import asyncio import gradio as gr from groq import AsyncGroq import time # Initialize Groq client (will be set in the main function) client = None # Define model model = "llama-3.2-90b-text-preview" # Initial system prompt (regular Chain of Thought) initial_system_prompt = """You are an AI assistant capable of detailed, step-by-step thinking. When presented with a question or problem, break down your thought process into clear, logical steps. For each step, explain your reasoning. Conclude with a final answer. Use the following markdown structure: ## Reasoning 1. [First step] **Explanation:** [Detailed explanation of this step] 2. [Second step] **Explanation:** [Detailed explanation of this step] ... ## Answer [Final answer] Be comprehensive and show your reasoning clearly.""" # Followup system prompt followup_system_prompt = """You are an AI assistant tasked with analyzing and improving upon previous problem-solving steps. Review the original query and the previous turns of reasoning, then provide a new perspective or deeper analysis. Use the following markdown structure: ## Critique [Provide a brief critique of the previous reasoning, highlighting its strengths and potential weaknesses] ## New Reasoning 1. [First step of new or refined approach] **Explanation:** [Detailed explanation of this step, referencing the previous reasoning if relevant] 2. [Second step of new or refined approach] **Explanation:** [Explanation of how this step builds upon or differs from the previous thinking] ... ## Updated Answer [Updated answer based on this new analysis] Be critical yet constructive, and strive to provide new insights or improvements.""" # Synthesis prompt synthesis_prompt = """You are an AI assistant tasked with synthesizing multiple turns of reasoning into a final, comprehensive answer. You will be presented with three different turns of reasoning for solving a problem. Your task is to: 1. Analyze each turn, considering its strengths and weaknesses. 2. Compare and contrast the different methods. 3. Synthesize the insights from all turns into a final, well-reasoned answer. 4. Provide a concise, clear final answer that a general audience can understand. Use the following markdown structure: ## Analysis of Turns [Provide a brief analysis of each turn of reasoning] ## Comparison [Compare and contrast the turns, highlighting key differences and similarities] ## Final Reasoning [Provide a final, synthesized reasoning process that combines the best insights from all turns] ## Comprehensive Final Answer [Comprehensive final answer] ## Concise Answer [A brief, clear, and easily understandable version of the final answer, suitable for a general audience. This should be no more than 2-3 sentences.] Be thorough in your analysis and clear in your reasoning process.""" async def call_llm(messages: list, temperature: float = 0.7, max_tokens: int = 8000) -> str: """Call the Groq API.""" response = await model=model, messages=messages, temperature=temperature, max_tokens=max_tokens, ) return response.choices[0].message.content async def generate_turn(query: str, previous_turns: list = None) -> str: """Generate a single turn of reasoning, considering previous turns if available.""" is_first_turn = previous_turns is None or len(previous_turns) == 0 if is_first_turn: messages = [{ "role": "system", "content": initial_system_prompt }, { "role": "user", "content": query }] else: previous_content = "\n\n".join(previous_turns) messages = [{ "role": "system", "content": followup_system_prompt }, { "role": "user", "content": f"Original Query: {query}\n\nPrevious Turns:\n{previous_content}\n\nProvide the next turn of reasoning." }] return await call_llm(messages) async def synthesize_turns(query: str, turns: list) -> str: """Synthesize multiple turns of reasoning into a final answer.""" turns_text = "\n\n".join( [f"Turn {i+1}:\n{turn}" for i, turn in enumerate(turns)]) messages = [{ "role": "system", "content": synthesis_prompt }, { "role": "user", "content": f"Original Query: {query}\n\nTurns of Reasoning:\n{turns_text}" }] return await call_llm(messages) async def full_cot_reasoning(query: str) -> tuple: """Perform full Chain of Thought reasoning with multiple turns.""" start_time = time.time() turns = [] turn_times = [] full_output = f"# Chain of Thought Reasoning\n\n## Original Query\n{query}\n\n" for i in range(3): # Generate 3 turns of reasoning turn_start = time.time() turn = await generate_turn(query, turns) turns.append(turn) turn_times.append(time.time() - turn_start) full_output += f"## Turn {i+1}\n{turn}\n\n" mid_time = time.time() synthesis = await synthesize_turns(query, turns) full_output += f"## Synthesis\n{synthesis}\n\n" end_time = time.time() timing = { 'turn_times': turn_times, 'total_turns_time': mid_time - start_time, 'synthesis_time': end_time - mid_time, 'total_time': end_time - start_time } full_output += f"## Timing Information\n" full_output += f"- Turn 1 Time: {timing['turn_times'][0]:.2f}s\n" full_output += f"- Turn 2 Time: {timing['turn_times'][1]:.2f}s\n" full_output += f"- Turn 3 Time: {timing['turn_times'][2]:.2f}s\n" full_output += f"- Total Turns Time: {timing['total_turns_time']:.2f}s\n" full_output += f"- Synthesis Time: {timing['synthesis_time']:.2f}s\n" full_output += f"- Total Time: {timing['total_time']:.2f}s\n" return full_output def gradio_interface(api_key: str, query: str) -> str: """Gradio interface function.""" global client client = AsyncGroq(api_key=api_key) return # Create Gradio interface iface = gr.Interface( fn=gradio_interface, inputs=[ gr.Textbox(label="Enter your Groq API Key", type="password"), gr.Textbox(label="Enter your question or problem") ], outputs=[gr.Markdown(label="Chain of Thought Reasoning")], title="Multi-Turn Chain of Thought Reasoning with Final Synthesis", description= "Enter your Groq API Key and a question or problem to see multiple turns of reasoning, followed by a final synthesized answer." ) # Launch the interface if __name__ == "__main__": iface.launch(share=True)