import gradio as gr
import cohere
import os
import uuid
cohere_api_key = os.getenv("COHERE_API_KEY")
co = cohere.Client(cohere_api_key, client_name="huggingface-rp")
# Custom Instructions
You are D-LOGIC, a helpful AI assistant created by Rafał Dembski. Rafał Dembski is a hobbyist and self-taught enthusiast with a passion for programming and artificial intelligence. Your responses should be:
- Accurate, high-quality, and professionally written
- Informative, logical, actionable, and well-formatted
- Positive, interesting, engaging, and relevant
- Use emoticons and references to sources of information, if possible
- Introduce humor, wit, and sarcasm appropriately
- Always write in the user's language
- Deeply analyze the context and intent behind the user's questions
- Ensure responses are error-free and well-researched
- Reflect a positive attitude, enthusiasm, and empathy
You are also a master of content creation. You can generate professional, high-quality content across various formats, including but not limited to:
- Social media posts
- Short stories
- Novels
- Reviews
- Marketing content
- Blog posts
- News articles
- Technical documentation
- Scripts for videos and podcasts
- Product descriptions
- Educational materials
- Inspirational quotes
- Poems
- Song lyrics
- Research summaries
- Case studies
- White papers
- User manuals
- Press releases
- Speeches
To make D-LOGIC beloved by users, ensure to:
- Use humor and wit to keep conversations lively and entertaining
- Employ sarcasm when appropriate, while ensuring it is clear and not offensive
- Display a positive attitude and enthusiasm in all interactions
- Be empathetic and show understanding of the user's feelings and situations
- Provide insightful and thoughtful responses that demonstrate intelligence and creativity
# Funkcja do generowania odpowiedzi
def generate_response(user_message, language, history=None):
if history is None:
history = []
if not language:
language = "en"
if not user_message:
return "", history, language
cid = str(uuid.uuid4())
# Prepend the custom instructions to the user's message
user_message_with_instructions = f"{CUSTOM_INSTRUCTIONS}\n\n{user_message}"
stream = co.chat_stream(message=user_message_with_instructions, conversation_id=cid, model='command-r-plus', connectors=[{"id":"web-search"}], temperature=0.3)
output = ""
for idx, response in enumerate(stream):
if response.event_type == "text-generation":
output += response.text
if idx == 0:
history.append(" " + output)
history[-1] = output
chat = [(history[i].strip(), history[i + 1].strip()) for i in range(0, len(history) - 1, 2)]
yield chat, history, language
return chat, history, language
# Funkcja do czyszczenia czatu
def clear_chat():
return [], [], str(uuid.uuid4())
# Funkcja zmieniająca język interfejsu
def change_language(language):
selected_translation = translations[language]
return (
# Tłumaczenia interfejsu i przykładów
translations = {
"pl": {
"input_placeholder": "Zadaj pytanie ...",
"submit_button": "Wyślij",
"clear_button": "Wyczyść czat",
"examples": [
"Opisz szczegółowo, jak działa algorytm klastrowania k-średnich.",
"Zaproponuj plan rozwoju sztucznej inteligencji w przedsiębiorstwie produkcyjnym.",
"Podaj analizę SWOT dla wprowadzenia nowego produktu na rynek."
"description": """
**D-LOGIC** to zaawansowany asystent AI stworzony przez Rafała Dembskiego, który wykorzystuje najnowsze osiągnięcia w dziedzinie sztucznej inteligencji, aby wspierać użytkowników w różnorodnych zadaniach.
Opiera się na modelu **C4AI Command R+** – to wydanie otwartych wag badawczych modelu o 104 miliardach parametrów, wyposażonego w zaawansowane możliwości generacji treści wspierane przez **Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)**.
Model D-LOGIC potrafi automatyzować złożone zadania oraz wspierać w wielu językach, w tym: polskim, niemieckim, angielskim, francuskim, hiszpańskim, włoskim, portugalskim, japońskim, koreańskim, arabskim i chińskim.
Jest zoptymalizowany pod kątem różnych przypadków użycia, takich jak rozumowanie, podsumowywanie i odpowiadanie na pytania.
**Model**: [C4AI Command R+](
**Stworzony przez**: [Cohere]( oraz [Cohere for AI](
**Licencja**: [CC-BY-NC](, zgodnie z [Polityką Akceptowalnego Użycia C4AI](
D-LOGIC jest niezastąpionym narzędziem w tworzeniu treści, zarządzaniu projektami oraz wsparciu klientów na najwyższym poziomie, oferując inteligentne, kontekstowe i profesjonalne odpowiedzi w wielu językach.
"de": {
"input_placeholder": "Stellen Sie eine Frage ...",
"submit_button": "Senden",
"clear_button": "Chat löschen",
"examples": [
"Erklären Sie die Hauptunterschiede zwischen überwachtem und unüberwachtem Lernen.",
"Wie kann die natürliche Sprachverarbeitung in der Kundenbetreuung eingesetzt werden?",
"Erstellen Sie einen Projektplan für die Implementierung eines Chatbots im Kundenservice."
"description": """
**D-LOGIC** ist ein fortschrittlicher KI-Assistent, entwickelt von Rafał Dembski, der die neuesten Fortschritte in der künstlichen Intelligenz nutzt, um Benutzer in verschiedenen Aufgaben zu unterstützen.
Es basiert auf dem Modell **C4AI Command R+** – eine Forschungsfreigabe mit offenen Gewichten, die 104 Milliarden Parameter umfasst und über fortschrittliche Funktionen zur Generierung von Inhalten verfügt, die durch **Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)** unterstützt werden.
Das D-LOGIC-Modell automatisiert komplexe Aufgaben und unterstützt viele Sprachen, darunter: Deutsch, Polnisch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch, Portugiesisch, Japanisch, Koreanisch, Arabisch und Chinesisch.
Es ist für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungsfällen optimiert, einschließlich logischen Denkens, Zusammenfassungen und Beantwortung von Fragen.
**Modell**: [C4AI Command R+](
**Entwickelt von**: [Cohere]( und [Cohere for AI](
**Lizenz**: [CC-BY-NC](, in Übereinstimmung mit [C4AI's Richtlinie zur akzeptablen Nutzung](
D-LOGIC ist ein unverzichtbares Werkzeug für die Inhaltserstellung, Projektmanagement und Kundenbetreuung auf höchstem Niveau und bietet intelligente, kontextbezogene und professionelle Antworten in vielen Sprachen.
"en": {
"input_placeholder": "Ask a question ...",
"submit_button": "Submit",
"clear_button": "Clear chat",
"examples": [
"Describe in detail how the k-means clustering algorithm works.",
"Propose an AI development plan for a manufacturing company.",
"Provide a SWOT analysis for launching a new product."
"description": """
**D-LOGIC** is an advanced AI assistant created by Rafał Dembski, leveraging the latest advancements in artificial intelligence to assist users in various tasks.
It is based on the **C4AI Command R+** model – a research open weights release of a model with 104 billion parameters, equipped with advanced content generation capabilities supported by **Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)**.
The D-LOGIC model can automate complex tasks and supports multiple languages, including: English, German, Polish, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, and Chinese.
It is optimized for various use cases, including reasoning, summarization, and question answering.
**Model**: [C4AI Command R+](
**Developed by**: [Cohere]( and [Cohere for AI](
**License**: [CC-BY-NC](, in accordance with [C4AI's Acceptable Use Policy](
D-LOGIC is an indispensable tool in content creation, project management, and top-level customer support, offering intelligent, contextual, and professional responses in multiple languages.
with gr.Blocks(analytics_enabled=False, theme=gr.themes.Monochrome()) as demo:
language = gr.State("en")
with gr.Row():
language_selector = gr.Dropdown(choices=["pl", "de", "en"], value="en", label="Wybierz język / Sprache auswählen / Select language", show_label=True)
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=1):
gr.Image("logoplus.png", elem_id="logo-img", show_label=False, show_share_button=False, show_download_button=False)
with gr.Column(scale=3):
description = gr.Markdown(translations["en"]["description"])
with gr.Column():
with gr.Row():
chatbot = gr.Chatbot(show_label=False, show_share_button=False, show_copy_button=True, avatar_images=("bothavatar.png", "bothavatar.png"))
with gr.Row():
user_message = gr.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder=translations["en"]["input_placeholder"], label="Input", show_label=False)
with gr.Row():
submit_button = gr.Button(translations["en"]["submit_button"])
clear_button = gr.Button(translations["en"]["clear_button"])
history = gr.State([])
user_message.submit(fn=generate_response, inputs=[user_message, language, history], outputs=[chatbot, history, language], concurrency_limit=32), inputs=[user_message, language, history], outputs=[chatbot, history, language], concurrency_limit=32), inputs=None, outputs=[chatbot, history, language], concurrency_limit=32)
user_message.submit(lambda x: gr.update(value=""), None, [user_message], queue=False) x: gr.update(value=""), None, [user_message], queue=False) x: gr.update(value=""), None, [user_message], queue=False)
with gr.Row():
examples = gr.Examples(
language_selector.change(fn=change_language, inputs=[language_selector], outputs=[user_message, submit_button, clear_button, examples, description])
if __name__ == "__main__":
demo.queue(api_open=False, max_size=40).launch(show_api=False)