import streamlit as st import os import json import time # Import the ConfluenceQA class from confluence_qa import ConfluenceQA st.set_page_config( page_title='Q&A Bot for Confluence Page', page_icon='⚡', layout='wide', initial_sidebar_state='auto', ) if "config" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["config"] = {} if "confluence_qa" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["confluence_qa"] = None @st.cache_resource def load_confluence(config): st.write("loading the confluence page") confluence_qa = ConfluenceQA(config) confluence_qa.init_embeddings() confluence_qa.define_model() confluence_qa.store_in_vector_db() confluence_qa.retrieve_qa_chain() return confluence_qa with st.sidebar.form(key ='Form1'): st.markdown('## Add your configs') confluence_url = st.text_input("paste the confluence URL", "") username = st.text_input(label="confluence username", help="leave blank if confluence page is public", type="password") space_key = st.text_input(label="confluence space", help="Space of Confluence", value="RD") api_key = st.text_input(label="confluence api key", help="leave blank if confluence page is public", type="password") submitted1 = st.form_submit_button(label='Submit') if submitted1 and confluence_url and space_key: st.session_state["config"] = { "persist_directory": None, "confluence_url": confluence_url, "username": username if username != "" else None, "api_key": api_key if api_key != "" else None, "space_key": space_key, "include_attachment": True } with st.spinner(text="Ingesting Confluence..."): ### Hardcoding for and space RD to avoid multiple OpenAI calls. config = st.session_state["config"] if config["confluence_url"] == "" and config["space_key"] =="RD": config["persist_directory"] = "chroma_db" st.session_state["config"] = config st.session_state["confluence_qa"] = load_confluence(st.session_state["config"]) st.write("Confluence Space Ingested") st.title("Confluence Q&A") question = st.text_input('Ask a question', "How do I make a space public?") if st.button('Get Answer', key='button2'): with st.spinner(text="Asking LLM..."): confluence_qa = st.session_state.get("confluence_qa") if confluence_qa is not None: result = confluence_qa.qa_bot(question) st.write(result) else: st.write("Please load Confluence page first.")