import gradio as gr import json from utils.anno.cls.text_classification import text_classification from utils.anno.ner.entity_extract import extract_named_entities from utils.api.google_trans import en2cn from utils.format.txt_2_list import txt_2_list def auto_anno(txt, types_txt, radio, need_trans=False): if need_trans: txt = en2cn(txt) types = txt_2_list(types_txt) if radio == '文本分类': result = text_classification(txt, types) if radio == '实体抽取': result = extract_named_entities(txt, types) if need_trans: result = f'{txt}\n{result}' return result input1 = gr.Textbox(lines=3, label="输入原句", value="Hello world!") input2 = gr.Textbox(lines=3, label="输入类别", value="友好、不友好") output = gr.Textbox(label="输出结果") radio = gr.Radio(["文本分类", "实体抽取"], label="算法类型", value="文本分类") checkbox = gr.Checkbox(label="翻译成中文") if __name__ == '__main__': demo = gr.Interface( fn=auto_anno, description='自动标注,使用了openai免费接口,1分钟内只能请求3次,如遇报错请稍后再试,或clone项目到本地后用自己的key替换。如有疑问欢迎联系微信 maqijun123456', inputs=[input1, input2, radio, checkbox], examples=[ ['前四个月我国外贸进出口同比增长 5.8%', '政治;经济;科技;文化;娱乐;民生;军事;教育;环保;其它', '文本分类', False], ['There is a cat trapped on the Avenue of Happiness', '地点', '实体抽取', True], ['联系方式:18812345678,联系地址:幸福大街20号', '手机号、地址', '实体抽取', False], ], outputs=[output] ) demo.launch(share=False)