foodnet /
David Chuan-En Lin
add models
history blame
No virus
8.71 kB
import requests
from io import BytesIO
import numpy as np
from gensim.models.fasttext import FastText
from scipy import spatial
import itertools
import gdown
import warnings
import nltk
# warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')
import pickle
import pdb
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import streamlit as st
import argparse
# NLTK Datasets'wordnet')'punkt')'averaged_perceptron_tagger')
# Average embedding β†’ Compare
def recommend_ingredients(yum, leftovers, n=10):
Uses a mean aggregation method
yum -> FastText Word2Vec Obj
leftovers -> list of str
n -> int top_n to return
output -> top_n recommendations
leftovers_embedding_sum = np.zeros([32,])
for ingredient in leftovers:
# pdb.set_trace()
ingredient_embedding = yum.get_vector(ingredient, norm=True)
leftovers_embedding_sum += ingredient_embedding
leftovers_embedding = leftovers_embedding_sum / len(leftovers) # Embedding for leftovers
top_matches = yum.similar_by_vector(leftovers_embedding, topn=100)
top_matches = [(x[0].replace('_',' '), x[1]) for x in top_matches]
output = [x for x in top_matches if not any(ignore in x[0] for ignore in leftovers)] # Remove boring same item matches, e.g. "romaine lettuce" if leftovers already contain "lettuce".
return output[:n]
# Compare β†’ Find intersection
def recommend_ingredients_intersect(yum, leftovers, n=10):
Finds top combined probabilities
yum -> FastText Word2Vec Obj
leftovers -> list of str
n -> int top_n to return
output -> top_n recommendations
first = True
for ingredient in leftovers:
ingredient_embedding = yum.get_vector(ingredient, norm=True)
ingredient_matches = yum.similar_by_vector(ingredient_embedding, topn=10000)
ingredient_matches = [(x[0].replace('_',' '), x[1]) for x in ingredient_matches]
ingredient_output = [x for x in ingredient_matches if not any(ignore in x[0] for ignore in leftovers)] # Remove boring same item matches, e.g. "romaine lettuce" if leftovers already contain "lettuce".
if first:
output = ingredient_output
first = False
output = [x for x in output for y in ingredient_output if x[0] == y[0]]
return output[:n]
def recommend_ingredients_subsets(model, yum,leftovers, subset_size):
Returns all subsets from each ingredient
model -> FastText Obj
yum -> FastText Word2Vec Obj
leftovers -> list of str
n -> int top_n to return
output -> top_n recommendations
all_outputs = {}
for leftovers_subset in itertools.combinations(leftovers, subset_size):
leftovers_embedding_sum = np.zeros([32,])
for ingredient in leftovers_subset:
ingredient_embedding = yum.word_vec(ingredient, use_norm=True)
leftovers_embedding_sum += ingredient_embedding
leftovers_embedding = leftovers_embedding_sum / len(leftovers_subset) # Embedding for leftovers
top_matches = model.similar_by_vector(leftovers_embedding, topn=100)
top_matches = [(x[0].replace('_',' '), x[1]) for x in top_matches]
output = [x for x in top_matches if not any(ignore in x[0] for ignore in leftovers_subset)] # Remove boring same item matches, e.g. "romaine lettuce" if leftovers already contain "lettuce".
all_outputs[leftovers_subset] = output[:10]
return all_outputs
def filter_adjectives(data):
Remove adjectives that are not associated with a food item
recipe_ingredients_token = [nltk.word_tokenize(x) for x in data]
inds = []
for i, r in enumerate(recipe_ingredients_token):
out = nltk.pos_tag(r)
out = [x[1] for x in out]
if len(out) > 1:
elif 'NN' in out or 'NNS' in out:
return [data[i] for i in inds]
def plural_to_singular(lemma, recipe):
lemma -> nltk lemma Obj
recipe -> list of str
recipe -> converted recipe
return [lemma.lemmatize(r) for r in recipe]
def filter_lemma(data):
Convert plural to roots
data -> list of lists
data -> returns filtered data
# Initialize Lemmatizer (to reduce plurals to stems)
lemma = nltk.wordnet.WordNetLemmatizer()
# NOTE: This uses all the computational resources of your computer
with ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
out = list(, itertools.repeat(lemma), data))
return out
def train_model(data):
Train fastfood text
NOTE: gensim==4.1.2
data -> list of lists of all recipes
save -> bool
model -> FastFood model obj
model = FastText(data, vector_size=32, window=99, min_count=5, workers=40, sg=1) # Train model
return model
def load_model(filename='models/fastfood_orig_4.model'):
Load the FastText Model
filename -> path to the model
model -> this is the full FastText obj
yum -> this is the FastText Word2Vec obj
# Load Models
model = FastText.load(filename)
yum = model.wv
return model, yum
def load_data(filename='data/all_recipes_ingredients_lemma.pkl'):
Load data
filename -> path to dataset
data -> list of all recipes
return pickle.load(open(filename,'rb'))
def plot_results(names, probs, n=5):
Plots a bar chart of the names of the items vs. probability of similarity
names -> list of str
probs -> list of float values
n -> int of how many bars to show NOTE: Max = 100
fig -> return figure for plotting
''', probs, align='center')
ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_ylabel('Probability',fontsize='large', fontweight='bold')
ax.set_xlabel('Ingredients', fontsize='large', fontweight='bold')
ax.xaxis.labelpad = 10
ax.set_title(f'FastFood Top {n} Predictions for Leftovers = {st.session_state.leftovers}')
fig = plt.gcf()
return fig
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Initialize argparse
# parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Defaults
# data_path = 'data/all_recipes_ingredients_lemma.pkl'
# model_path = 'models/fastfood_lemma_4.model'
# Arguments
# parser.add_argument('-d', '--dataset', default=data_path, type=str, help="the filepath of the dataset")
# parser.add_argument('-t', '--train', default=False, type=bool, help="the filepath of the dataset")
# parser.add_argument('-m', '--model', default=model_path, type=str, help="the filepath of the dataset")
# args = parser.parse_args()
# print(args)
## Train or Test ##
# if args.train:
# # Load Dataset
# data = load_data(args.dataset) #pickle.load(open(args.dataset, 'rb'))
# # model = train_model(data)
# # model_path = input("Model filename and directory [eg. models/new_model.model]: ")
# #
# else:
#'', 'fastfood.pth')
#'', 'fastfood.pth.wv.vectors_ngrams.npy')
model, yum = load_model('fastfood.pth')
##### UI/UX #####
## Sidebar ##
add_selectbox = st.sidebar.selectbox(
"Food Utilization App",
("FastFood Recommendation Model", "Food Donation Resources", "Contact Team")
## Selection Tool ##
st.multiselect("Select leftovers", list(yum.key_to_index.keys()), default=['bread', 'lettuce'], key="leftovers")
## Slider ##
st.slider("Number of Recommendations", min_value=1, max_value=100, value=5, step=1, key='top_n')
## Get food recommendation ##
out = recommend_ingredients(yum, st.session_state.leftovers, n=st.session_state.top_n)
names = [o[0] for o in out]
probs = [o[1] for o in out]
st.checkbox(label="Show model score", value=False, key="probs")
if st.session_state.probs:
## Plot Results ##
st.checkbox(label="Show model bar chart", value=False, key="plot")
if st.session_state.plot:
fig = plot_results(names, probs, st.session_state.top_n)
## Show Plot ##