from import GeneticSearch from src.hw_nats_fast_interface import HW_NATS_FastInterface from src.utils import DEVICES, union_of_dicts import numpy as np import argparse import json def parse_args()->object: """Args function. Returns: (object): args parser """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # this selects the dataset to be considered for the search parser.add_argument( "--dataset", default="cifar10", type=str, help="Dataset to be considered. One in ['cifar10', 'cifar100', 'ImageNet16-120'].s", choices=["cifar10", "cifar100", "ImageNet16-120"] ) # this selects the target device to be considered for the search parser.add_argument( "--device", default="edgegpu", type=str, help="Device to be considered. One in ['edgegpu', 'eyeriss', 'fpga'].", choices=["edgegpu", "eyeriss", "fpga"] ) # when this flag is triggered, the search is hardware-agnostic (penalized with FLOPS and params) parser.add_argument("--device-agnostic", action="store_true", help="Flag to trigger hardware-agnostic search.") parser.add_argument("--n-generations", default=50, type=int, help="Number of generations to let the genetic algorithm run.") parser.add_argument("--n-runs", default=30, type=int, help="Number of runs used to compute the average test accuracy.") parser.add_argument("--performance-weight", default=0.65, type=float, help="Weight of the performance metric in the fitness function.") parser.add_argument("--hardware-weight", default=0.35, type=float, help="Weight of the hardware metric in the fitness function.") return parser.parse_args() def main(): # parse arguments args = parse_args() dataset = args.dataset device = args.device if args.device in DEVICES else None n_generations = args.n_generations n_runs = args.n_runs performance_weight, hardware_weight = args.performance_weight, args.hardware_weight if performance_weight + hardware_weight > 1.0 + 1e-6: error_msg = f""" Performance weight: {performance_weight}, Hardware weight: {hardware_weight} (they sum up to {performance_weight + hardware_weight}). The sum of the weights must be less than 1. """ raise ValueError(error_msg) nebulos_chunks = [] for i in range(4): # the number of chunks is 4 in this case with open(f"data/nebuloss_{i+1}.json", "r") as f: nebulos_chunks.append(json.load(f)) searchspace_dict = union_of_dicts(nebulos_chunks) # initialize the search space given dataset and device searchspace_interface = HW_NATS_FastInterface(datapath=searchspace_dict, device=args.device, dataset=args.dataset) search = GeneticSearch( searchspace=searchspace_interface, fitness_weights=np.array([performance_weight, hardware_weight]) ) # this perform the actual architecture search results = search.solve(max_generations=n_generations) print(f'{dataset}-{device.upper() if device is not None else device}') print(results[0].genotype, results[0].genotype_to_idx["/".join(results[0].genotype)], results[1]) print() if __name__=="__main__": main()