{% extends "page.html" %} {% block stylesheet %} {% endblock %} {% block site %}
Hugging Face Logo

You can duplicate this Space to run it private.

Duplicate Space

The default token is huggingface

Duplicate the Space to run your own instance, make sure to carefully choose your GPU of choice to benchmark

{% if login_available %} {# login_available means password-login is allowed. Show the form. #}
{% else %}

{% trans %}No login available, you shouldn't be seeing this page.{% endtrans %}

{% endif %}

This template was created by camenduru and nateraw, with contributions of osanseviero and azzr

{% if message %}
{% for key in message %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if token_available %} {% block token_message %} {% endblock token_message %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block script %} {% endblock %}