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Get started by installing the package: ``` py -m pip install --upgrade freeGPT ``` ## Source: *Models with .web have internet access on.*
| Models | Websites | | ----------------- | -----------------------------------------| | gpt3 | [you.com](https://you.com) | | gpt4 | [forefront.ai](https://chat.forefront.ai)| ### TODO-List: - [x] Add GPT-4. - [x] Make the library well-documented. - [x] Make the over-all library easier to use. - [x] Make the over-all library easier to understand. - [x] Replace you.com with theb.ai for less failed responses. - [x] Make GPT-3 & GPT-4 models with web access. - [x] Add a non-GPT model. - [ ] Add a text to image generation model. - [ ] Make a discord bot. ## Support me: - Join my [Discord Server](https://discord.gg/NcQ26PrNDp) :D - Star this repository :D ## Examples: #### Alpaca-7b: ```python from freeGPT import alpaca while True: prompt = input("👦 > ") resp = alpaca.Completion.create(prompt=prompt) print(f"🤖 > {resp}") ``` #### GPT-3: ```python from freeGPT import gpt3 while True: prompt = input("👦 > ") resp = gpt3.Completion.create(prompt=prompt) print(f"🤖 > {resp['text']}") ``` #### GPT-4: ```python # Uhh, sorry but gpt4 is kinda broken currently, will maybe get fixed in the next update. from freeGPT import gpt4 while True: token = Account.create(logging=True) prompt = input("👦 > ") resp = gpt4.Completion.create(prompt=prompt, token=token) print(f"🤖 > {resp.text}") ``` ## Star History: [![Star History Chart](https://api.star-history.com/svg?repos=Ruu3f/freeGPT&type=Date)](https://github.com/Ruu3f/freeGPT/stargazers)