seeds = { "GCT": { "prompt": "", "memory": "texter: Help" }, # "GCT__relationship": { # "prompt": "Your character is having a hard time becuase a failed relationship.", # "memory": "texter: Hi, I don't know what to do" # }, "GCT__body_image": { "prompt": "Your character has a low steem and struggles with body image.", "memory": "texter: I feel so dumb\ntexter: nobody loves me" }, # "GCT__sexuality": { # "prompt": "Your character has a sexuality identity crisis.", # "memory": "texter: Hi\ntexter:I'm not sure who I am anymore" # }, # "GCT__anxiety": { # "prompt": "Your character is experiencing an anxiety crisis.", # "memory": "texter: help!\ntexter: I'm feeling overwhelmed" # }, "safety_planning": { "prompt": "Your character had a long-lasting relationship but broke-up and was fired recently", "memory": """texter: Life is pointless helper: Hi, my name is {counselor_name} and I'm here to support you. It sounds like you are having a rought time. Do you want to share what is going on? texter: nothing makes sense in my life, I see no future. helper: It takes courage to reach out. I'm here with you. Sounds like you are feeling defeated by how things are going in your life texter: I guess helper: It's really brave of you to talk about this openly. No one deserves to feel like that. I'm wondering how long have you been feeling this way? texter: About one week I think? I mean my girlfriend broke up with me a week ago. helper: Going through a break-up is hard. You are so resilient to deal with this for so long texter: and on top of that I was fired today helper: You are going through a lot. Nobody should feel they way you feel. Is there a name I can call you by? texter: call me {texter_name} helper: Nice to meet you {texter_name}. I can hear how much pain you are in. You are so smart to reach out. texter: I'm no smart. I don't have anything to live for helper: You mentioned life is pointless. I want to check in your safety, does this means you have thoughts of suicide? texter: Yeah what else would it mean helper: Thanks for sharing that with me. It is not easy to accept those feelings specially with a stranger over text. Do you have a plan to end your life? texter: yeah I've been thinking about it for a while helper: Sounds like you've been contemplating this for a while. Would you mind sharing this plan with me? texter: I'll just hang myself. I already bought the rope and everything helper: I really appreciate your strength in talking about this. I want to help you stay safe today. Do you have the rope with you now? texter: Yes. I'm looking at itt helper: You've been so forthcoming with all this and I admire your stregth for holding on this long. I'm here for you tonight. When. do you plan to use the rope? texter: tonight, I cannot take it anymore""" }, "safety_planning__selfharm": { "prompt": "Your character is a teenager who used to selfharm in the past.", "memory": """texter: I need help texter: I don't what to live anymore helper: Hi, my name is {counselor_name}. It seems you are going through a lot. Do you want to share more on what is going on in your life? texter: Everything is just too much! texter: School is hard, my mom is riding me all the time about what I'm gonna do with my life helper: I hear that you feel overwhelmed. You are so smart for reaching out. texter: I think I peak in life already, there is no point on living anymore texter: I'm so tired of dealing with my mom. I hate her helper: It takes real strength to accept these feelings. We've been talking for a while, would you like to share your name? Don't feel pressure though. texter: I'm {texter_name} helper: Nice to meet you {texter_name}, I'm wondering how the relationship with your mother makes you feel. texter: She ask too much, like I'm really young I don't have all the answers texter: She expects me to have all figured out. helper: I appreciate you telling me this. I know is not easy, especially over text. I hear you are under a lot of pressure from your mom texter: Yeah exactly! helper: Your self-awareness is inspiring. You mentioned earlier you do not want to live anymore. Your safety is my priority (1/2) helper: Do you have thoughts of suicide? (2/2) texter: Yeah constantly, like always always helper: Thanks for sharing that with me. You are very resilient. Do you have a plan to end your life? texter: I used to cut myself a few months ago texter: I still have the razor, sometimes the urge is so hard! helper: I really appreciate your strength in talking about this. I want to help you stay safe today. Just to be clear, are you cutting yourself now? texter: No, not now, but I want to soo bad. helper: Thanks for your honesty. Do you have access to the razor right now? texter: Yeah is in my drawer helper: You've been so strong so far {texter_name}. When do you plan to end your life texter: Today""" }, # "safety_planning__overdose": { # "prompt": "Your character is being bullied at school and wants to overdose", # "memory": """texter: I want to kms # helper: Hi there I'm {counselor_name}. I'm here to listen. It sounds like you're dealing with a lot right now. Can you tell me a little more what is going on? # texter: I feel like nobody loves me, not even me. I don't want to live anymore # helper: I can tell you are really going through a lot right now. Would you mind sharing a name with me? # texter: yeah, I'm {texter_name} # helper: Nice to meet you {texter_name}. Did something happened recently that intensified these feelings? # texter: I had the worst day at school # texter: They took my bag and hide all my stuff, they told my crush I was in love with him # texter: I can't deal with all of that # helper: It sounds like you went through a lot. Bullying and pranks can be hurtful. I'm here for you # texter: Thank you it feels good to have someone in your sidw # helper: I can hear how much pain you are in {texter_name}. You are smart for reaching out. You mentioned don't wanting to live anymore, I want to check in your safety, does this means you have thoughts of suicide? # texter: Yeah, what else would it be # helper: Thanks for sharing that with me. It is not easy to accept those feelings specially with a stranger over text. Do you have a plan to end your life? # texter: yeah I've been thinking about it for a while # helper: Sounds like you've been contemplating this for a while. Would you mind sharing this plan with me? # texter: I thought about taking a bunch of benadryll and be done with it # helper: You've been so forthcoming with all this and I admire your stregth for holding on this long. Do you have those pills right now? # texter: They are at my mom's cabinet right now # helper: You been so strong so far {texter_name}. I'm here for you tonight. Your safety is really important to me. Do you have a date you are going to end your life? # texter: I was thinking tonight""" # }, } seed2str = { "GCT":"Good Contact Techniques", "GCT__body_image": "GCT Body Image", "safety_planning": "Safety Planning", "safety_planning__selfharm": "SP Self Harm" }