#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @author : Romain Graux @date : 2023 April 25, 11:59:06 @last modified : 2023 September 19, 11:18:36 """ import re import imageio import numpy as np from collections import namedtuple physical_metadata = namedtuple("physical_metadata", ["width", "height", "pixel_width", "pixel_height", "unit"]) def extract_physical_metadata(image_path : str, strict:bool=True) -> physical_metadata: """ Extracts the physical metadata of an image (only tiff for now) """ with open(image_path, "rb") as f: data = f.read() reader = imageio.get_reader(data, format=".tif") metadata = reader.get_meta_data() if strict and not metadata['is_imagej']: for key, value in metadata.items(): if key.startswith("is_") and value == True: # Force bool to be True, because it can also pass the condition while being an random object raise ValueError(f"The image is not TIFF image, but it seems to be a {key[3:]} image") raise ValueError("Impossible to extract metadata from the image (ImageJ)") h, w = reader.get_next_data().shape ipw, iph, _ = metadata['resolution'] result = re.search(r"unit=(.+)", metadata['description']) if strict and not result: raise ValueError(f"No scale unit found in the image description : {metadata['description']}") unit = result and result.group(1) return physical_metadata(w, h, 1. / ipw, 1. / iph, unit) def tiff_to_png(image, inplace=True): img = image if inplace else image.copy() if np.array(img.getdata()).max() <= 1: img = img.point(lambda p: p * 255) return img.convert("RGB")