# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import torch.nn as nn from mmcv.cnn import ConvModule from ..builder import HEADS from .anchor_head import AnchorHead @HEADS.register_module() class RetinaHead(AnchorHead): r"""An anchor-based head used in `RetinaNet `_. The head contains two subnetworks. The first classifies anchor boxes and the second regresses deltas for the anchors. Example: >>> import torch >>> self = RetinaHead(11, 7) >>> x = torch.rand(1, 7, 32, 32) >>> cls_score, bbox_pred = self.forward_single(x) >>> # Each anchor predicts a score for each class except background >>> cls_per_anchor = cls_score.shape[1] / self.num_anchors >>> box_per_anchor = bbox_pred.shape[1] / self.num_anchors >>> assert cls_per_anchor == (self.num_classes) >>> assert box_per_anchor == 4 """ def __init__(self, num_classes, in_channels, stacked_convs=4, conv_cfg=None, norm_cfg=None, anchor_generator=dict( type='AnchorGenerator', octave_base_scale=4, scales_per_octave=3, ratios=[0.5, 1.0, 2.0], strides=[8, 16, 32, 64, 128]), init_cfg=dict( type='Normal', layer='Conv2d', std=0.01, override=dict( type='Normal', name='retina_cls', std=0.01, bias_prob=0.01)), **kwargs): self.stacked_convs = stacked_convs self.conv_cfg = conv_cfg self.norm_cfg = norm_cfg super(RetinaHead, self).__init__( num_classes, in_channels, anchor_generator=anchor_generator, init_cfg=init_cfg, **kwargs) def _init_layers(self): """Initialize layers of the head.""" self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True) self.cls_convs = nn.ModuleList() self.reg_convs = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(self.stacked_convs): chn = self.in_channels if i == 0 else self.feat_channels self.cls_convs.append( ConvModule( chn, self.feat_channels, 3, stride=1, padding=1, conv_cfg=self.conv_cfg, norm_cfg=self.norm_cfg)) self.reg_convs.append( ConvModule( chn, self.feat_channels, 3, stride=1, padding=1, conv_cfg=self.conv_cfg, norm_cfg=self.norm_cfg)) self.retina_cls = nn.Conv2d( self.feat_channels, self.num_base_priors * self.cls_out_channels, 3, padding=1) self.retina_reg = nn.Conv2d( self.feat_channels, self.num_base_priors * 4, 3, padding=1) def forward_single(self, x): """Forward feature of a single scale level. Args: x (Tensor): Features of a single scale level. Returns: tuple: cls_score (Tensor): Cls scores for a single scale level the channels number is num_anchors * num_classes. bbox_pred (Tensor): Box energies / deltas for a single scale level, the channels number is num_anchors * 4. """ cls_feat = x reg_feat = x for cls_conv in self.cls_convs: cls_feat = cls_conv(cls_feat) for reg_conv in self.reg_convs: reg_feat = reg_conv(reg_feat) cls_score = self.retina_cls(cls_feat) bbox_pred = self.retina_reg(reg_feat) return cls_score, bbox_pred