#Grab python=3.9-slim-buster image FROM python:3.9-slim-buster # RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y build-essential wget python3-dev python3-pip gcc default-jdk sudo # openldap-dev libffi-dev jpeg-dev zlib-dev libmemcached-dev gcc libc-dev g++ libxml2 libxslt libxslt-dev # TA-Lib # RUN wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/ta-lib/ta-lib-0.4.0-src.tar.gz COPY ta-lib-0.4.0-src.tar.gz ta-lib-0.4.0-src.tar.gz RUN tar -xvzf ta-lib-0.4.0-src.tar.gz && \ cd ta-lib/ && \ ./configure --prefix=/usr --build=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu && \ sudo make && \ sudo make install && \ cd .. RUN rm -R ta-lib ta-lib-0.4.0-src.tar.gz # Copy requirements to container COPY app/requirements.txt /app/requirements.txt # Move working directory WORKDIR /app # Install python depencies RUN pip3 install --upgrade pip && pip3 install --no-cache-dir -q -r requirements.txt # Copy code to container COPY app /app # Move working directory WORKDIR /app # Expose port 5000 EXPOSE 5000 # # Run the image as a non-root user # RUN adduser myuser # USER myuser # Run the app on port 5000 CMD gunicorn --bind app:app