import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.nn as nn from losses import ramps class consistency_weight(object): """ ramp_types = ['sigmoid_rampup', 'linear_rampup', 'cosine_rampup', 'log_rampup', 'exp_rampup'] """ def __init__(self, final_w, iters_per_epoch, rampup_starts=0, rampup_ends=7, ramp_type='sigmoid_rampup'): self.final_w = final_w self.iters_per_epoch = iters_per_epoch self.rampup_starts = rampup_starts * iters_per_epoch self.rampup_ends = rampup_ends * iters_per_epoch self.rampup_length = (self.rampup_ends - self.rampup_starts) self.rampup_func = getattr(ramps, ramp_type) self.current_rampup = 0 def __call__(self, epoch, curr_iter): cur_total_iter = self.iters_per_epoch * epoch + curr_iter if cur_total_iter < self.rampup_starts: return 0 self.current_rampup = self.rampup_func(cur_total_iter - self.rampup_starts, self.rampup_length) return self.final_w * self.current_rampup def CE_loss(input_logits, target_targets, ignore_index, temperature=1): return F.cross_entropy(input_logits/temperature, target_targets, ignore_index=ignore_index) # for FocalLoss def softmax_helper(x): # copy from: rpt = [1 for _ in range(len(x.size()))] rpt[1] = x.size(1) x_max = x.max(1, keepdim=True)[0].repeat(*rpt) e_x = torch.exp(x - x_max) return e_x / e_x.sum(1, keepdim=True).repeat(*rpt) def get_alpha(supervised_loader): # get number of classes num_labels = 0 for image_batch, label_batch in supervised_loader:[] = 0 # pixels of ignore class added to background l_unique = torch.unique( list_unique = [element.item() for element in l_unique.flatten()] num_labels = max(max(list_unique),num_labels) num_classes = num_labels + 1 # count class occurrences alpha = [0 for i in range(num_classes)] for image_batch, label_batch in supervised_loader:[] = 0 # pixels of ignore class added to background l_unique = torch.unique( list_unique = [element.item() for element in l_unique.flatten()] l_unique_count = torch.stack([( for x_u in l_unique]) # tensor([65920, 36480]) list_count = [count.item() for count in l_unique_count.flatten()] for index in list_unique: alpha[index] += list_count[list_unique.index(index)] return alpha # for FocalLoss def softmax_helper(x): # copy from: rpt = [1 for _ in range(len(x.size()))] rpt[1] = x.size(1) x_max = x.max(1, keepdim=True)[0].repeat(*rpt) e_x = torch.exp(x - x_max) return e_x / e_x.sum(1, keepdim=True).repeat(*rpt) class FocalLoss(nn.Module): """ copy from: This is a implementation of Focal Loss with smooth label cross entropy supported which is proposed in 'Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection. (' Focal_Loss= -1*alpha*(1-pt)*log(pt) :param num_class: :param alpha: (tensor) 3D or 4D the scalar factor for this criterion :param gamma: (float,double) gamma > 0 reduces the relative loss for well-classified examples (p>0.5) putting more focus on hard misclassified example :param smooth: (float,double) smooth value when cross entropy :param balance_index: (int) balance class index, should be specific when alpha is float :param size_average: (bool, optional) By default, the losses are averaged over each loss element in the batch. """ def __init__(self, apply_nonlin=None, ignore_index = None, alpha=None, gamma=2, balance_index=0, smooth=1e-5, size_average=True): super(FocalLoss, self).__init__() self.apply_nonlin = apply_nonlin self.alpha = alpha self.gamma = gamma self.balance_index = balance_index self.smooth = smooth self.size_average = size_average if self.smooth is not None: if self.smooth < 0 or self.smooth > 1.0: raise ValueError('smooth value should be in [0,1]') def forward(self, logit, target): if self.apply_nonlin is not None: logit = self.apply_nonlin(logit) num_class = logit.shape[1] if logit.dim() > 2: # N,C,d1,d2 -> N,C,m (m=d1*d2*...) logit = logit.view(logit.size(0), logit.size(1), -1) logit = logit.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous() logit = logit.view(-1, logit.size(-1)) target = torch.squeeze(target, 1) target = target.view(-1, 1) valid_mask = None if self.ignore_index is not None: valid_mask = target != self.ignore_index target = target * valid_mask alpha = self.alpha if alpha is None: alpha = torch.ones(num_class, 1) elif isinstance(alpha, (list, np.ndarray)): assert len(alpha) == num_class alpha = torch.FloatTensor(alpha).view(num_class, 1) alpha = alpha / alpha.sum() alpha = 1/alpha # inverse of class frequency elif isinstance(alpha, float): alpha = torch.ones(num_class, 1) alpha = alpha * (1 - self.alpha) alpha[self.balance_index] = self.alpha else: raise TypeError('Not support alpha type') if alpha.device != logit.device: alpha = idx = target.cpu().long() one_hot_key = torch.FloatTensor(target.size(0), num_class).zero_() # to resolve error in idx in scatter_ idx[idx==225]=0 one_hot_key = one_hot_key.scatter_(1, idx, 1) if one_hot_key.device != logit.device: one_hot_key = if self.smooth: one_hot_key = torch.clamp( one_hot_key, self.smooth/(num_class-1), 1.0 - self.smooth) pt = (one_hot_key * logit).sum(1) + self.smooth logpt = pt.log() gamma = self.gamma alpha = alpha[idx] alpha = torch.squeeze(alpha) loss = -1 * alpha * torch.pow((1 - pt), gamma) * logpt if valid_mask is not None: loss = loss * valid_mask.squeeze() if self.size_average: loss = loss.mean() else: loss = loss.sum() return loss class abCE_loss(nn.Module): """ Annealed-Bootstrapped cross-entropy loss """ def __init__(self, iters_per_epoch, epochs, num_classes, weight=None, reduction='mean', thresh=0.7, min_kept=1, ramp_type='log_rampup'): super(abCE_loss, self).__init__() self.weight = torch.FloatTensor(weight) if weight is not None else weight self.reduction = reduction self.thresh = thresh self.min_kept = min_kept self.ramp_type = ramp_type if ramp_type is not None: self.rampup_func = getattr(ramps, ramp_type) self.iters_per_epoch = iters_per_epoch self.num_classes = num_classes self.start = 1/num_classes self.end = 0.9 self.total_num_iters = (epochs - (0.6 * epochs)) * iters_per_epoch def threshold(self, curr_iter, epoch): cur_total_iter = self.iters_per_epoch * epoch + curr_iter current_rampup = self.rampup_func(cur_total_iter, self.total_num_iters) return current_rampup * (self.end - self.start) + self.start def forward(self, predict, target, ignore_index, curr_iter, epoch): batch_kept = self.min_kept * target.size(0) prob_out = F.softmax(predict, dim=1) tmp_target = target.clone() tmp_target[tmp_target == ignore_index] = 0 prob = prob_out.gather(1, tmp_target.unsqueeze(1)) mask = target.contiguous().view(-1, ) != ignore_index sort_prob, sort_indices = prob.contiguous().view(-1, )[mask].contiguous().sort() if self.ramp_type is not None: thresh = self.threshold(curr_iter=curr_iter, epoch=epoch) else: thresh = self.thresh min_threshold = sort_prob[min(batch_kept, sort_prob.numel() - 1)] if sort_prob.numel() > 0 else 0.0 threshold = max(min_threshold, thresh) loss_matrix = F.cross_entropy(predict, target, if self.weight is not None else None, ignore_index=ignore_index, reduction='none') loss_matirx = loss_matrix.contiguous().view(-1, ) sort_loss_matirx = loss_matirx[mask][sort_indices] select_loss_matrix = sort_loss_matirx[sort_prob < threshold] if self.reduction == 'sum' or select_loss_matrix.numel() == 0: return select_loss_matrix.sum() elif self.reduction == 'mean': return select_loss_matrix.mean() else: raise NotImplementedError('Reduction Error!') def softmax_mse_loss(inputs, targets, conf_mask=False, threshold=None, use_softmax=False): assert inputs.requires_grad == True and targets.requires_grad == False assert inputs.size() == targets.size() # (batch_size * num_classes * H * W) inputs = F.softmax(inputs, dim=1) if use_softmax: targets = F.softmax(targets, dim=1) if conf_mask: loss_mat = F.mse_loss(inputs, targets, reduction='none') mask = (targets.max(1)[0] > threshold) loss_mat = loss_mat[mask.unsqueeze(1).expand_as(loss_mat)] if loss_mat.shape.numel() == 0: loss_mat = torch.tensor([0.]).to(inputs.device) return loss_mat.mean() else: return F.mse_loss(inputs, targets, reduction='mean') # take the mean over the batch_size def softmax_kl_loss(inputs, targets, conf_mask=False, threshold=None, use_softmax=False): assert inputs.requires_grad == True and targets.requires_grad == False assert inputs.size() == targets.size() if use_softmax: targets = F.softmax(targets, dim=1) if conf_mask: loss_mat = F.kl_div(input_log_softmax, targets, reduction='none') mask = (targets.max(1)[0] > threshold) loss_mat = loss_mat[mask.unsqueeze(1).expand_as(loss_mat)] if loss_mat.shape.numel() == 0: loss_mat = torch.tensor([0.]).to(inputs.device) return loss_mat.sum() / mask.shape.numel() else: return F.kl_div(inputs, targets, reduction='mean') def softmax_js_loss(inputs, targets, **_): assert inputs.requires_grad == True and targets.requires_grad == False assert inputs.size() == targets.size() epsilon = 1e-5 M = (F.softmax(inputs, dim=1) + targets) * 0.5 kl1 = F.kl_div(F.log_softmax(inputs, dim=1), M, reduction='mean') kl2 = F.kl_div(torch.log(targets+epsilon), M, reduction='mean') return (kl1 + kl2) * 0.5 def pair_wise_loss(unsup_outputs, size_average=True, nbr_of_pairs=8): """ Pair-wise loss in the sup. mat. """ if isinstance(unsup_outputs, list): unsup_outputs = torch.stack(unsup_outputs) # Only for a subset of the aux outputs to reduce computation and memory unsup_outputs = unsup_outputs[torch.randperm(unsup_outputs.size(0))] unsup_outputs = unsup_outputs[:nbr_of_pairs] temp = torch.zeros_like(unsup_outputs) # For grad purposes for i, u in enumerate(unsup_outputs): temp[i] = F.softmax(u, dim=1) mean_prediction = temp.mean(0).unsqueeze(0) # Mean over the auxiliary outputs pw_loss = ((temp - mean_prediction)**2).mean(0) # Variance pw_loss = pw_loss.sum(1) # Sum over classes if size_average: return pw_loss.mean() return pw_loss.sum()