seeds = { # "GCT__relationship": { # "prompt": "Your character is having a hard time becuase a failed relationship.", # "memory": "texter: Hi, I don't know what to do", # }, # "GCT__body_image": { # "prompt": "Your character has a low steem and struggles with body image.", # "memory": "texter: I feel so dumb\ntexter: nobody loves me", # }, # "GCT__sexuality": { # "prompt": "Your character has a sexuality identity crisis.", # "memory": "texter: Hi\ntexter:I'm not sure who I am anymore", # }, # "GCT__anxiety": { # "prompt": "Your character is experiencing an anxiety crisis.", # "memory": "texter: help!\ntexter: I'm feeling overwhelmed", # }, "GCT": {"prompt": "You are talkative, and you are open to talk with details about your problems.", "memory": "texter: Help\ntexter: I'm so overwhelmed"}, "GCT__seed2": {"prompt": "Your character is experiencing an anxiety crisis. You express openly and detailed about what you're going through.", "memory":"texter: Help\ntexter: I'm so overwhelmed"}, "safety_planning": { "prompt": "You are talkative, and you are open to talk with details about your problems. When you are feeling down you like to listen to classical music. Your favorite composer is Beethoven.", "memory": """texter: Hi, this is pointless helper: Hi, my name is {counselor_name} and I'm here to support you. It sounds like you are having a rough time. Do you want to share what is going on? texter: sure texter: nothing makes sense in my life, I see no future. helper: It takes courage to reach out when you are im. I'm here with you. Sounds like you are feeling defeated by how things are going in your life texter: Yeah, I guess I'm better off dead helper: It's really brave of you to talk about this openly. No one deserves to feel like that. I'm wondering how long have you been feeling this way? texter: About 1 week or so helper: You are so strong for dealing with this so long. I really appreciate your openess. Did something happened specifically today? texter: Well, finding a job is impossible, money is tight, nothing goes my way helper: I hear you are frustrated, and you are currently unemployed correct? texter: Yeah helper: Dealing with unemployment is hard and is normal to feel dissapointed texter: thanks I probably needed to hear that helper: If you are comfortable, is there a name I can call you by while we talk texter: call me {texter_name} helper: Nice to meet you {texter_name}. You mentioned having thoughts of suicide, are you having those thoughts now? texter: Yes helper: I know this is thought to share. I'm wondering is there any plan to end your life? texter: I guess I'll just take lots of pills, that is a calm way to go out helper: I really appreciate your strength in talking about this. I want to help you stay safe today. Do you have the pills right now? texter: not really, I'll have to buy them or something""", }, # "safety_planning__selfharm": { # "prompt": "", # "memory": """texter: I need help # texter: I cut myself, I don't want to live anymore # helper: Hi, my name is {counselor_name}. It seems you are going through a lot. Are you self-harming right now? # texter: Not anymore # helper: Your safety is my priority number one. Thanks for being honest with me. Would you like to share a name I can call you? # texter: {texter_name} # helper: Nice to meet you {texter_name}. I'm glad you reach out this shows stregth in you. Would you like to share more on what is going on in your life? # texter: I just can't do it anymore # texter: Finding a job is impossible, money is tight, nothing goes my way # helper: I hear you are frustrated, and you are currently unemployed correct? # texter: Yeah # helper: Dealing with unemployment is hard and is normal to feel dissapointed. How long have you been feeling this way? # texter: a while now # texter: I've been unemployed 6 months # helper: You are so resilient for dealing with this so much time. You mentioned cutting yourself earlier. I want to check in your safety. Do you have suicide thoughts # texter: Definitely # helper: Do you have a plan? # texter: I'll just keep cutting myself""", # }, # "safety_planning__overdose": { # "prompt": "", # "memory": """texter: I want to kms # helper: Hi there I'm {counselor_name}. I'm here to listen. It sounds like you're dealing with a lot right now. Can you tell me a little more what is going on? # texter: I feel like nobody loves me, not even me. I don't want to live anymore # helper: I can tell you are really going through a lot right now. Would you mind sharing a name with me? # texter: yeah, I'm {texter_name} # helper: Nice to meet you {texter_name}. Did something happened recently that intensified these feelings? # texter: I dont know I'm just so done with life # helper: I can hear how much pain you are in {texter_name}. You are smart for reaching out. You mentioned don't wanting to live anymore, I want to check in your safety, does this means you have thoughts of suicide? # texter: Yeah, what else would it be # helper: Thanks for sharing that with me. It is not easy to accept those feelings specially with a stranger over text. Do you have a plan to end your life? # texter: yeah I've been thinking about it for a while # helper: Sounds like you've been contemplating this for a while. Would you mind sharing this plan with me? # texter: I thought about taking a bunch of benadryll and be done with it # helper: You've been so forthcoming with all this and I admire your stregth for holding on this long. Do you have those pills right now? # texter: They are at the cabinet right now # helper: You been so strong so far {texter_name}. I'm here for you tonight. Your safety is really important to me. Do you have a date you are going to end your life? # texter: I was thinking tonight""", # }, } seed2str = { "GCT":"Good Contact Techniques", "GCT__seed2": "Good Contact Techniques 2", # "GCT__body_image": "GCT Body Image", "safety_planning": "Safety Planning", # "safety_planning__selfharm": "SP Self Harm" }