# Form / Visible # Use "visible" property to control whether form element should be shown / hidden. # --- from h2o_wave import main, app, Q, ui @app('/demo') async def serve(q: Q): if not q.client.initialized: q.page['example'] = ui.form_card(box='1 1 4 7', items=[ ui.text_xl(name='text_xl', content='First text'), ui.text_l(name='text_l', content='Second text'), ui.text_m(name='text_m', content='Third text'), ui.text_s(name='text_s', content='Fourth text'), ui.inline([ ui.button(name='left1', label='Left1'), ui.button(name='left2', label='Left2'), ui.button(name='left3', label='Left3'), ]), ui.buttons(justify='end', items=[ ui.button(name='right1', label='Right1'), ui.button(name='right2', label='Right2'), ui.button(name='right3', label='Right3'), ]), ui.buttons(items=[ui.button(name='show', label='Show'), ui.button(name='hide', label='Hide')]) ]) q.client.initialized = True page = q.page['example'] items_to_hide = [ page.text_xl, page.text_m, page.left1, page.right3, ] if q.args.hide: for i in items_to_hide: i.visible = False if q.args.show: for i in items_to_hide: i.visible = True await q.page.save()