File size: 11,709 Bytes
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import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from import tqdm
class ContextUnet(nn.Module):
def __init__(
self, in_channels, n_feat=256, n_cfeat=10, height=28
): # cfeat - context features
super(ContextUnet, self).__init__()
# number of input channels, number of intermediate feature maps and number of classes
self.in_channels = in_channels
self.n_feat = n_feat
self.n_cfeat = n_cfeat
self.h = height # assume h == w. must be divisible by 4, so 28,24,20,16...
# Initialize the initial convolutional layer
self.init_conv = ResidualConvBlock(in_channels, n_feat, is_res=True)
# Initialize the down-sampling path of the U-Net with two levels
self.down1 = UnetDown(n_feat, n_feat) # down1 #[10, 256, 8, 8]
self.down2 = UnetDown(n_feat, 2 * n_feat) # down2 #[10, 256, 4, 4]
# original: self.to_vec = nn.Sequential(nn.AvgPool2d(7), nn.GELU())
self.to_vec = nn.Sequential(nn.AvgPool2d((4)), nn.GELU())
# Embed the timestep and context labels with a one-layer fully connected neural network
self.timeembed1 = EmbedFC(1, 2 * n_feat)
self.timeembed2 = EmbedFC(1, 1 * n_feat)
self.contextembed1 = EmbedFC(n_cfeat, 2 * n_feat)
self.contextembed2 = EmbedFC(n_cfeat, 1 * n_feat)
# Initialize the up-sampling path of the U-Net with three levels
self.up0 = nn.Sequential(
2 * n_feat, 2 * n_feat, self.h // 4, self.h // 4
), # up-sample
nn.GroupNorm(8, 2 * n_feat), # normalize
self.up1 = UnetUp(4 * n_feat, n_feat)
self.up2 = UnetUp(2 * n_feat, n_feat)
# Initialize the final convolutional layers to map to the same number of channels as the input image
self.out = nn.Sequential(
2 * n_feat, n_feat, 3, 1, 1
), # reduce number of feature maps #in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0
nn.GroupNorm(8, n_feat), # normalize
n_feat, self.in_channels, 3, 1, 1
), # map to same number of channels as input
def forward(self, x, t, c=None):
x : (batch, n_feat, h, w) : input image
t : (batch, n_cfeat) : time step
c : (batch, n_classes) : context label
# x is the input image, c is the context label, t is the timestep, context_mask says which samples to block the context on
# pass the input image through the initial convolutional layer
x = self.init_conv(x)
# pass the result through the down-sampling path
down1 = self.down1(x) # [10, 256, 8, 8]
down2 = self.down2(down1) # [10, 256, 4, 4]
# convert the feature maps to a vector and apply an activation
hiddenvec = self.to_vec(down2)
# mask out context if context_mask == 1
if c is None:
c = torch.zeros(x.shape[0], self.n_cfeat).to(x)
# embed context and timestep
cemb1 = self.contextembed1(c).view(
-1, self.n_feat * 2, 1, 1
) # (batch, 2*n_feat, 1,1)
temb1 = self.timeembed1(t).view(-1, self.n_feat * 2, 1, 1)
cemb2 = self.contextembed2(c).view(-1, self.n_feat, 1, 1)
temb2 = self.timeembed2(t).view(-1, self.n_feat, 1, 1)
# print(f"uunet forward: cemb1 {cemb1.shape}. temb1 {temb1.shape}, cemb2 {cemb2.shape}. temb2 {temb2.shape}")
up1 = self.up0(hiddenvec)
up2 = self.up1(cemb1 * up1 + temb1, down2) # add and multiply embeddings
up3 = self.up2(cemb2 * up2 + temb2, down1)
out = self.out(, x), 1))
return out
class ResidualConvBlock(nn.Module):
def __init__(
self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, is_res: bool = False
) -> None:
# Check if input and output channels are the same for the residual connection
self.same_channels = in_channels == out_channels
# Flag for whether or not to use residual connection
self.is_res = is_res
# First convolutional layer
self.conv1 = nn.Sequential(
in_channels, out_channels, 3, 1, 1
), # 3x3 kernel with stride 1 and padding 1
nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channels), # Batch normalization
nn.GELU(), # GELU activation function
# Second convolutional layer
self.conv2 = nn.Sequential(
out_channels, out_channels, 3, 1, 1
), # 3x3 kernel with stride 1 and padding 1
nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channels), # Batch normalization
nn.GELU(), # GELU activation function
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
# If using residual connection
if self.is_res:
# Apply first convolutional layer
x1 = self.conv1(x)
# Apply second convolutional layer
x2 = self.conv2(x1)
# If input and output channels are the same, add residual connection directly
if self.same_channels:
out = x + x2
# If not, apply a 1x1 convolutional layer to match dimensions before adding residual connection
shortcut = nn.Conv2d(
x.shape[1], x2.shape[1], kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0
out = shortcut(x) + x2
# print(f"resconv forward: x {x.shape}, x1 {x1.shape}, x2 {x2.shape}, out {out.shape}")
# Normalize output tensor
return out / 1.414
# If not using residual connection, return output of second convolutional layer
x1 = self.conv1(x)
x2 = self.conv2(x1)
return x2
# Method to get the number of output channels for this block
def get_out_channels(self):
return self.conv2[0].out_channels
# Method to set the number of output channels for this block
def set_out_channels(self, out_channels):
self.conv1[0].out_channels = out_channels
self.conv2[0].in_channels = out_channels
self.conv2[0].out_channels = out_channels
class UnetUp(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels):
super(UnetUp, self).__init__()
# Create a list of layers for the upsampling block
# The block consists of a ConvTranspose2d layer for upsampling, followed by two ResidualConvBlock layers
layers = [
nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_channels, out_channels, 2, 2),
ResidualConvBlock(out_channels, out_channels),
ResidualConvBlock(out_channels, out_channels),
# Use the layers to create a sequential model
self.model = nn.Sequential(*layers)
def forward(self, x, skip):
# Concatenate the input tensor x with the skip connection tensor along the channel dimension
x =, skip), 1)
# Pass the concatenated tensor through the sequential model and return the output
x = self.model(x)
return x
class UnetDown(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels):
super(UnetDown, self).__init__()
# Create a list of layers for the downsampling block
# Each block consists of two ResidualConvBlock layers, followed by a MaxPool2d layer for downsampling
layers = [
ResidualConvBlock(in_channels, out_channels),
ResidualConvBlock(out_channels, out_channels),
# Use the layers to create a sequential model
self.model = nn.Sequential(*layers)
def forward(self, x):
# Pass the input through the sequential model and return the output
return self.model(x)
class EmbedFC(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_dim, emb_dim):
super(EmbedFC, self).__init__()
This class defines a generic one layer feed-forward neural network for embedding input data of
dimensionality input_dim to an embedding space of dimensionality emb_dim.
self.input_dim = input_dim
# define the layers for the network
layers = [
nn.Linear(input_dim, emb_dim),
nn.Linear(emb_dim, emb_dim),
# create a PyTorch sequential model consisting of the defined layers
self.model = nn.Sequential(*layers)
def forward(self, x):
# flatten the input tensor
x = x.view(-1, self.input_dim)
# apply the model layers to the flattened tensor
return self.model(x)
def unorm(x):
# unity norm. results in range of [0,1]
# assume x (h,w,3)
xmax = x.max((0, 1))
xmin = x.min((0, 1))
return (x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin)
def norm_all(store, n_t, n_s):
# runs unity norm on all timesteps of all samples
nstore = np.zeros_like(store)
for t in range(n_t):
for s in range(n_s):
nstore[t, s] = unorm(store[t, s])
return nstore
def norm_torch(x_all):
# runs unity norm on all timesteps of all samples
# input is (n_samples, 3,h,w), the torch image format
x = x_all.cpu().numpy()
xmax = x.max((2, 3))
xmin = x.min((2, 3))
xmax = np.expand_dims(xmax, (2, 3))
xmin = np.expand_dims(xmin, (2, 3))
nstore = (x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin)
return torch.from_numpy(nstore)
## diffusion functions
def setup_ddpm(beta1, beta2, timesteps, device):
# construct DDPM noise schedule and sampling functions
b_t = (beta2 - beta1) * torch.linspace(0, 1, timesteps + 1, device=device) + beta1
a_t = 1 - b_t
ab_t = torch.cumsum(a_t.log(), dim=0).exp()
ab_t[0] = 1
# helper function: perturbs an image to a specified noise level
def perturb_input(x, t, noise):
return (
ab_t.sqrt()[t, None, None, None] * x
+ (1 - ab_t[t, None, None, None]) * noise
# helper function; removes the predicted noise (but adds some noise back in to avoid collapse)
def _denoise_add_noise(x, t, pred_noise, z=None):
if z is None:
z = torch.randn_like(x)
noise = b_t.sqrt()[t] * z
mean = (x - pred_noise * ((1 - a_t[t]) / (1 - ab_t[t]).sqrt())) / a_t[t].sqrt()
return mean + noise
# sample with context using standard algorithm
# we make a change to the original algorithm to allow for context explicitely (the noises)
def sample_ddpm_context(nn_model, noises, context, save_rate=20):
# array to keep track of generated steps for plotting
intermediate = []
pbar = tqdm(range(timesteps, 0, -1), leave=False)
for i in pbar:
pbar.set_description(f"sampling timestep {i:3d}")
# reshape time tensor
t = torch.tensor([i / timesteps])[:, None, None, None].to(noises.device)
# sample some random noise to inject back in. For i = 1, don't add back in noise
z = torch.randn_like(noises) if i > 1 else 0
eps = nn_model(noises, t, c=context) # predict noise e_(x_t,t, ctx)
noises = _denoise_add_noise(noises, i, eps, z)
if i % save_rate == 0 or i == timesteps or i < 8:
intermediate = np.stack(intermediate)
return noises.clip(-1, 1), intermediate
return perturb_input, sample_ddpm_context