ if isinstance(config, (str, Path)): config = mmcv.Config.fromfile(config) elif not isinstance(config, mmcv.Config): raise TypeError('config must be a filename or Config object, ' f'but got {type(config)}') if cfg_options is not None: config.merge_from_dict(cfg_options) if 'pretrained' in config.model: config.model.pretrained = None elif (config.model.get('backbone', None) is not None and 'init_cfg' in config.model.backbone): config.model.backbone.init_cfg = None config.model.train_cfg = None model = build_detector(config.model, test_cfg=config.get('test_cfg')) if checkpoint is not None: checkpoint = load_checkpoint(model, checkpoint, map_location='cpu') if 'CLASSES' in checkpoint.get('meta', {}): model.CLASSES = checkpoint['meta']['CLASSES'] else: warnings.simplefilter('once') warnings.warn('Class names are not saved in the checkpoint\'s ' 'meta data, use COCO classes by default.') model.CLASSES = get_classes('coco') model.cfg = config # save the config in the model for convenience model.eval() if device == 'npu': from mmcv.device.npu import NPUDataParallel model = NPUDataParallel(model) model.cfg = config return model def inference_demo_detector(model, imgs): """Inference image(s) with the detector. Args: model (nn.Module): The loaded detector. imgs (str/ndarray or list[str/ndarray] or tuple[str/ndarray]): Either image files or loaded images. Returns: If imgs is a list or tuple, the same length list type results will be returned, otherwise return the detection results directly. """ ori_img = imgs if isinstance(imgs, (list, tuple)): is_batch = True else: imgs = [imgs] is_batch = False cfg = model.cfg device = next(model.parameters()).device # model device if isinstance(imgs[0], np.ndarray): cfg = cfg.copy() # set loading pipeline type[0].type = 'LoadImageFromWebcam' = replace_ImageToTensor( test_pipeline = Compose( datas = [] for img in imgs: # prepare data if isinstance(img, np.ndarray): # directly add img data = dict(img=img) else: # add information into dict data = dict(img_info=dict(filename=img), img_prefix=None) # build the data pipeline data = test_pipeline(data) datas.append(data) data = collate(datas, samples_per_gpu=len(imgs)) # just get the actual data from DataContainer data['img_metas'] = [[0] for img_metas in data['img_metas']] data['img'] = [[0] for img in data['img']] if next(model.parameters()).is_cuda: # scatter to specified GPU data = scatter(data, [device])[0] else: for m in model.modules(): assert not isinstance( m, RoIPool ), 'CPU inference with RoIPool is not supported currently.' # forward the model with torch.no_grad(): results = model(return_loss=False, rescale=True, **data, ori_img=ori_img) if not is_batch: return results[0] else: return results def inference(img, config): if img is None: return None print(f"config: {config}") config = config_dict[config] cfg = Config.fromfile(config) # replace the ${key} with the value of cfg.key cfg = replace_cfg_vals(cfg) # update data root according to MMDET_DATASETS update_data_root(cfg) cfg = compat_cfg(cfg) # set multi-process settings setup_multi_processes(cfg) # import modules from plguin/xx, registry will be updated if hasattr(cfg, 'plugin'): if cfg.plugin: import importlib if hasattr(cfg, 'plugin_dir'): plugin_dir = cfg.plugin_dir _module_dir = os.path.dirname(plugin_dir) _module_dir = _module_dir.split('/') _module_path = _module_dir[0] for m in _module_dir[1:]: _module_path = _module_path + '.' + m print(_module_path) plg_lib = importlib.import_module(_module_path) else: # import dir is the dirpath for the config file _module_dir = os.path.dirname(config) _module_dir = _module_dir.split('/') _module_path = _module_dir[0] for m in _module_dir[1:]: _module_path = _module_path + '.' + m # print(_module_path) plg_lib = importlib.import_module(_module_path) # set cudnn_benchmark if cfg.get('cudnn_benchmark', False): torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True if IS_CUDA_AVAILABLE or IS_MLU_AVAILABLE: device = "cuda" else: device = "cpu" model = init_demo_detector(cfg, None, device=device) model.CLASSES = CocoDataset.CLASSES results = inference_demo_detector(model, img) visualize = model.show_result( img, results, bbox_color=CocoDataset.PALETTE, text_color=CocoDataset.PALETTE, mask_color=CocoDataset.PALETTE, show=False, out_file=None, score_thr=0.3 ) del model return visualize description = """ #
Prompt Segment Anything (zero-shot instance segmentation demo)
Github link: [Link]( You can select the model you want to use from the "Model" dropdown menu and click "Submit" to segment the image you uploaded to the "Input Image" box. """ if SPACE_ID is not None: description += f'\n

For faster inference without waiting in queue, you may duplicate the space and upgrade to GPU in settings. Duplicate Space

' def main(): with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown(description) with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): input_img = gr.Image(type="numpy", label="Input Image") model_type = gr.Dropdown(choices=list(config_dict.keys()), value=list(config_dict.keys())[0], label='Model', multiselect=False) with gr.Row(): clear_btn = gr.Button(value="Clear") submit_btn = gr.Button(value="Submit") output_img = gr.Image(type="numpy", label="Output") gr.Examples( examples=[["./assets/img1.jpg", "r50-hdetr_sam-vit-b"], ["./assets/img2.jpg", "r50-hdetr_sam-vit-b"], ["./assets/img3.jpg", "r50-hdetr_sam-vit-b"], ["./assets/img4.jpg", "r50-hdetr_sam-vit-b"]], inputs=[input_img, model_type], outputs=output_img, fn=inference ), inputs=[input_img, model_type], outputs=output_img) [None, None], None, [input_img, output_img], queue=False) demo.queue() demo.launch() if __name__ == '__main__': main()