import itertools import subprocess import warnings from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List import numba import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from .audio import HOP_LENGTH, SAMPLE_RATE, TOKENS_PER_SECOND from .tokenizer import Tokenizer if TYPE_CHECKING: from .model import Whisper def median_filter(x: torch.Tensor, filter_width: int): """Apply a median filter of width `filter_width` along the last dimension of `x`""" pad_width = filter_width // 2 if x.shape[-1] <= pad_width: # F.pad requires the padding width to be smaller than the input dimension return x if (ndim := x.ndim) <= 2: # `F.pad` does not support 1D or 2D inputs for reflect padding but supports 3D and 4D x = x[None, None, :] assert ( filter_width > 0 and filter_width % 2 == 1 ), "`filter_width` should be an odd number" result = None x = F.pad(x, (filter_width // 2, filter_width // 2, 0, 0), mode="reflect") if x.is_cuda: try: from .triton_ops import median_filter_cuda result = median_filter_cuda(x, filter_width) except (RuntimeError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): warnings.warn( "Failed to launch Triton kernels, likely due to missing CUDA toolkit; " "falling back to a slower median kernel implementation..." ) if result is None: # sort() is faster than torch.median ( result = x.unfold(-1, filter_width, 1).sort()[0][..., filter_width // 2] if ndim <= 2: result = result[0, 0] return result @numba.jit(nopython=True) def backtrace(trace: np.ndarray): i = trace.shape[0] - 1 j = trace.shape[1] - 1 trace[0, :] = 2 trace[:, 0] = 1 result = [] while i > 0 or j > 0: result.append((i - 1, j - 1)) if trace[i, j] == 0: i -= 1 j -= 1 elif trace[i, j] == 1: i -= 1 elif trace[i, j] == 2: j -= 1 else: raise ValueError("Unexpected trace[i, j]") result = np.array(result) return result[::-1, :].T @numba.jit(nopython=True, parallel=True) def dtw_cpu(x: np.ndarray): N, M = x.shape cost = np.ones((N + 1, M + 1), dtype=np.float32) * np.inf trace = -np.ones((N + 1, M + 1), dtype=np.float32) cost[0, 0] = 0 for j in range(1, M + 1): for i in range(1, N + 1): c0 = cost[i - 1, j - 1] c1 = cost[i - 1, j] c2 = cost[i, j - 1] if c0 < c1 and c0 < c2: c, t = c0, 0 elif c1 < c0 and c1 < c2: c, t = c1, 1 else: c, t = c2, 2 cost[i, j] = x[i - 1, j - 1] + c trace[i, j] = t return backtrace(trace) def dtw_cuda(x, BLOCK_SIZE=1024): from .triton_ops import dtw_kernel M, N = x.shape assert M < BLOCK_SIZE, f"M should be smaller than {BLOCK_SIZE=}" x_skew = ( F.pad(x, (0, M + 1), value=np.inf).flatten()[: M * (N + M)].reshape(M, N + M) ) x_skew = x_skew.T.contiguous() cost = torch.ones(N + M + 2, M + 2) * np.inf cost[0, 0] = 0 cost = cost.cuda() trace = torch.zeros_like(cost, dtype=torch.int32) dtw_kernel[(1,)]( cost, trace, x_skew, x_skew.stride(0), cost.stride(0), trace.stride(0), N, M, BLOCK_SIZE=BLOCK_SIZE, ) trace = trace.T.flatten()[: (M + 1) * (M + N + 3)].reshape(M + 1, M + N + 3)[ :, : N + 1 ] return backtrace(trace.cpu().numpy()) def dtw(x: torch.Tensor) -> np.ndarray: if x.is_cuda: try: return dtw_cuda(x) except (RuntimeError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): warnings.warn( "Failed to launch Triton kernels, likely due to missing CUDA toolkit; " "falling back to a slower DTW implementation..." ) return dtw_cpu(x.double().cpu().numpy()) @dataclass class WordTiming: word: str tokens: List[int] start: float end: float probability: float def find_alignment( model: "Whisper", tokenizer: Tokenizer, text_tokens: List[int], mel: torch.Tensor, num_frames: int, *, medfilt_width: int = 7, qk_scale: float = 1.0, ) -> List[WordTiming]: if len(text_tokens) == 0: return [] tokens = torch.tensor( [ *tokenizer.sot_sequence, tokenizer.no_timestamps, *text_tokens, tokenizer.eot, ] ).to(model.device) # install hooks on the cross attention layers to retrieve the attention weights QKs = [None] * model.dims.n_text_layer hooks = [ block.cross_attn.register_forward_hook( lambda _, ins, outs, index=i: QKs.__setitem__(index, outs[-1][0]) ) for i, block in enumerate(model.decoder.blocks) ] with torch.no_grad(): logits = model(mel.unsqueeze(0), tokens.unsqueeze(0))[0] sampled_logits = logits[len(tokenizer.sot_sequence) :, : tokenizer.eot] token_probs = sampled_logits.softmax(dim=-1) text_token_probs = token_probs[np.arange(len(text_tokens)), text_tokens] text_token_probs = text_token_probs.tolist() for hook in hooks: hook.remove() # heads * tokens * frames weights = torch.stack([QKs[_l][_h] for _l, _h in model.alignment_heads.indices().T]) weights = weights[:, :, : num_frames // 2] weights = (weights * qk_scale).softmax(dim=-1) std, mean = torch.std_mean(weights, dim=-2, keepdim=True, unbiased=False) weights = (weights - mean) / std weights = median_filter(weights, medfilt_width) matrix = weights.mean(axis=0) matrix = matrix[len(tokenizer.sot_sequence) : -1] text_indices, time_indices = dtw(-matrix) words, word_tokens = tokenizer.split_to_word_tokens(text_tokens + [tokenizer.eot]) if len(word_tokens) <= 1: # return on eot only # >>> np.pad([], (1, 0)) # array([0.]) # This results in crashes when we lookup jump_times with float, like # IndexError: arrays used as indices must be of integer (or boolean) type return [] word_boundaries = np.pad(np.cumsum([len(t) for t in word_tokens[:-1]]), (1, 0)) jumps = np.pad(np.diff(text_indices), (1, 0), constant_values=1).astype(bool) jump_times = time_indices[jumps] / TOKENS_PER_SECOND start_times = jump_times[word_boundaries[:-1]] end_times = jump_times[word_boundaries[1:]] word_probabilities = [ np.mean(text_token_probs[i:j]) for i, j in zip(word_boundaries[:-1], word_boundaries[1:]) ] return [ WordTiming(word, tokens, start, end, probability) for word, tokens, start, end, probability in zip( words, word_tokens, start_times, end_times, word_probabilities ) ] def merge_punctuations(alignment: List[WordTiming], prepended: str, appended: str): # merge prepended punctuations i = len(alignment) - 2 j = len(alignment) - 1 while i >= 0: previous = alignment[i] following = alignment[j] if previous.word.startswith(" ") and previous.word.strip() in prepended: # prepend it to the following word following.word = previous.word + following.word following.tokens = previous.tokens + following.tokens previous.word = "" previous.tokens = [] else: j = i i -= 1 # merge appended punctuations i = 0 j = 1 while j < len(alignment): previous = alignment[i] following = alignment[j] if not previous.word.endswith(" ") and following.word in appended: # append it to the previous word previous.word = previous.word + following.word previous.tokens = previous.tokens + following.tokens following.word = "" following.tokens = [] else: i = j j += 1 def add_word_timestamps( *, segments: List[dict], model: "Whisper", tokenizer: Tokenizer, mel: torch.Tensor, num_frames: int, prepend_punctuations: str = "\"'“¿([{-", append_punctuations: str = "\"'.。,,!!??::”)]}、", last_speech_timestamp: float, **kwargs, ): if len(segments) == 0: return text_tokens_per_segment = [ [token for token in segment["tokens"] if token < tokenizer.eot] for segment in segments ] text_tokens = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(text_tokens_per_segment)) alignment = find_alignment(model, tokenizer, text_tokens, mel, num_frames, **kwargs) word_durations = np.array([t.end - t.start for t in alignment]) word_durations = word_durations[word_durations.nonzero()] median_duration = np.median(word_durations) if len(word_durations) > 0 else 0.0 max_duration = median_duration * 2 # hack: truncate long words at sentence boundaries. # a better segmentation algorithm based on VAD should be able to replace this. if len(word_durations) > 0: sentence_end_marks = ".。!!??" # ensure words at sentence boundaries are not longer than twice the median word duration. for i in range(1, len(alignment)): if alignment[i].end - alignment[i].start > max_duration: if alignment[i].word in sentence_end_marks: alignment[i].end = alignment[i].start + max_duration elif alignment[i - 1].word in sentence_end_marks: alignment[i].start = alignment[i].end - max_duration merge_punctuations(alignment, prepend_punctuations, append_punctuations) time_offset = segments[0]["seek"] * HOP_LENGTH / SAMPLE_RATE word_index = 0 for segment, text_tokens in zip(segments, text_tokens_per_segment): saved_tokens = 0 words = [] while word_index < len(alignment) and saved_tokens < len(text_tokens): timing = alignment[word_index] if timing.word: words.append( dict( word=timing.word, start=round(time_offset + timing.start, 2), end=round(time_offset + timing.end, 2), probability=timing.probability, ) ) saved_tokens += len(timing.tokens) word_index += 1 # hack: truncate long words at segment boundaries. # a better segmentation algorithm based on VAD should be able to replace this. if len(words) > 0: # ensure the first and second word after a pause is not longer than # twice the median word duration. if words[0]["end"] - last_speech_timestamp > median_duration * 4 and ( words[0]["end"] - words[0]["start"] > max_duration or ( len(words) > 1 and words[1]["end"] - words[0]["start"] > max_duration * 2 ) ): if ( len(words) > 1 and words[1]["end"] - words[1]["start"] > max_duration ): boundary = max(words[1]["end"] / 2, words[1]["end"] - max_duration) words[0]["end"] = words[1]["start"] = boundary words[0]["start"] = max(0, words[0]["end"] - max_duration) # prefer the segment-level start timestamp if the first word is too long. if ( segment["start"] < words[0]["end"] and segment["start"] - 0.5 > words[0]["start"] ): words[0]["start"] = max( 0, min(words[0]["end"] - median_duration, segment["start"]) ) else: segment["start"] = words[0]["start"] # prefer the segment-level end timestamp if the last word is too long. if ( segment["end"] > words[-1]["start"] and segment["end"] + 0.5 < words[-1]["end"] ): words[-1]["end"] = max( words[-1]["start"] + median_duration, segment["end"] ) else: segment["end"] = words[-1]["end"] last_speech_timestamp = segment["end"] segment["words"] = words