""" from https://github.com/keithito/tacotron """ |
''' |
Cleaners are transformations that run over the input text at both training and eval time. |
Cleaners can be selected by passing a comma-delimited list of cleaner names as the "cleaners" |
hyperparameter. Some cleaners are English-specific. You'll typically want to use: |
1. "english_cleaners" for English text |
2. "transliteration_cleaners" for non-English text that can be transliterated to ASCII using |
the Unidecode library (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Unidecode) |
3. "basic_cleaners" if you do not want to transliterate (in this case, you should also update |
the symbols in symbols.py to match your data). |
''' |
import re |
from unidecode import unidecode |
from phonemizer import phonemize |
from pypinyin import pinyin, lazy_pinyin, load_phrases_dict, Style, load_single_dict |
from pypinyin.style._utils import get_finals, get_initials |
from pypinyin_dict.phrase_pinyin_data import cc_cedict |
from pypinyin_dict.pinyin_data import kmandarin_8105 |
import jieba |
kmandarin_8105.load() |
cc_cedict.load() |
"琴", "安柏", "丽莎", "凯亚", "芭芭拉", "迪卢克", "雷泽", "温迪", "可莉", "班尼特", "诺艾尔", "菲谢尔", |
"砂糖", "莫娜", "迪奥娜", "阿贝多", "罗莎莉亚", "优菈", "魈", "北斗", "凝光", "香菱", "行秋", "重云", |
"七七", "刻晴", "达达利亚", "钟离", "辛焱", "甘雨", "胡桃", "烟绯", "申鹤", "云堇", "夜兰", "神里绫华", |
"神里", "绫华", "枫原万叶", "枫原", "万叶", "宵宫", "早柚", "雷电将军", "九条裟罗", "九条", "裟罗", "珊瑚宫心海", |
"珊瑚宫", "心海", "托马", "荒泷", "一斗", "荒泷派", "五郎", "八重神子", "神子", "神里绫人", "绫人", |
"久岐忍", "鹿野院平藏", "平藏", "蒙德", "璃月", "稻妻", "北风的王狼", "风魔龙", "特瓦林", "若陀龙王", "龙脊雪山", |
"金苹果群岛", "渊下宫", "层岩巨渊", "奥赛尔", "七天神像", "钩钩果", "落落莓", "塞西莉亚花", "风车菊", "尘歌壶", |
"提瓦特", "明冠山地", "风龙废墟", "明冠峡", "坠星山谷", "果酒湖", "望风山地", "坎瑞亚", "须弥", "枫丹", "纳塔", |
"至冬", "丘丘人", "丘丘暴徒", "深渊法师", "深渊咏者", "盗宝团", "愚人众", "深渊教团", "骗骗花", "急冻树", "龙蜥", |
"鸣神岛", "神无冢", "八酝岛", "海祇岛", "清籁岛", "鹤观", "绝云间", "群玉阁", "南十字", "死兆星", "木漏茶室", "神樱", |
"鸣神大社", "天使的馈赠", "社奉行", "勘定奉行", "天领奉行", "夜叉", "风神", "岩神", "雷神", "风之神", "岩之神", "雷之神", |
"风神瞳", "岩神瞳", "雷神瞳", "摩拉克斯", "契约之神", "雷电影", "雷电真", "八重宫司", "宫司大人", "巴巴托斯", "玉衡星", |
"天权星", "璃月七星", "留云借风", "削月筑阳", "理水叠山", "请仙典仪" |
] |
for phrase in PHRASE_LIST: |
jieba.add_word(phrase) |
load_phrases_dict({"若陀": [["rě"], ["tuó"]], "平藏": [["píng"], ["zàng"]], |
"派蒙": [["pài"], ["méng"]], "安柏": [["ān"], ["bó"]], |
"一斗": [["yī"], ["dǒu"]] |
}) |
_whitespace_re = re.compile(r'\s+') |
_abbreviations = [(re.compile('\\b%s\\.' % x[0], re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) for x in [ |
('mrs', 'misess'), |
('mr', 'mister'), |
('dr', 'doctor'), |
('st', 'saint'), |
('co', 'company'), |
('jr', 'junior'), |
('maj', 'major'), |
('gen', 'general'), |
('drs', 'doctors'), |
('rev', 'reverend'), |
('lt', 'lieutenant'), |
('hon', 'honorable'), |
('sgt', 'sergeant'), |
('capt', 'captain'), |
('esq', 'esquire'), |
('ltd', 'limited'), |
('col', 'colonel'), |
('ft', 'fort'), |
]] |
def expand_abbreviations(text): |
for regex, replacement in _abbreviations: |
text = re.sub(regex, replacement, text) |
return text |
def expand_numbers(text): |
return normalize_numbers(text) |
def lowercase(text): |
return text.lower() |
def collapse_whitespace(text): |
return re.sub(_whitespace_re, ' ', text) |
def convert_to_ascii(text): |
return unidecode(text) |
def chinese_cleaners(text): |
return " ".join(lazy_pinyin(jieba.cut(text), style=Style.TONE3, errors='ignore')) |
def chinese_cleaners2(text): |
return " ".join([ |
p |
for phone in pinyin(text, style=Style.TONE3, v_to_u=True) |
for p in [ |
get_initials(phone[0], strict=True), |
get_finals(phone[0][:-1], strict=True) + phone[0][-1] |
if phone[0][-1].isdigit() |
else get_finals(phone[0], strict=True) |
if phone[0][-1].isalnum() |
else phone[0], |
] |
if len(p) != 0 and not p.isdigit() |
]) |
def basic_cleaners(text): |
'''Basic pipeline that lowercases and collapses whitespace without transliteration.''' |
text = lowercase(text) |
text = collapse_whitespace(text) |
return text |
def transliteration_cleaners(text): |
'''Pipeline for non-English text that transliterates to ASCII.''' |
text = convert_to_ascii(text) |
text = lowercase(text) |
text = collapse_whitespace(text) |
return text |
def english_cleaners(text): |
'''Pipeline for English text, including abbreviation expansion.''' |
text = convert_to_ascii(text) |
text = lowercase(text) |
text = expand_abbreviations(text) |
phonemes = phonemize(text, language='en-us', backend='espeak', strip=True) |
phonemes = collapse_whitespace(phonemes) |
return phonemes |
def english_cleaners2(text): |
'''Pipeline for English text, including abbreviation expansion. + punctuation + stress''' |
text = convert_to_ascii(text) |
text = lowercase(text) |
text = expand_abbreviations(text) |
phonemes = phonemize(text, language='en-us', backend='espeak', strip=True, preserve_punctuation=True, with_stress=True) |
phonemes = collapse_whitespace(phonemes) |
return phonemes |