import sys
import os
from pathlib import Path
import json
import shutil
import argparse
import csv
import torchaudio
from tqdm import tqdm
from datasets.arrow_writer import ArrowWriter
from model.utils import (
PRETRAINED_VOCAB_PATH = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "data/Emilia_ZH_EN_pinyin/vocab.txt"
def is_csv_wavs_format(input_dataset_dir):
fpath = Path(input_dataset_dir)
metadata = fpath / "metadata.csv"
wavs = fpath / "wavs"
return metadata.exists() and metadata.is_file() and wavs.exists() and wavs.is_dir()
def prepare_csv_wavs_dir(input_dir):
assert is_csv_wavs_format(input_dir), f"not csv_wavs format: {input_dir}"
input_dir = Path(input_dir)
metadata_path = input_dir / "metadata.csv"
audio_path_text_pairs = read_audio_text_pairs(metadata_path.as_posix())
sub_result, durations = [], []
vocab_set = set()
polyphone = True
for audio_path, text in audio_path_text_pairs:
if not Path(audio_path).exists():
print(f"audio {audio_path} not found, skipping")
audio_duration = get_audio_duration(audio_path)
text = convert_char_to_pinyin([text], polyphone=polyphone)[0]
sub_result.append({"audio_path": audio_path, "text": text, "duration": audio_duration})
return sub_result, durations, vocab_set
def get_audio_duration(audio_path):
audio, sample_rate = torchaudio.load(audio_path)
num_channels = audio.shape[0]
return audio.shape[1] / (sample_rate * num_channels)
def read_audio_text_pairs(csv_file_path):
audio_text_pairs = []
parent = Path(csv_file_path).parent
with open(csv_file_path, mode="r", newline="", encoding="utf-8") as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter="|")
for row in reader:
if len(row) >= 2:
audio_file = row[0].strip()
text = row[1].strip()
audio_file_path = parent / audio_file
audio_text_pairs.append((audio_file_path.as_posix(), text))
return audio_text_pairs
def save_prepped_dataset(out_dir, result, duration_list, text_vocab_set, is_finetune):
out_dir = Path(out_dir)
out_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
print(f"\nSaving to {out_dir} ...")
raw_arrow_path = out_dir / "raw.arrow"
with ArrowWriter(path=raw_arrow_path.as_posix(), writer_batch_size=1) as writer:
for line in tqdm(result, desc="Writing to raw.arrow ..."):
dur_json_path = out_dir / "duration.json"
with open(dur_json_path.as_posix(), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
json.dump({"duration": duration_list}, f, ensure_ascii=False)
voca_out_path = out_dir / "vocab.txt"
with open(voca_out_path.as_posix(), "w") as f:
for vocab in sorted(text_vocab_set):
f.write(vocab + "\n")
if is_finetune:
file_vocab_finetune = PRETRAINED_VOCAB_PATH.as_posix()
shutil.copy2(file_vocab_finetune, voca_out_path)
with open(voca_out_path, "w") as f:
for vocab in sorted(text_vocab_set):
f.write(vocab + "\n")
dataset_name = out_dir.stem
print(f"\nFor {dataset_name}, sample count: {len(result)}")
print(f"For {dataset_name}, vocab size is: {len(text_vocab_set)}")
print(f"For {dataset_name}, total {sum(duration_list)/3600:.2f} hours")
def prepare_and_save_set(inp_dir, out_dir, is_finetune: bool = True):
if is_finetune:
assert PRETRAINED_VOCAB_PATH.exists(), f"pretrained vocab.txt not found: {PRETRAINED_VOCAB_PATH}"
sub_result, durations, vocab_set = prepare_csv_wavs_dir(inp_dir)
save_prepped_dataset(out_dir, sub_result, durations, vocab_set, is_finetune)
def cli():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Prepare and save dataset.")
parser.add_argument("inp_dir", type=str, help="Input directory containing the data.")
parser.add_argument("out_dir", type=str, help="Output directory to save the prepared data.")
parser.add_argument("--pretrain", action="store_true", help="Enable for new pretrain, otherwise is a fine-tune")
args = parser.parse_args()
prepare_and_save_set(args.inp_dir, args.out_dir, is_finetune=not args.pretrain)
if __name__ == "__main__":