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This document contains information to help you compile PortAudio with
ASIO support. If you find any omissions or errors in this document
please notify us on the PortAudio mailing list.
NOTE: The Macintosh sections of this document are provided for historical
reference. They refer to pre-OS X Macintosh. PortAudio no longer
supports pre-OS X Macintosh. Steinberg does not support ASIO on Mac OS X.
Building PortAudio with ASIO support
To build PortAudio with ASIO support you need to compile and link with
pa_asio.c, and files from the ASIO SDK (see below), along with the common
PortAudio files from src/common/ and platform specific files from
src/os/win/ (for Win32).
If you are compiling with a non-Microsoft compiler on Windows, also
compile and link with iasiothiscallresolver.cpp (see below for
an explanation).
For some platforms (MingW, Cygwin/MingW), you may simply
be able to type:
./configure --with-host_os=mingw --with-winapi=asio [--with-asiodir=/usr/local/asiosdk2]
and life will be good. Make sure you update the above with the correct local
path to the ASIO SDK.
For Microsoft Visual C++ there is an build tutorial here:
Obtaining the ASIO SDK
In order to build PortAudio with ASIO support, you need to download
the ASIO SDK (version 2.0 or later) from Steinberg. Steinberg makes the ASIO
SDK available to anyone free of charge, however they do not permit its
source code to be distributed.
NOTE: In some cases the ASIO SDK may require patching, see below
for further details.
If the above link is broken search Google for:
"download steinberg ASIO SDK"
Building the ASIO SDK on Windows
To build the ASIO SDK on Windows you need to compile and link with the
following files from the ASIO SDK:
You may also need to adjust your include paths to support inclusion of
header files from the above directories.
The ASIO SDK depends on the following COM API functions:
CoInitialize, CoUninitialize, CoCreateInstance, CLSIDFromString
For compilation with MinGW you will need to link with -lole32, for
Borland compilers link with Import32.lib.
Non-Microsoft (MSVC) Compilers on Windows including Borland and GCC
Steinberg did not specify a calling convention in the IASIO interface
definition. This causes the Microsoft compiler to use the proprietary
thiscall convention which is not compatible with other compilers, such
as compilers from Borland (BCC and C++Builder) and GNU (gcc).
Steinberg's ASIO SDK will compile but crash on initialization if
compiled with a non-Microsoft compiler on Windows.
PortAudio solves this problem using the iasiothiscallresolver library
which is included in the distribution. When building ASIO support for
non-Microsoft compilers, be sure to compile and link with
iasiothiscallresolver.cpp. Note that iasiothiscallresolver includes
conditional directives which cause it to have no effect if it is
compiled with a Microsoft compiler, or on the Macintosh.
If you use configure and make (see above), this should be handled
automatically for you.
For further information about the IASIO thiscall problem see this page:
Building the ASIO SDK on (Pre-OS X) Macintosh
To build the ASIO SDK on Macintosh you need to compile and link with the
following files from the ASIO SDK:
You may also need to adjust your include paths to support inclusion of
header files from the above directories.
(Pre-OS X) Macintosh ASIO SDK Bug Patch
There is a bug in the ASIO SDK that causes the Macintosh version to
often fail during initialization. Below is a patch that you can apply.
In codefragments.cpp replace getFrontProcessDirectory function with
the following one (GetFrontProcess replaced by GetCurrentProcess).
bool CodeFragments::getFrontProcessDirectory(void *specs)
FSSpec *fss = (FSSpec *)specs;
ProcessInfoRec pif;
ProcessSerialNumber psn;
// if(GetFrontProcess(&psn) == noErr) // wrong !!!
if(GetCurrentProcess(&psn) == noErr) // correct !!!
pif.processName = 0;
pif.processAppSpec = fss;
pif.processInfoLength = sizeof(ProcessInfoRec);
if(GetProcessInformation(&psn, &pif) == noErr)
return true;
return false;