import gradio as gr import google.generativeai as genai import os def chat_with_gemini(user_api_key, user_input, history): """ Generates a response from the Gemini API based on user input and conversation history, using the provided user API key or falling back on a default API key. Args: user_api_key (str): The user's Google Gemini API key (optional). user_input (str): The latest message from the user. history (list): The conversation history as a list of message pairs. Returns: tuple: The updated conversation history with the chatbot's reply. """ # Determine which API key to use api_key = user_api_key.strip() if user_api_key else os.getenv("YOUR_API_KEY") if not api_key: # If no API key is available, prompt the user history.append(["", "Please enter your Google Gemini API key to start the conversation."]) return history, history try: # Configure the Gemini API with the selected API key genai.configure(api_key=api_key) # Initialize the Gemini Generative Model model = genai.GenerativeModel("gemini-1.5-flash") # Generate a response from the Gemini API response = model.generate_content( user_input, generation_config=genai.GenerationConfig( max_output_tokens=2000, temperature=0.7 ) ) chatbot_reply = response.text.strip() # Append the user input and chatbot reply to the history as a single entry history.append([user_input, chatbot_reply]) return history, history except Exception as e: error_message = f"An error occurred: {e}" history.append(["", error_message]) return history, history with gr.Blocks() as iface: gr.Markdown(""" # Google Gemini Flash 1.5 Chatbot Welcome to the Google Gemini-powered chatbot! You can interact with the bot by typing your messages below. **API Key Setup:** - **Option 1:** Enter your own Google Gemini API key in the input field below. - **Option 2:** If you leave the API key field empty, the chatbot will use a default API key. > **Note:** Ensure that your API key is kept secure and do not share it publicly. """) with gr.Column(): # API Key Input Section with gr.Row(): api_key_input = gr.Textbox( label="Google Gemini API Key (Optional)", placeholder="Enter your API key here...", type="password", lines=1 ) # Chatbot Display chatbot = gr.Chatbot() # User Input Row with gr.Row(): user_input = gr.Textbox( placeholder="Type your message here...", show_label=False ) send_button = gr.Button("Send") # State to hold the conversation history history = gr.State([]) def respond(user_api_key, message, history_state): """ Handles the user message, generates a response using the provided or default API key, and updates the conversation history. Args: user_api_key (str): The user's API key (optional). message (str): The user's message. history_state (list): The current conversation history. Returns: tuple: Updated conversation history for display. """ updated_history, new_history = chat_with_gemini(user_api_key, message, history_state) return updated_history, new_history # Connect the send button and textbox submission to the respond function, inputs=[api_key_input, user_input, history], outputs=[chatbot, history]) user_input.submit(respond, inputs=[api_key_input, user_input, history], outputs=[chatbot, history]) if __name__ == "__main__": iface.launch()