import subprocess from huggingface_hub import HfApi, Repository, hf_hub_download import gradio as gr["git", "clone", "", "diff"]) def convert(token: str, model_id: str) -> str: # if token == "" or model_id == "": # return """ # ### Invalid input 🐞 # Please fill a token and model name. # """ try: api = HfApi(token=token) # info = api.model_info(repo_id=model_id) # # # loop info siblings (type is RepoFile) and find the ones which rfilename ends with .ckpt, then return them # ckpt_files = [sibling for sibling in info.siblings if sibling.rfilename.endswith(".ckpt")] # if len(ckpt_files) == 0: # return f"#### Error: No checkpoint file found in the model repo." # # # return file names: # return "\n".join([f"- {ckpt_file.rfilename}" for ckpt_file in ckpt_files]) api = HfApi() cpkt_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id="nitrosocke/Arcane-Diffusion", filename="arcane-diffusion-5k.ckpt") return cpkt_path except Exception as e: return f"#### Error: {e}" with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=50): gr.Markdown("DESCRIPTION") with gr.Column(scale=50): input_token = gr.Textbox( max_lines=1, label="Hugging Face token", ) input_model = gr.Textbox( max_lines=1, label="Model name", placeholder="textattack/distilbert-base-cased-CoLA", ) btn = gr.Button("Convert to Diffusers🧨") output = gr.Markdown(label="Output") fn=convert, inputs=[input_token, input_model], outputs=output ) demo.launch()