File size: 8,949 Bytes
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This is the main file of the app. This file contains the code for the streamlit app.
import time
import streamlit as st
from streamlit_chat import message
from job_description_generator import predict_job_description, get_job_description_conversation
from job_description_fixer import fix_job_description, get_job_description_fixer_conversation
from interview_questions_generator import (predict_interview_question,
from cover_letter_generator import get_cover_letter
conversation = get_job_description_conversation()
if 'generator_conversation' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['generator_conversation'] = conversation
fixer_conversation = get_job_description_fixer_conversation()
if 'fixer_conversation' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['fixer_conversation'] = fixer_conversation
interview_questions_conversation = get_interview_questions_conversation()
if 'interview_questions_conversation' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['interview_questions_conversation'] = interview_questions_conversation
def message_writer(input_text, response):
Writes the messages to the chat window.
messages = []
current_message = ""
current_is_user = True
for historical_message in response['history']:
if "human" in historical_message.lower():
messages.append([current_message, current_is_user])
current_message = historical_message.replace("Human:", "")
current_is_user = True
elif "JobGPT" in historical_message:
messages.append([current_message, current_is_user])
current_message = historical_message.replace("JobGPT:", "")
current_is_user = False
current_message = current_message + "\n" + historical_message
messages.append([current_message, current_is_user])
for message_to_send, is_user in messages:
if message_to_send.strip() != "":
message(message_to_send, is_user=is_user)
message(input_text, is_user=True)
message(response['prediction'], is_user=False)
return 0
def setup():
Streamlit related setup. This has to be run for each page.
hide_streamlit_style = """
#MainMenu {visibility: hidden;}
footer {visibility: hidden;}
st.markdown(hide_streamlit_style, unsafe_allow_html=True)
def main():
Main function of the app.
#create a sidebar where you can select your page
page = st.sidebar.selectbox(
"Select a page", ["Home",
"Job Description Generator",
"Job Description Fixer",
"Cover Letter Generator",
"interview questions generator"])
if page == "Home":
st.write("Select a page in the sidebar to get started.")
st.write("### Available options:")
st.write("1. Job Description Generator")
st.write("2. Job Description Fixer")
st.write("3. Cover Letter Generator")
st.write("4. Interview Questions Generator")
elif page == "Job Description Generator":
container_one = st.container()
container_one.title("A Job Description Generating Chatbot")
"JobGPT is a chatbot that generates job descriptions. \
This is built just for demo purpose."
input_text = container_one.text_input(
"Hi, can you please help me generate an unbiased job description?")
button = container_one.button("Send")
st.sidebar.markdown("Click on `new chat` to start a new chat. \
History will be cleared and you'll lose access to current chat."
clear_session = st.sidebar.button("New Chat")
if clear_session:
st.session_state['generator_conversation'] = conversation
initial_message = "Hello, how can I help you?"
if button:
response = predict_job_description(input_text,
message_writer(input_text, response)
elif page == "Job Description Fixer":
container_two = st.container()
container_two.title("A Job Description Fixing Chatbot")
"JobGPT is a chatbot that fixes job descriptions. This is built just for demo purpose."
input_text = container_two.text_area(
"Hi, can you please help me fix my job description? It's biased.")
button = container_two.button("Send")
st.sidebar.markdown("Click on `new chat` to start a new chat. \
History will be cleared and you'll lose access to current chat."
clear_session = st.sidebar.button("New Chat")
if clear_session:
st.session_state['fixer_conversation'] = fixer_conversation
initial_message = "Hello, how can I help you?"
if button:
response = fix_job_description(
input_text, st.session_state['fixer_conversation'])
message_writer(input_text, response)
elif page == "Cover Letter Generator":
container_three = st.container()
container_three.title("A Cover Letter Generating Chatbot")
container_three.markdown( "JobGPT is a chatbot that generates cover letters. \
This is built just for demo purpose.")
uploaded_file = container_three.file_uploader("Upload your resume", type=["pdf"])
if uploaded_file is not None:
with open("resume.pdf", "wb") as file_io:
with st.spinner('Uploading...'):
form = container_three.form(key='my_form')
title = form.text_input("Job Title (required)", placeholder="VP of Engineering")
company = form.text_input("Company Name (required)", placeholder="Google")
more_info = form.text_area("More Info",
help="Add more info about you or the job in natural language",
placeholder="I am a software engineer with 5 years of experience. The job focuses on building a new product in healthcare sector.")
submit_button = form.form_submit_button(label='Submit')
if submit_button:
if title == "":
st.error("Please enter a job title")
elif company == "":
st.error("Please enter a company name")
with st.spinner('Generating...'):
cover_letter = get_cover_letter(title, company, more_info, "resume.pdf")
container_three.markdown("### Cover Letter:")
elif page == "interview questions generator":
container_two = st.container()
container_two.title("A Interview Questions Generating Chatbot")
"JobGPT is a chatbot that generates interview questions.\
This is built just for demo purpose."
input_text = container_two.text_area(
"Hi, can you please help me generate interview questions?")
button = container_two.button("Send")
st.sidebar.markdown("Click on `new chat` to start a new chat. \
History will be cleared and you'll lose access to current chat."
clear_session = st.sidebar.button("New Chat")
if clear_session:
st.session_state['interview_questions_conversation'] = interview_questions_conversation
initial_message = "Hello, how can I help you?"
if button:
response = predict_interview_question(
input_text, st.session_state['interview_questions_conversation'])
message_writer(input_text, response)