import os import pandas as pd import as px import streamlit as st st.set_page_config(page_title="Dashboard", layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state="expanded") st.header("Scrapper Dashboard") st.sidebar.subheader("Parameters Dashboard") def create_plot(column, row, chart_type, df,brandcolumn): fig = None Brand=brandcolumn if chart_type == "bar": fig =, x=column, y=row, color=f"{Brand}", title=f"{row} by {column}") elif chart_type == "scatter": fig = px.scatter(df, x=column, y=row, color=f"{Brand}", title=f"{row} by {column}") elif chart_type == "line": fig = px.line(df, x=column, y=row,color=f"{Brand}", title=f"{row} by {column}") elif chart_type == "histogram": fig = px.histogram(df, x=column,color=f"{Brand}", title=f"Distribution of {column}") elif chart_type == "pie": brand_counts = df[f"{column}"].value_counts() distribute = px.pie(brand_counts,color=f"{Brand}", values=brand_counts.values, names=brand_counts.index,title=f"Distribution of Mobile Phone {column}") fig=distribute.update_traces(hoverinfo="label+percent", textinfo="label+percent+value", hole=.4) elif chart_type == "series": fig=px.line(df, x=column, y=row,color=f"{Brand}", title="Series Chart") elif chart_type == "heatmap": fig = px.density_heatmap(df, x=column, y=row,color=f"{Brand}", marginal_x="histogram", marginal_y="histogram", color_continuous_scale=px.colors.sequential.PuBu, title=f"Heatmap for {column} vs Price") elif chart_type == "bubble": fig = px.scatter(df, x=column, y=row,color=f"{Brand}", size="Battery",title=f"Bubble chart for {column}") elif chart_type == "box": fig =, x=column, y=row,color=f"{Brand}", title=f"Box plot for {row} by {column}") elif chart_type == "violin": fig = px.violin(df, x=column, y=row,color=f"{Brand}",title=f"Violin plot for {row} by {column}") elif chart_type == "funnel": fig = px.funnel(df, x=column, y=row,color=f"{Brand}", title=f"Funnel chart for {column} and {row}") else: st.error("Invalid chart type") return fig def display_dataframe(df): st.subheader("Uploaded CSV :") st.dataframe(df) def display_analysis(df,selectedcolumns,brandcol): st.header("Visualization") #columns = df.columns.tolist() columns=selectedcolumns chart_types = [ "bar", "scatter", "line", "histogram", "pie", "series", "heatmap", "box", "violin", "funnel" ] st.sidebar.subheader("Select Parameters for Plots: ") x = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select a x", columns) y = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select a y", columns) chart_type = st.selectbox("Select a chart type", chart_types) #st.subheader(f"{chart_type.title()} chart for {x} and {y}") fig = create_plot(x, y, chart_type, df,brandcol) st.plotly_chart(fig) def main(): # Sidebar related code st.sidebar.header("Select a file") files = os.listdir(".") csv_files = [file for file in files if file.endswith(".csv")] if len(csv_files) == 0: st.sidebar.write("No CSV files found in current directory. Please upload a CSV file.") selected_file = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Upload CSV file", type=['csv']) else: csv_files = ["None"] + csv_files selected_file = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select a file", csv_files) if selected_file=='None': st.write('Please Select your or Upload File.') elif selected_file: site = ["None", "Flipkart", "Amazon","Both"] siteselect = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select options :", site) df = pd.read_csv(selected_file) flipkart_cols = [col for col in df.columns if col.startswith('Flipkart')] amazon_cols = [col for col in df.columns if col.startswith('Amazon')] if siteselect == "None": st.write('DataFrame') display_dataframe(df) st.write('Select Site') elif siteselect == 'Flipkart': viewpoint = ["None", "Show DataFrame", "Show Analysis"] dataset_show = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select options :", viewpoint) if dataset_show == "Show DataFrame": flipkart_data = df[flipkart_cols] display_dataframe(flipkart_data) elif dataset_show == "Show Analysis": display_analysis(df,flipkart_cols,'FlipkartBrand') else: st.sidebar.write("Please select a CSV file.") elif siteselect == 'Amazon': viewpoints = ["None", "Show DataFrame", "Show Analysis"] dataset_shows = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select options :", viewpoints) if dataset_shows == "Show DataFrame": amazon_data = df[amazon_cols] display_dataframe(amazon_data) elif dataset_shows == "Show Analysis": display_analysis(df,amazon_cols,'AmazonBrand') else: st.sidebar.write("Please select a options.") elif siteselect == 'Both': viewpoin = ["None", "Show DataFrame", "Show Analysis"] dataset_sho = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select options :", viewpoin) if dataset_sho == "Show DataFrame": display_dataframe(df) elif dataset_sho == "Show Analysis": columns = df.columns.tolist() display_analysis(df,columns,'FlipkartBrand') else: st.sidebar.write("Please select a options.") else: st.sidebar.write("Please select a CSV file.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()