As an AI text-based model, I'm unable to directly create visual content like comic panels. However, I can help you describe the scenes and dialogue in a way that can be used as a basis for creating comic panels. Here's a breakdown of the scenes and dialogue that can be used to create comic panels: Panel 1: - Show Hikaru waking up and brushing his teeth. - Hikaru knocks on his dad's door, reminding him of their plan to visit the lab. - Hikaru's dad, Antonio, is shown coming downstairs. - Hikaru and Antonio have a conversation about Hikaru's homework and calling his mom. Panel 2: - Hikaru and Antonio are in the lab. - Antonio explains the Maser Rescutator to Hikaru. - Hikaru asks about a torch and Antonio clarifies. Panel 3: - Hikaru asks about the Phased Cosmoforceps. - Antonio explains its purpose and complexity. Panel 4: - Hikaru spots the Photo-thermonuclear-transformation lantern and asks about it. - Antonio explains its function and the need for nuclear energy. Panel 5: - Hikaru sees an American prisoner of war washed ashore. - Hikaru calls out to his father. Panel 6: - Hikaru questions his father's decision to help the enemy. - Antonio explains his belief in helping fellow humans regardless of nationality. - Hikaru expresses concern about the prisoner being a spy. - Antonio imparts a lesson about humanity and promises. Panel 7: - The war prisoner recovers and thanks Antonio. - The prisoner asks for the date. Panel 8: - Antonio reveals the date as August 6. - The prisoner reacts with shock. Panel 9: - Hikaru sneaks into his father's lab. Panel 10: - The US Air Force drops a nuclear bomb. - Hikaru activates the Photo-thermonuclear-transformation lantern. Panel 11: - Hikaru's cells undergo transformation due to the nuclear radiation. Panel 12: - Cut to the year 2010. - Hikaru wakes up after 65 years in a research lab in Texas. - Hikaru is confused about his surroundings. - A test conductor explains the situation to Hikaru. Please note that these descriptions are meant to provide a general outline for the comic panels. Artists can use their creativity to bring these scenes to life visually.