import gradio as gr import pandas as pd from gluonts.dataset.pandas import PandasDataset from gluonts.dataset.split import split from gluonts.torch.model.deepar import DeepAREstimator from make_plot import plot_forecast, plot_train_test def offset_calculation(prediction_length, rolling_windows, length): row_offset = -1 * prediction_length * rolling_windows if abs(row_offset) > 0.95 * length: raise gr.Error("Reduce prediction_length * rolling_windows") return row_offset def preprocess( input_data, prediction_length, rolling_windows, item_id, progress=gr.Progress(track_tqdm=True), ): df = pd.read_csv(, index_col=0, parse_dates=True) df.sort_index(inplace=True) row_offset = offset_calculation(prediction_length, rolling_windows, len(df)) return plot_train_test(df.iloc[:row_offset], df.iloc[row_offset:]) def train_and_forecast( input_data, prediction_length, rolling_windows, epochs, progress=gr.Progress(track_tqdm=True), ): if not input_data: raise gr.Error("Upload a file with the Upload button") try: df = pd.read_csv(, index_col=0, parse_dates=True) df.sort_index(inplace=True) except AttributeError: raise gr.Error("Upload a file with the Upload button") row_offset = offset_calculation(prediction_length, rolling_windows, len(df)) try: gluon_df = PandasDataset(df, target=df.columns[0]) except TypeError: freq = pd.infer_freq(df.index[:3]) gluon_df = PandasDataset(df, target=df.columns[0], freq=freq) training_data, test_gen = split(gluon_df, offset=row_offset) model = DeepAREstimator( prediction_length=prediction_length, freq=gluon_df.freq, trainer_kwargs=dict(max_epochs=epochs), ).train( training_data=training_data, ) test_data = test_gen.generate_instances(prediction_length=prediction_length, windows=rolling_windows) forecasts = list(model.predict(test_data.input)) return plot_forecast(df, forecasts) with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown(""" # How to use Upload a univariate csv with the first column showing your dates and the second column having your data # How it works 1. Click **Upload** to upload your data 2. Click **Run** - This app will visualize your data and then train an estimator and show its predictions """) with gr.Accordion(label='Hyperparameters'): with gr.Row(): prediction_length = gr.Number(value=12, label='Prediction Length', precision=0) windows = gr.Number(value=3, label='Number of Windows', precision=0) epochs = gr.Number(value=10, label='Number of Epochs', precision=0) with gr.Row(): upload_btn = gr.UploadButton(label="Upload") train_btn = gr.Button(label="Train and Forecast") plot = gr.Plot() upload_btn.upload(fn=preprocess, inputs=[upload_btn, prediction_length, windows], outputs=plot), inputs=[upload_btn, prediction_length, windows, epochs], outputs=plot) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.queue().launch()