from easydict import EasyDict as edict # make training faster # our RAM is 256G # mount -t tmpfs -o size=140G tmpfs /train_tmp config = edict() # Margin Base Softmax config.margin_list = (1.0, 0.5, 0.0) = "r50" config.resume = False config.save_all_states = False config.output = "ms1mv3_arcface_r50" config.embedding_size = 512 # Partial FC config.sample_rate = 1 config.interclass_filtering_threshold = 0 config.fp16 = False config.batch_size = 128 # For SGD config.optimizer = "sgd" = 0.1 config.momentum = 0.9 config.weight_decay = 5e-4 # For AdamW # config.optimizer = "adamw" # = 0.001 # config.weight_decay = 0.1 config.verbose = 2000 config.frequent = 10 # For Large Sacle Dataset, such as WebFace42M config.dali = False # Gradient ACC config.gradient_acc = 1 # setup seed config.seed = 2048 # dataload numworkers config.num_workers = 2 # WandB Logger config.wandb_key = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" config.suffix_run_name = None config.using_wandb = False config.wandb_entity = "entity" config.wandb_project = "project" config.wandb_log_all = True config.save_artifacts = False config.wandb_resume = False # resume wandb run: Only if the you wand t resume the last run that it was interrupted