const express = require("express"); const app = express(); const port = 7860; app.use(express.json()); app.get("//models", async (req, res) => { try { res.status(200).json({ object: "list", data: createFakeModelsList() }); } catch {} });"//chat/completions", async (clientRequest, clientResponse) => { try { const { frequency_penalty, presence_penalty, max_tokens, stop, temperature, top_p, } = clientRequest.body; const apiRequestBody = { model: "gpt-4", prompt: convertChatMLPrompt(clientRequest.body.messages), frequency_penalty, presence_penalty, max_tokens, stop, temperature, top_p, }; const apiResponse = await fetch(process.env.API_URL, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(apiRequestBody), }); if ( { handleResponseAsStream(clientResponse, apiResponse); } else { handleResponseAsNonStreamable(clientResponse, apiResponse); } } catch {} }); app.listen(port, () => { console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}`); }); async function handleResponseAsNonStreamable(clientResponse, apiResponse) { const apiText = await apiResponse.text(); const clientMessage = createClientMessage(apiText); clientResponse.send(JSON.stringify(clientMessage)); } async function handleResponseAsStream(clientResponse, apiResponse) { const reader = apiResponse.body.getReader(); const nextDecoder = new TextDecoder(); clientResponse.write("data: " + JSON.stringify(createBeginChunk()) + "\n\n"); new ReadableStream({ start(controller) { return pump(); function pump() { return{ done, value }) => { const textData = nextDecoder.decode(value); clientResponse.write( "data: " + JSON.stringify(createMessageChunk(textData)) + "\n\n" ); // When no more data needs to be consumed, close the stream if (done) { clientResponse.write( "data: " + JSON.stringify(createEndChunk()) + "\n\n" ); clientResponse.end(); controller.close(); return; } // Enqueue the next data chunk into our target stream controller.enqueue(value); return pump(); }); } }, }); } function getCurrentDate() { return Math.floor(new Date().getTime()); } function convertChatMLPrompt(messages) { const messageStrings = []; messages.forEach((m) => { if (m.role === "system" && === undefined) { messageStrings.push("System: " + m.content); } else if (m.role === "system" && !== undefined) { messageStrings.push( + ": " + m.content); } else { messageStrings.push(m.role + ": " + m.content); } }); return messageStrings.join("\n") + "\nassistant:"; } const createClientMessage = (text) => ({ id: "chatcmpl-123", object: "chat.completion", created: getCurrentDate(), model: "gpt-4", choices: [ { index: 0, message: { role: "assistant", content: text }, logprobs: null, finish_reason: "stop", }, ], }); const createBeginChunk = () => ({ id: "chatcmpl-123", object: "chat.completion.chunk", created: getCurrentDate(), model: "gpt-4", system_fingerprint: "", choices: [ { index: 0, delta: { role: "assistant", content: "" }, logprobs: null, finish_reason: null, }, ], }); const createMessageChunk = (text) => ({ id: "chatcmpl-123", object: "chat.completion.chunk", created: getCurrentDate(), model: "gpt-4", system_fingerprint: "", choices: [ { index: 0, delta: { content: text }, logprobs: null, finish_reason: null, }, ], }); const createEndChunk = () => ({ id: "chatcmpl-123", object: "chat.completion.chunk", created: getCurrentDate(), model: "gpt-4", system_fingerprint: "", choices: [{ index: 0, delta: {}, logprobs: null, finish_reason: "stop" }], }); function createFakeModelsList() { return [ { id: "gpt-4", object: "model", created: getCurrentDate(), owned_by: "openai", permission: [ { id: "modelperm-gpt-4", object: "model_permission", created: getCurrentDate(), organization: "*", group: null, is_blocking: false, }, ], root: "gpt-4", parent: null, }, ]; }